My Sassy "Crown Princess"

Chapter 96 flattery and disgust

Zheng whispered, "you said before, you want to be with me all the time and never part."

Mo Yi said impatiently, "I was so old at that time. How can I take what I said seriously? Even if I take it seriously, when couples say they want to get married, there are many quarrels. Besides, we are not lovers at all."

Zheng looked at Mo Yi. He was worried and didn't know what to say.

Mo Yi shakes his sleeve and walks forward. Zheng comes up again.

Mo Yi turned around impatiently and said, "I said," don't follow me any more. Can't you understand people's words? I warn you, you follow me again, I am not polite to you. "

Zheng looked at Mo Yi pleasantly and said in a low voice, "little seven, don't be angry. Can I catch fish for you? I can catch fish now."

"I don't need you to catch fish for me. If you want to eat fish, I will catch it myself." Don't be angry.

Zheng rubbed his hands and looked at Mo Yi expectantly. "Then what do you want to eat? I'll find it for you."

Don't stare at Zheng, "no, you get out of here. Get out of here."

Zheng bit his lips and made up his mind to follow Mo Yi.

Don't look at Zheng, who is like brown sugar. He's very upset. He can't beat him. He can't scold him. He can't shake him. Don't know what to say about Zheng. He didn't know before. Zheng is such a cheeky person.

Zheng knew Mo Yi was angry, but he was reluctant to leave. He followed Mo Yi step by step.

As night fell, Zheng lit several bonfires by the lake.

Mo Yiman is sitting beside the campfire. Zheng turns his head from time to time and looks at Mo Yi. Although Mo Yi's face is covered by the grimace, Zheng can still see that he is in a bad mood.

Zheng politely handed Mo Yi a grilled fish in his hand. "Xiaoqi, here you are."

Mo Yi looks at Zheng coldly. In the night, Mo Yi's color is extremely cold. Zheng is wronged by Mo Yi.

"Little seven, do you remember that before, you caught a chicken in the secret place of Qianlong......" Zheng tried to break the silence.

"Remember, I managed to catch a chicken and give it to you to deal with. As a result, you didn't even pluck your hair, you didn't pull out your internal organs, and you roasted it on the fire directly. It's too bad to eat. Most of the chickens are wasted. Zheng, you don't need to remind me again and again how stupid you are when you are in the secret place. I know how stupid you are." Don't be angry.

"At that time, I caused you a lot of trouble. Once, you almost killed you and were bitten by a snake. You didn't dislike me." Zheng lowered his head, a little lonely.

"I have no choice. After all, people are gregarious animals. It's such a big secret place. A person is too lonely. Every day someone dies. I don't know when it's my turn. I always have to find a support. At that time, I don't know how you look like." Mo Yiman looks at Zheng Dao with disgust.

Zheng bit his lips and looked at Mo Yi wrongfully. "I don't have Yin Feiquan, OK?"

Mo yidisdains the way: "you are so ugly. How can you compare with Yin Feiquan?"

Zheng was disappointed and lowered his head. Half a time later, Zheng said happily, "if not, I'll go to have a facelift like Yin Feiquan."

Mo Yiman looked at Zheng speechlessly and said, "whatever you like, don't be more and more ugly."

Zheng saw that Mo was angry, and knew that plastic surgery might not work.

Zheng qiangqi, full of enthusiasm, said, "would you like a bite of fish? Before you said you like to eat fish, I've been looking forward to baking fish for you one day." After coming out of the secret place, he also asked the chef how to make the fish delicious.

Mo took the fish, ate it, and threw it into the fire. "It's terrible."

Zheng looked at the grilled fish in the fire, and felt that his heart had been thrown into the fire and baked over and over.

Looking at Zheng's sad look and heart ache, Mo thought that he was heartache for this guy. Mo felt that he had a problem with his brain, and he was sullen.

Zheng adjusted his mood and said, "Xiao Qi, you are also a player in the top 100 competition. Which college do you represent? What's your name now?"

"Why do you ask?" Asked Mo coldly.

Zheng looked at Mo Yi and said, "when I get out, I will go to see you."

"No, I don't want to get involved with you." Don't be sure.

Don't look up and leave.

"Where are you going?" Zheng stood up and stopped Mo Yi.

Mo Yishou attacks Zheng. Zheng doesn't expect Mo Yishou to make a sudden move. He is shocked.

Zheng didn't dare to tie his hands and feet to mo. he just defended passively and was beaten several times by mo.

Don't kick Zheng one by one, "why don't you hide? You've been hiding."

Zheng blinked and looked at Mo Yi. Some of the dog legs said, "you'd better be angry."

"You don't have to pretend. I don't want to eat your way." Don't look at Zheng with a gnash of teeth. He is merciless.

In the face of Mo Yifeng's general attack, Zheng had to stop it slightly.

"Well!" Mo a stuffy hum, cover the shoulder to retreat.

