Ultimate Intelligence

v4 Chapter 1201: humiliation

When they were on the plane, perhaps Qin En could still maintain a steady state of mind. After all, they and Du Cheng were not at all correct, and did not want to express their own grievances in front of Du Cheng.

However, the disciples of Lingyin have no scruples. There is a rule in Hunchunmen. The master and the deputy must have a man and a woman. The male manages the male disciple, and the female manages the female disciple. Therefore, Lingyin The disciples here are all women, but they are only aged from twenty to seven or eighty.

These disciples and elders were very curious to look at the decoration inside the plane, and then looked out the clouds through the window.

"Wow, is this the plane, so fast..."

"It’s really fast, the city is gone in a blink of an eye, it’s too scary...”


The sound of the road kept ringing, especially the younger female disciples. They didn't need to worry about anything at all, and even the voice of amazement was much bigger.

Lingyin also sat next to the window and looked at the clouds that had quickly passed away. Her heart was full of surprises.

When she remembered that she used to fly, the speed seemed to be not so exaggerated. For her martial arts people, the sense of this aspect is undoubtedly very obvious. She is almost certain that the plane is faster than she used to be. The plane must be at least several times faster.

However, she is the master of the faction after all, and these things will naturally not be manifested.

The speed of the plane is very fast, but less than twenty minutes later, the plane has landed directly at the international airport in Qinghai.

"Hey, this is here?"

While waiting for the plane to land, Lingyin was very surprised to ask Peng Yuhua.

It’s only ten minutes from the time of the flight to the present. The speed of such a horror is beyond the expectations of Lingyin.

If you take the train, it will take a day or so to get to Qinghai, but now it takes less than twenty minutes. This gap is too fast.

Not only Lingyin thought so, but even Qin En, they were also shocked to see Peng Yuhua.

They also didn't think that the speed of the plane would be so fast, as if they had just got on the plane, they had already arrived at the destination.

"Yeah, Master, Du Cheng is faster than an ordinary plane." Peng Yuhua responded and did not explain anything.

Du Cheng’s aircraft used the military’s top technology. Of course, this is the second time. Now the five private planes that Du Cheng has customized are the essence of true technology, in any aspect. To surpass the number one on this day.

"It turns out that, let's go on, Qingcheng Jianzong should have arranged for the reception staff to wait for us at the airport."

She has participated in four league meetings. In the past few times, Qingcheng Jianzong had arranged personnel to receive the reception. However, the place where the previous reception was was the railway station or the long-distance bus station. There will be people from Qingcheng Jianzong to pick up.

"Yeah." Peng Yuhua responded. After the plane stopped, she stood up and guided everyone to the plane.

Du Cheng came out of the cabin. This Qinghai has come several times. Two of them came here to guide the military base's exercise and fighting skills.

The military base here has just been established three years ago. The scale can be said to be one of the four military bases in China. At the same time, it is one of the largest military equipment production bases of the military. No stranger.

When Du Cheng got off the plane, Peng Yuhua and Li Yin had already got off the plane.

"Du Cheng, let's go."

Peng Yuhua waved to Du Cheng, and then the group walked directly in the direction of the airport hall.


Within the airport hall, more than a dozen disciples of Qingcheng Jianzong are waiting for the wooden sign with the word Qingcheng.

The Qingcheng Jianzong’s power in Qinghai is obviously very deep. The airport has actually set up a separate area for the disciples of these Qingcheng Jianzong, so that the disciples of Qingcheng Jianzong can better receive this time to attend the League. Various factions.

Of course, the martial art that basically has the ability to fly over the plane is a relatively powerful martial art in Qianqiu Wumeng. Therefore, in this regard, Qingcheng Jianzong still needs to give a full face.

As for the train station and the station, there are also reception staff, but the specifications are much smaller.

Qing Gong is the big disciple who is responsible for the reception. He is one of the younger disciples of the younger generation of Qingcheng Jianzong. He is also the sixth apprentice of Qingcheng Jianzong.

Perhaps because of his different identities, he wore a handsome Versace suit. The whole person did not feel like a disciple of the martial arts sect. Instead, he was like a gold collar and a social elite.

The only difference is that the neckline of the suit is rusted with a small pattern of gold thread, the pattern is a simple background pattern of the Kunlun Mountains, and in the middle is a sharp sword.

If it is a martial arts person, basically seeing this sign will recognize the identity of the other party, because this sign is the sectarian symbol of the Qingcheng Jianzong.

Even if it is just a sign, it is also a very atmospheric feeling, and it is full of momentum.

