Ultimate Intelligence

v4 Chapter 1200: Sorrow of inheritance

The conversation between Qin En and Qin Ye lasted for a long time. Of course, Du Cheng also listened for a long time.

Only what Qin En and Qin Ye said next time are all about the things after going to Kunlun this time. From these things, Du Cheng only knows the relationship between Qin En and Qingcheng Jianzong, but he has not heard anything else. Useful news.

But this is enough, at least Du Cheng has already understood something.

As for this Qin En, he actually has an identity, that is, the son of an elder of Qingcheng Jianzong. As for the elder, it must be about a hundred years old.

Qin En did not explain the white, so Du Cheng did not know why the other party should send his son to Hunchun Gate.

However, the comprehensive Qin En and Qin Ye said, Du Cheng knows that this arrangement is probably related to the annexation of Chunchunmen.

If this time is not for him to come, if Qin industry goes to the League and succeeds in taking the position of protecting the law, I am afraid that the plan of Qin En and his son will really succeed. By then, Qin En and Qin Ye are the fathers and sons. The reputation in Chunmen is sure to be greatly enhanced, and as the best disciple of the current Chunchunmen talent, Qinye is undoubtedly the best candidate to take over the position of the gatekeeper.

This is probably the reason why Peng Yuhua was forced to leave. All of them are probably designed by the other side.

After all, if there is Peng Yuhua, Qin industry has no chance to compete for the position of the door.

It is a pity that this plan of Qin En and Qin Ye and his son was destroyed by his Du Chengjin.

However, from the dialogue between Qin En and Qin Ye and his son, Du Cheng also knows some more important news.

It seems that Qingcheng Jianzong did not stop the chess pieces in Hunchunmen. It seems that the other important sects are also the same.

If this is the case, then this time the alliance of the martial arts alliance, I am afraid that the purpose of the Qingcheng Jianzong is somewhat different. For a sect of the lord of the Alliance, it seems that the greater ambition is unified.

Wu Meng is unified, which is undoubtedly more prestige than a co-owner.

Moreover, Qingcheng Jianzong is still a sect of the WTO, and it has a deep relationship with the secular power and gambling wealth. Obviously, the ambition of Qingcheng Jianzong should not be too big.

"It seems that this trip to Kunlun should be more interesting."

Thinking of this, Du Cheng’s mouth still raised a faint smile.

He came to participate in this Qianqiu Wumeng League. In addition to helping Chunchunmen, he wanted to see Chinese traditional martial arts and the mysterious parts of the hidden sects. Now, it seems that he can not only see these, You can also see internal disputes in this field.

Unfortunately, this kind of internal struggle is still a kind of sorrow.

When martial arts gradually weakened, these sectarian sects did not plan to develop martial arts, but instead struggled in the nest.

If you continue to develop in this form, I am afraid that in the near future, Chinese martial arts will truly disappear into the world, and the time left is the so-called four martial arts, or the kind of martial arts. Martial arts.

Du Cheng is not the kind of man who has been appointed to the world, but in the face of this situation, his heart still sighs deeply.

I am afraid that it is impossible to revitalize Chinese martial arts, unless someone is willing to stand up.

It’s just this person, it doesn’t seem to be him.


"Du Cheng, where have you been?"

When Du Cheng came back from the top of the mountain, the time was already a little late, the setting sun had already set off, and the night of the night was gradually covering the entire Hunchun Gate.

There is only one wire here at Hunchun Gate. Therefore, the highest wattage of the light bulb is hung on the highest wooden building in the middle of the martial art, and the whole martial art is barely illuminated.

Peng Yuhua is looking for Du Cheng, dinner is already ready, but she has not found the trace of Du Cheng in the whole martial art. If she is not confident about Du Cheng’s strength, I am afraid that Du Cheng is not Qin En and Qin Yi were harmed.

"Going to the top of the mountain and taking a walk. The scenery here is quite good, but it is a good place to support the elderly." Du Cheng smiled slightly, he did not say the conversation he had overheard, and he did not want to put it before he reached a conclusion. This incident told Peng Yuhua that she was worried.

Listening to Du Cheng, Peng Yuhua is very happy to say: "As long as you will get used to it, if you like it, if you wait for us to be old, you can come back here for some time."

In fact, she is afraid that Du Cheng will live habitually. After all, compared to Yi Ning, the environment of Hunchunmen is almost the same as that of refugees.

Fortunately, Peng Yuhua knows that Du Cheng is a child out of the poor, and the children who are generally poor are not too picky in this respect.

"Well, when we are old, we will play everywhere and stay everywhere." Du Cheng did not say that he was old, that is, they are enjoying the world to enjoy life.