When hearing Mo Yi's groaning, Zheng was shocked and panicked: "little seven, what's the matter with you? I didn't lay down my hand!"

Yesterday suffered a heavy injury, and did not have time to recuperate the wound finally burst open, blood from the shoulder out.

Mo Yi covers the wound and sits on the ground.

"You're hurt." Zheng is eager to come over and see Mo Yi's wound.

"Go away." Mo Yiman looks at Zheng with hatred.

What did Zheng suddenly think of? He suddenly woke up like a dream. "It was you who went to Xu's house to kill Xiao Mei yesterday?"

Mo yipuckered his lips, covered his wound and breathed air directly. He didn't answer Zheng's words, but Zheng did.

Zheng's fingernails are embedded in the palm of his hand. His face is frightened. My God! What did he do? He actually Zheng couldn't help but despair.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you..."

No wonder, no wonder when the knife is inserted into the other's shoulder, he will have an induction. They respectively absorb the twin water and fire spirit beads born in the ice fire pool, so there will be some wonderful connections.

Don't look away from Zheng.

Zheng was so worried that he scratched his face and said, "are you ok?"

Mo Yiwu covers the wound and looks at Zheng. He is silent for a while and says, "I see a piece of ice blue flower on the way. Go and pick some for me."

Ice blue flower has a healing effect on the wound caused by fire attribute source force.

When Zheng heard Mo Yi's words, he nodded in a flattered and frightened way, and said without hesitation, "I'll go right away. Wait for me, and I'll be back soon."

Mo sees Zheng leave, drags the injured body, quickly left the spot.

When Zheng saw the ice blue flowers, he was very happy. However, Zheng suddenly thought of something. His face changed. He picked a handful of ice blue flowers and rushed back to the place where he came.

Zheng's bad premonition became stronger and stronger. When he returned to the original place, he found that there was no one left.

Zheng bit his lips, and there was an inexplicable disappointment and grievance in his heart. All the ice blue flowers in his hand fell to the ground.

Zheng took a deep breath and thumped his head. He knew that Xiao Qi was so hostile to him that he suddenly asked him for help. Xiao Qi just wanted to get rid of him.

Zheng scratched his head impatiently, braced himself, and followed the clues to find the past.

"Zheng." A voice of surprise rang.

Zheng raised his head and looked at the comer. He frowned. The comer was Wu Shangyong, a student of canglan students. He was warlike and crazy. He hated to challenge experts.

"Zheng, let's have a competition." Wu Shangyong is excited.

"I'm going to look for Xiao Qi. If you're not free, you can find someone else to compare." Zheng man is resisting the tunnel.

Wu Shangyong smiled smugly, "are you afraid of me? If you are afraid of me, you should hand in your ID card wisely. "

Zheng glanced at Wu Shangyong lightly. He didn't have time to break with him, so he took out his identity card and threw it at him.

Wu Shangyong looks at Zheng's crisp hand over of his identity card, and looks at him strangely.

"Are you Zheng? It won't be faked by others, will it? " Wu Shangyong's tone is eccentric.

Zheng looked at Wu Shangyong impatiently. "Are you finished? Get out of the way quickly?"

Wu Shangyong proudly reveals two small tiger teeth. "I won't let him today."

Zheng clenched his fist, his eyes became bleak and his whole body was burning.

As soon as Wu Shangyong's face changed, he thought Zheng had been hurt. He was in a hurry to get out, so he left his identity card to him. As a result, there was nothing else.

When Wu Shangyong took the road, Zheng's suppressed anger finally burst out. Zheng's tone was cold and his eyes were cruel: "you want to go now, you can't go!"

The overwhelming fire rushed towards Wu Shangyong. Wu Shangyong hurriedly ran the source force to stop it.

A metal wall was erected in front of Wu Shangyong. The roaring fire dragon circled the metal wall. The metal wall was immediately burned into a pool of molten iron.

Wu Shangyong's face is pale. His belligerence does not mean that he is not afraid of death. Seeing Zheng's ferocity, he immediately wants to escape, but Zheng does not give up.

Wu Shangyong was scared out of his wits. He heard that Zheng was powerful, but he was a little rigid. When fighting, he would not embarrass his opponent too much. Wu Shangyong was sweating all over. He thought those rumors were just farting.

Looking at the fire dragon coming towards him, like the fire dragon trying to burn him to ashes, Wu Shangyong had to crush his transmission talisman.

Zheng watched Wu Shangyong disappear in front of him, his anger could not go up.

"Who is there, come out." Zheng Lengleng tunnel.

Two women's Colleges of Feixue college came out of the dark.

Zheng's eyes looked at the two beauties coldly. "Did you see a person with a grimace appear."

the two female students shook their heads busily. "No."

Zheng said angrily, "I don't see. What are you doing here?"

Two female cadets fled in fear.