Undoubtedly, Qingcheng Jianzong has been able to lead the entire Qiuwu League in the past few decades, and in some respects it does have his own uniqueness.

At least if you only talk about the size of the martial art and the number of disciples, and the strength, it is enough to stand out.

What's more, Qingcheng Jianzong also has great achievements in the world of the world. I am afraid that all the other sects will add up. In terms of wealth, it is far less than the Qingcheng Jianzong family.

Combining these advantages, almost every disciple of Qingcheng Jianzong has a unique sense of superiority.

As one of the highest disciples of Qingcheng Jianzong, it can be seen from the handsome face of Qinggong. The arrogance has a condescending feeling. In the eyes of many people, this kind of It feels very uncomfortable.

"I don't know that there are several sects who came by plane this year. The master said that only five sects were sent by plane ten years ago, and the rest of the sects are basically by train and car. Come, today we are destined to be deserted."

Qing Gong said with some arrogance to a small teacher next to her, the younger sister is very watery, and she looks at Qing Gong’s big eyes, full of love and worship.

The younger sister said: "Qing Gong brothers, those sects are the sects of our martial arts, and the sects are specially invited to come here for reception. It should be intended to get you started to touch this aspect."

"This, the meaning of Master is not something we can speculate."

Although Qing Gong said so, his face is more arrogant.

The things that have been greeted in the past have come from the masters or elders of the division, and now his master is actually sending him. It is undoubtedly the same as telling the patriarchs. He is now in Qingcheng sword. The status in the sect is not ordinary.

I think there is some sneak in the heart of Qing Gong. He knows that he can start looking up.

"Yes, brother..."

The younger sister gave a voice, then transferred the topic and said: "Tomorrow is the day of the League. It’s strange. So far, those sects haven’t arrived yet... Hey, brother, look there, it seems to have The squad is here."

Said, the younger sister directly pointed his finger to the Lingyin pedestrians who were coming out of the front passage.

Qingcheng Jianzong has their logo, and Chunchunmen is also natural. Every Chungchun disciple’s chest has embroidered plum blossoms symbolizing the Chunchunmen logo, even the chest of Du Cheng’s clothes. It was also temporarily embroidered one last night.

Therefore, the younger sister recognized Huo Chunmen at a glance.

"Hey, plum blossom, it seems to be the Chunchun Gate?"

Qing Gong also took a look at some accidents, and then some incomprehensible said: "Wang Chunmen is not the poorest of the Eight Great Law Schools. In the past, it was by train or car. How was this suddenly so lavish? Have you got the plane?"

"Yeah, look at the clothes on them, even the patches are there. How can they get up and take the plane?" The little sister was also very puzzled and said her eyes fell on Hunchun. The door is on the clothes of several female elders.

These female elders are all over 60 years old. They don’t pay much attention to wearing them. They wear quaint green dresses. One of them has two patches on the long skirt. The color has some weak colors. Different, it can be said that even if some rural grandmothers are dressed, I am afraid they will be stronger than them.

"Hey, just play the scores, a group of called Hanako, even if you put on the emperor's robe is also called Hanako..."

Qing Gong snorted and even looked disdainful.

It is a very unique sense of superiority. In his eyes, this Chunchun Gate is almost no different from the gang.

"Right, Qing Gong brother, I heard that when the master went to Hunchunmen a few years ago, it seems to have received some anger..." The little sister seemed to think of something, and suddenly said something.

"Hey, this master has been obsessed with it until now. This time we will help the masters out first." Qing Gong snorted and looked at the eyes of Hunchunmen. Poor points.


When Qing Gong and his younger sister commented, Du Cheng and his party had all walked into the hall.

"Master, the people of Qingcheng Jianzong are there."

This just entered the hall, and immediately a female disciple pointed to the direction of the Qingcheng Jianzong reception.

These disciples of Qingcheng Jianzong occupied an area alone, and it is still very obvious in the airport hall.


Ling Yin nodded gently, and someone was naturally better than the reception, so she led the brigade and walked over.

Du Cheng and Peng Yuhua's gaze were at the same time sweeping over the arrogant face of Qing Gong. There was not much disdainful disdain and ridicule, almost falling into the eyes of both.

Du Cheng has nothing, but Peng Yuhua’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled together.

Obviously, Qing Gong’s attitude and eyes made her feel resentful and even angry.

How do you say that Chunchunmen is her teacher's door, even if it is forced to expel the teacher's door, but Peng Yuhua has always placed the Chunchun door in a very important position.

