My Sassy "Crown Princess"

Chapter 98 Su Rong and Zheng

Zheng looked around from time to time. Li Jia, a student in front of Zheng, saw Zheng coming. She was annoyed at her misfortune. She met Zheng again and again.

"Mr. Zheng, I really don't see a man wearing a mask of grimaces and flowers with a wound on his left shoulder." Before Zheng could speak, Li Jia answered wisely.

When Zheng heard Li Jia's words, he said angrily, "Why are you so useless! &Li Jia lowered her head and thought, "it doesn't seem that it's much to do with seeing people or not.".

Li Jia said innocently, "don't blame me for being talkative, Mr. Zheng. No one will run around in the daytime with a face mask.

ā€¯Zheng's eyes brightened silently, grasping Li Jia's shoulder and shaking fiercely, "you are right."

Li Jia is bound by Zheng Dali. She only feels that her shoulder is going to be crushed by Zheng. Li Jia has the words of suffering. Fortunately, Zheng shakes and lets him go.

Zheng suddenly understood that Xiaoqi didn't want to let him know his identity when he was wearing the mask. After leaving him, he would not wear the mask.

"Thank you." Zheng said suddenly.

Ricardon was flattered. "You are welcome, Mr. Zheng."

Zheng said something to himself and left in a daze.

When Li Jia saw Zheng leave, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Zheng frowned and walked on the road. Although he thought Xiao Qi had removed his mask, Zheng still didn't know how to find someone.

Zheng sighed and ran about in the forest.

A strong fragrance of bright orchids came to Zheng. He saw a tall bright orchid tree. The big blue flowers on the tree were very gorgeous.

A young man sits leisurely on the branch of the orchid and leans against the tree for a rest. The hair of the young man in the wind is slightly undulating, and the figure of the young man against the wind is ethereal.

The young man lowered his head. Zheng was a little surprised and murmured, "Mo Yi."

Mo a faint smile, raised his right hand, countless water arrows shot into the sky, dozens of birds in the sky were shot by water arrows, and immediately exploded.

The broken meat and blood fall together. Zheng Leng is shocked for a while. He is splashed with a lot of blood. Many of the broken meat also falls on Zheng's hair and clothes.

Mo Yi lowers his head and smiles, "I'm so sorry! Zheng Xuechang, I didn't see you, splashed your whole body's blood. I'm really sorry. "

Don't say that, but there is no regret in your heart.

Zheng black face, secretly way: say what didn't see, Mo Yi is simply opening his eyes to say a lie, this guy clearly saw him just to make a move, clearly is intentional.

"It doesn't matter." Zheng light tunnel.

Mo Yi shrugged and said, "it's ok if you don't mind

Don't hold on to the tree, stand on the thick branch, smile like a flower, pour out the country and the city.

Zheng stood under the tree, covered in blood, with pieces of meat hanging on his body. How could he look embarrassed.

Zheng stared at Mo Yi, and some doubts flashed in his eyes.

Mo Yi looks at Zheng for a few eyes, sighs deeply in his heart, taps the branch lightly on his tiptoe, jumps to another tree, and leaves at full speed.

Zheng looked at Mo Yi's back. He lost everything in his heart.

Don't close your eyes and say in secret: Zheng, if you can recognize me at the first time, it means that our fate is not over. Otherwise, it is doomed that we have no fate.

Zheng stood under the tree for a while, suddenly thought of what, but Mo disappeared in the morning, Zheng hurried to catch up.

"Zheng." Su Rong can't help grinning when she sees Zheng coming in.

Zheng's action has been spread among a group of students for a long time. Now most of the students who have entered the final know that Zheng seems to have lost his mind. What's the matter? He only knows to find a person called Xiaoqi. There is no Xiaoqi in the secret place, OK?

When Zheng saw Su Rong, he immediately jumped over and grabbed her arm.

Su Rong was immediately frightened by the bright smile on Zheng's face, and secretly said: Zheng's head is really out of order.

"What do you want me to do? Let go." Su Rong was disgusted.

Zheng released his hand and said, "Su Rong, I have something to ask you."

Su Rong finished his sleeves and asked, "do you want to ask me if I have seen a man wearing a face mask? I haven't seen him."

Zheng shook his head and said, "I'm not going to ask you this. I'm going to ask you how old he is this year, who are his parents, what he was doing when he was about 12 years old..."

Su Rong's face is getting worse and worse when he listens to Zheng!

Su Rong punched Zheng in the face and said, "Zheng, you bastard."