Peng Yuhua nodded, and then said: "Well, let's go eat first, rest early in the evening, and go to Kunlun tomorrow."


Du Cheng should have heard me, and then walked with Peng Yuhua to the canteen of Hunchunmen.

The evening of Quchunmen is a martial art, so the food of the whole martial art is gathered together. There is a separate wooden building as a canteen. Usually, the whole sectarians will gather in this large dining hall for dining.

Du Cheng is a native, and Ling Yin did not deliberately entertain because of the arrival of Du Cheng, because Du Cheng’s current status is a disciple of Quchunmen, not a VIP. If it is too unusual, it will certainly cause doubts. of.

As for the food, it is undoubtedly very simple. Basically, the table is the vegetable that Hunchunmen has grown, and the fish and shrimp caught from the river. As for the meat, it is basically rare.

Usually only when the martial art organizes hunting, this will see some game on the table.

Ling Yin was also worried that Du Cheng was not used to eating. From the fact that Du Cheng had a private jet, she knew that Du Cheng was definitely very rich. Therefore, she had been waiting for her to see Du Cheng’s appetite. After eating two bowls of rice, I was relieved.

After the dinner, Peng Yuhua chatted with her master. Du Cheng was interested in practicing Wing Chun when the disciples in the middle of the martial art.

However, Du Cheng’s interest did not last long. As Peng Yuhua said, the fault of Qichunmen is undoubtedly very serious. Among the dozens of young disciples in the battlefield, he has a better talent. Did not see.

Although the disciples have been bitterly trained, but under the limits of their talents, the strength of their lives may be difficult to improve.

Of course, if they can practice Du Cheng's simple version of the practice as a member of the elite group, it is also an opportunity to break through the limits.

It’s a pity that even if it’s a simple version of the practice, Du Cheng will not make it truly open. Until now, only members of the elite group have had the opportunity to practice it, and the rest of the practitioners are basically Du Cheng is a very important person.

So, after watching it for a while, Du Cheng went back to the room.

Basically, there is no need to want any nightlife. Calm is the theme here. Fortunately, Du Cheng belongs to the type that does not like nightlife. The unique quietness here is still very good for him.

Peng Yuhua came back late, and when she came back, she had more than twenty train tickets on her hand.

"Du Cheng, do you have any money on your body?"

This was just entering the door, and Peng Yuhua quickly asked Du Cheng.

There are cards on her body, and there are no problems in brushing hundreds of millions of billions. However, she doesn’t have much cash on her body. She uses very little money. When it is basically useful, it is directly swiped. The habit of putting cash.

Therefore, the purchase of these train tickets can only be found in Du Cheng.

"This,,,, I have no money on my body..."

Du Cheng is speechless. There is really no money on his body. There are hundreds of pieces, but it is difficult to have more.

After all, if there is too much money in the wallet, it will become very big. It will be more conspicuous on the body, and usually he basically has no need to use money. It can be said that the cash he puts on him is basically When there are no more than a thousand, there are occasional exceptions.

Peng Yuhua is not unexpected, but some regrettable said: "That can only be said tomorrow, I also intend to give money to my master first, and then go to the bank tomorrow to take it..."

"Get it tomorrow, almost sleep, and we have to get up early to get to the airport tomorrow..."

Du Cheng did not say anything more about this matter, but pointed out that the wooden bed with a width of only about one meter and five said.

This room was originally used by Peng Yuhua at the time of the martial art. However, except for the room, everything in it has basically been replaced. After all, Peng Yuhua has not returned for a long time, and she has left the sect. Now, it is also a few years.


Listening to Du Cheng, Peng Yuhua was a pretty face, but she nodded and then walked toward the bed.


The night receded, the next day was only five o'clock in the morning, basically everyone in Wing Chunmen got up.

The martial arts people generally started earlier. In comparison, Du Cheng and Peng Yu spent a little late. After all, they were not at home. In the morning, they would basically get up late without exercise. of.

While waiting for his simple breakfast with Peng Yuhua, everyone who went to Kunlun on this trip was already waiting in the martial art hall.

Because they want to go out, everyone except Lingyin basically wears out the clothes that they can best take. Even Qin En is put on a pair of Chinese tunic suits, while Qinye is changing. I got a suit, but the style is a bit old.

This time, the nature of the lead is Lingyin. Like this grand occasion, the leader of Lingyin is indispensable.

If it is not the conditions of the martial art, and the limited number of private planes in Du Cheng, Lingyin actually wants to bring some disciples to participate in this alliance.

Participating in this kind of alliance can allow disciples to increase their knowledge, and even let them open their eyes. It is possible to make unexpected breakthroughs.