Moreover, there seems to be something more in Peng Yuhua's eyes, especially after looking at Qing Gong's somewhat unsatisfactory look, her eyebrows are even tighter.

Seeing the difference of Peng Yuhua, Du Cheng’s face showed a faint smile.

The indifferent character of Peng Yuhua will be like this. It can be seen how big the impact of Qing Gong’s attitude on her is, and it can be seen how much Chunchunmen is important to her.

"Some of the clowns are just jumping, don't worry about anything, they are not enough..."

Du Cheng said softly in the ear of Peng Yuhua. To be honest, these people, Du Du, really would not be in the eye.


Peng Yuhua nodded gently, in contrast, she still listened to Du Cheng's words.

And between the two talking, the pedestrian was already walking to the reception. ,

Seeing that Ling Yin and his entourage came over, the disciples of Qing Gong and the reception were sitting still and did not seem to be greeted.

Their gestures made Ling Yin's brows wrinkled together and could be seen. Her heart was also very dissatisfied.

"You are the disciples of Qingcheng Jianzong?"

An elder of Hunchunmen asked, and the dissatisfaction between the tone was already very obvious.

Qing Gong stood up at this time, only this way, but he was coldly sweeping Lingyin and the elder, and then faintly asked: "We are disciples of Qingcheng Jianzong, but who are you? ”

"Don't you know what this sign is?" The elder was even more angry, and asked directly to the pattern of his chest.

"Oh, plum blossom map, what's wrong, is there any special place?" Qing Gong sneered and asked, as if he didn't know the pattern at all.


Being so insulted, the elder was already very angry, and shouted, almost attracting the attention of everyone in the entire hall.

That Qing Gong was unmoved, and the crowd around him gradually came over. His face was more sneer and asked: "How do I crap, is it wrong?" This is not what the plum blossom map is. Also, what do you mean by this, do you want to use force?"

"you you..."

The female elder is already mad, but as she is preparing to anger, Ling Yin is reaching out and pressing her down.

Ling Yin took a look at the Qing Gong, and then said very plainly: "I am the Lingyin of the Chunchun Gate. You are the disciple of Qingcheng Jianzong who is responsible for the hospitality. You are troubled to arrange for the vehicle to send us to Qingcheng Jianzong." ""

After all, she is the master of the faction, and the tolerance and calmness are by no means comparable to ordinary people.

"Oh, it turned out to be Chunchunmen. You don't say how I know."

Qing Gong said with a sneer: "You used to come by train. Who knows that you are suddenly coming by plane, misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

That Qing Gong said verbally is a misunderstanding, but there is no such thing as a misunderstanding between the tone, but it is somewhat ridiculous.

Lingyin’s brows were slightly wrinkled again. However, she did not get angry because it would only have lost her identity. Therefore, she simply said: “Can you arrange the vehicle now?”

"We don't know if you can get on the plane this time, so the vehicles arranged outside are not enough. So, I will contact the teacher and let the teacher arrange the vehicle to come over."

Qing Gong said that he picked up his mobile phone.

Seeing that Qing Gong said this, Ling Yin’s brow was slightly loosened.

However, after Qing Gong dialed for a while, he said: "Lingmen Lord, I am sorry, the phone is temporarily unable to get through. It is better for you to wait here first. After I have made a call, I will arrange the vehicle for you. . . ."

"Okay, let's wait here for a while."

Lingyin has never used a mobile phone. The whole Chunchun Gate has only one phone. Therefore, she does not know that Qinggong did not call at all. However, she believed that Qinggong said that after a call, she began to arrange everyone’s Sit down next to the chair.

Du Cheng is looking at each other with Peng Yuhua. Lingyin can't see them, but this little trick of Qinggong is simply unable to get through the eyes of both people.

Du Cheng can see it very clearly. On the pretty face of Peng Yuhua, the anger is already faintly retreating, but instead it is cold and cold.

Undoubtedly ~www.novelhall.com~ For Peng Yuhua, this gesture of Qinggong is completely insulting Chunchunmen.

"Let's relax. I will solve this problem. There is no need to care about this kind of person. I said it, they don't deserve it..."

Du Cheng held Peng Xiaohua's small hand in the palm of his hand and then persuaded him.

He knows that if he really waits, I am afraid that it will be a greater shame.

Although he did not want to care about it, there is no need to bear it.


Peng Yuhua nodded again, but the ice cooling did not dissipate at all.

And when the two men spoke, the front of the passageway suddenly came out of a batch of people out.


Continue tomorrow. ()