Zheng caught Su Rong's fist and insisted: "you haven't told me yet! &"Tell you what I'm doing to tell you about my lover," Su Rong said with an angry smile

Zheng frowned and said, "are you lovers? &Amp; quote;

"of course it is." Su Rong's face was sinister and his voice was full of spirit, but there was a little guilty in his heart.

Zheng grinds his teeth and stares at Su Rong. "You lied to me."

"Lie to you? Why should I lie to you? I'm the third prince's close friend. Mo Yi is the third prince's close friend. If we get married, we'll get married. " Su Rong is a little proud.

"Nonsense!" Zheng stares at Su Rong.

Su Rong looks at Zheng in some confusion, "Zheng, you are really strange! What kind of relationship do you have? Your fiancee is Xu Zihan. You look like this. I don't know. I thought you were fiancee! "

Zheng bit his teeth and said in a low voice, "he may be my fiancee. We may have been mutually determined for life before."

Su Rong looked at Zheng angrily and said, "Zheng, if you talk nonsense and slander 11's reputation, I will fight with you."

Zheng insisted: "what I said is true."

Su Rong can't help bursting out, and no matter how hard he has fought, he blows his fist on Zheng's face.

Both of them did not use the source force, but they were fighting with fists and hands. They attacked each other as savagely as wild animals, and they had a kind of immortal posture.

When Loufeng and other students came, Su Rong and Zheng had already beaten their heads.

"What are you doing?" Asked Lou Feng in bewilderment.

Su Rong's mouth was beaten, Zheng's eyes were bruised, and their clothes were tattered.

Seeing several people coming, Su Rong and Zheng lived at the same time.

"Be careful what you say. You will go mad if you are mad. Don't talk about other people. If you get involved with other people, I will find someone to sleep with Xu Zihan!" Su Rong is furious.

Loufeng and others look at Su Rong accidentally. They all think Zheng should be furious when he hears Su Rong's words. However, things don't follow the way they want.

Zheng looked at Su Rong calmly and said, "whatever you want! &Amp; quot; Su Rong stares at Zheng with unbelievable eyes. He is not Zheng! This thousand year old love fool, is it going to turn?

Not only Su Rong is surprised, but also Lou Feng and others can't get back to God.

Su Rong stared at Zheng and said solemnly, "I'm serious. I really found someone to sleep with Xu Zihan."

Su Rong was afraid that Zheng would not listen to Chu, so he added some points to Xu Zihan's words.

Zheng calmly looked at Su Rong and said, "I say, whatever you like."

Su Rong:

"Are you ill?" Asked Su ronghei with a face.

Zheng saw nothing and turned away.

Su Rong watched Zheng leave and couldn't help holding his breath.

Lou Feng watched Zheng leave, his eyes tightly shrunk.

"Su Rong, what happened to Zheng!" Asked Lou Feng.

Su Rong shook his head and said with disgust, "how can I know that I was crazy about Xu Zihan at that time, but now I am crazy again. I don't like it. Who knows what he wants to do?"

Lou Feng frowns. He has heard about Zheng. The key to the problem lies in the person Zheng is looking for.

"One by one, I see you at last." Su Rong was surprised to see the familiar people in front of him and ran excitedly.

When Mo saw Su Rong, who was a little silly, he said, "it's you! &Looking at the fragrant roasted chicken, Su Rong was a little jealous and said, "one, you are so leisurely. There is still time for roasted chicken to eat." He was ordered by his tutor to break into the top ten. His time was precious. He could only eat two fruits when he was hungry.

Mo Yi said in a light way, "it's also idle anyway."

Su Rong twitches at the corners of his mouth. If the teacher knows what Mo Yi has done in the competition, he will spit out blood angrily.

Mo smiled and said, "do you want to eat? &Amp; quot;

Su Rong nodded at once, "yes."

Mo Yi pulls two chicken wings to Su Rong. Su Rong hasn't tasted meat for a long time. He eats it with relish.

"One by one! If you see Zheng, stay away from him. " Su Rong asked.

"Why?" Don't ask curiously.

Su Rong shook his head and said, "I don't know if his head is broken. Suddenly, he came to me and asked me how old you are this year, who are your parents, what you are doing when you are about 12 years old, and what's more, you know what it is. He said that you and him have been mutually determined for life. This guy is suffering from paranoia."

Mo Yihang Su Rong and asks, "what did he say? &Amp; quot;

Su Rong nodded and said, "yes! The whole psychopath. "

Mo Yi smiled and said, "since you know he's insane, what do you do with him? &Su Rong nodded and said, "you are right. Don't pay attention to him."