Seeing Du Cheng's arrival, the people of Qin En's school are naturally very uncomfortable, but the strength of Du Cheng is there, they can only look at each other, but they dare not know about Du Cheng.

Ling Yin took a look at Du Cheng and Peng Yuhua, and then said: "Well, everyone is here, do you have something to sort out? If not, we will leave."

"lets go."

Qin En said, his deputy doorkeeper still needs to make a few noises, and can not let others ignore his existence.

Du Cheng and Peng Yuhua were not surprised. After everyone agreed, the group went out of the hall.

The army that met the martial art was about to leave. Many of the disciples ran up to see the flight. Everyone was very eager to see that Chunchunmen could shine in this time, and then hold the position of the law-protection.

Ling Yin and his party also waved and said goodbye. Then, a group of 20 people walked directly away from the mountains. Twenty people walked between the mountains, but they had a feeling of mightyness.

However, this walk is a long time to go, because there is no vehicle, and it is difficult to call the car here, so the pedestrian will walk directly to the city.

Du Cheng originally wanted to send a few cars directly to the military area, but in the end he thought he would give up.

After all, they are used to this kind of hard life. This style will continue to be better. The quality of life will make people inert. For a sect, this is undoubtedly bad. Seedlings.

Since the place where Hunchun Gate was located was far from the distance in the city, it took a few hours for the group to come to the city.

This is still not necessary to take the train. If you want to take the train, I am afraid that the pedestrians will get up at two or three in the morning to get on the road.

"Door, are we not going to the train station, why are you walking here?"

Seeing that Ling Yin actually led the team toward the direction of the airport, Qin En obviously had some incomprehensible questions.

Although he rarely goes out, he is still very familiar with the situation in the city.

The train station is connected to the long-distance station, and the airport is a separate place, not far from their eyes, much closer than the train station.

"This time we are flying, we don't have to take the train." Lingyin didn't tell them before, because it didn't seem to be necessary. Anyway, it would naturally be known after arriving at the place. It would be no good to say it in advance.

Now Qin En immediately asked, and she had to answer it truthfully.

"What, fly?"

Qin En apparently could not imagine, not only did he not believe it, but the rest of the Qin industry and the sects of the martial art were all looking surprised at Lingyin.

Among them, there have been very few people who have traveled far away, and they have only taken the train at most. Even Qin En, who is second only to Lingyin, has not been on a plane.

Ling Yin directly pointed to Du Cheng, saying: "It is Du Cheng's private jet and will send us directly to Qinghai."

Listening to Ling Yin said, Qin En, they are almost dumbfounded.

They were surprised by the plane, but Lingyin said that Du Cheng had a private jet, which made Qin En somewhat unimaginable, and let them look at Du Cheng’s eyes full of weirdness.

Du Cheng is very rich, this is their first thought at the moment.

Being able to own a private jet, I am afraid that hundreds of millions of net worth are impossible. Hundreds of millions of them are basically astronomical astronomical figures for those in Wing Chun Men, which they can't imagine.

"This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the airport and talk about it." Ling Yin is very indifferent, because she was not the first time to fly. When Peng Yuhua asked her to go to Beijing, she had already taken a plane.

So after that, she led the team to walk again in the direction of the airport.

A few hours of walking didn't make everyone feel tired. Instead, the excitement of the next flight made everyone full of hope.

However, Qin En, they looked at Du Cheng's eyes but there are some more weird, of course, more, or embarrassing.

Du Cheng simply didn't want to pay attention to them. He was very lucky for the location of the airport. Fortunately, the airport is here. Otherwise, in the case of a big city such as Nanjing, if the airport is in other places, I am afraid they It’s going to take a few hours~www.novelhall.com~ and with Du Cheng’s leadership, after the airport, they basically don’t need to check what they are. The group went directly through the P-pass and entered the airport. Inside the apron.

Du Cheng’s opening this time is the first day of the month, which is almost ready to retire. He originally planned to carry everyone to Qinghai, so the first and second days of the month are undoubtedly the best choice, and now the sun and the moon The contents of the room have been removed, and almost this time after going back, you can directly send the Sun and Moon No. 1 to the military.

Seeing Du Cheng's private jet, in addition to Ling Yin, the leader of the school and the deliberately calm Qin En, the rest of the sectarian elders and disciples are very curious and excited.

However, after entering the plane, they all sat on the sofa in a very regular manner. In addition to the low-pitched conversation, they kept looking at the luxurious decoration and layout within the plane.

Du Cheng went directly to the cockpit as the captain, and Peng Yuhua was full of the vice captain, and chatted with Lingyin in the hall.

After waiting for everyone to sit down, Du Cheng started the plane directly and then quickly flew into the sky. ()