Ultimate Intelligence

v4 Chapter 1199: Secret transaction

Qin En’s face is ugly like a pig’s liver, and the deputy head of the hall of Chunchun, the whole figure of the Qianqiu Wumeng is also the number one on the line, but at this moment, he can’t even touch a piece of clothing.

What makes Qin En vomiting blood is that Du Cheng is not avoiding it. It is like a shadow that has always been kept in front of him.

One stroke, two strokes

Let Qin En raise his own degree to the fastest intensity, but he still can't get close to half a point.

I was beaten by a later generation and even seven strokes, and even the other party’s clothes were not touched. If this kind of thing was passed out, I am afraid that Qin En really wants to lose all his face.


And just as Qin En was extremely depressed, Ling Yin suddenly spoke up.

"Do you have anything?"

Qin En looked angry at Lingyin, but did not understand what Lingyin called him to stop.

"There have been ten strokes, Qin deputy master, you still want to continue the difficulty?" Lingyin said slowly, but the tone is very strict

How does Hunchunmen say that it is also one of the eight Guardian sects of Qianqiu Wumeng, and if Qinen’s deputy lord of the sect is reneging, it is equivalent to losing the face of the entire Chunchun Gate.

Listening to Ling Yin said, Qin En was a glimpse, and then his face was already very incomparable.

It turns out that between him and his anger, he even forgot that the move has already passed the limit of ten strokes. If there is no Lingyin stop, I am afraid he will still fight.

If that is the case, he Qin Zhen really lost his face today.

"Now, do you still have something to say?"

Ling Yin then asked, and apparently asked Qin En whether there is any opinion on Du Cheng’s participation in Hunchun Gate.

Qin En’s heart was unwilling, and he said coldly: “Hey, dodge, win the battle”

"Yes, that's good, this time I don't hide."

Du Cheng smiled slightly and did not wait for Lingyin to reply. He responded with a sentence.

In order to make his own trip to Kunlun smooth, Liwei is indispensable, and this Qin En is undoubtedly the best prop for him.

Moreover, this attitude of Qin En’s treatment of Peng Yuhua made Du Cheng very unhappy, so he planned to let this Qin En suffer.

"A good man, if you don't give you a lesson today, the old man will reverse his last name."

Qin En originally wanted to say with Du Cheng's surname, but Du Cheng's strange degree made him not have a half-point inside, but he still believed that he could defeat Du Cheng.

There is a specialization in the industry. A warrior usually focuses on one aspect. For example, he is Qin En, and his Wing Chun is mainly based on the haze.

In his opinion, Du Cheng’s focus is probably above the degree. After all, Du Cheng is in his twenties. It’s already terrible to have such a degree. He doesn’t believe Du Cheng is in other aspects. Also have such a terrible strength

Therefore, as long as Du Cheng does not move, he has the confidence to defeat Du Cheng.

"Father, this war made me come. If he wants to participate in this alliance, then he must defeat me."

However, when Qin En was ready to take the shot, Qinye spoke up.

His thoughts are the same as those of Qin En. He has a self-knowledge. He can't even touch Du Fu's clothes. He is so good. He believes that he should have a battle with Du Cheng. Strength

What he said is also the first master of the younger generation of Chunchunmen. The strength is not weak.

Of course, his first master was self-proclaimed after Peng Yuhua left the Chunchun Gate. When Peng Yuhua was in Hunchunmen, he was afraid that even Ten strokes could not be blocked in front of Peng Yuhua.

This is also the reason why Peng Yuhua said that the younger generation of Chunchunmen had a fault. Even the most powerful Qin industry has such strength, and the rest of the people can imagine it.

Listening to Qin Ye’s remarks, Qin En took a moment to ponder and then said it directly: “Industry, then you have to be careful, his strength is not simple”

He still has some confidence in the strength of his own young son. However, Du Cheng’s strength makes him feel a little surprised, so he reminded him.

"I know, father"

Qinye nodded seriously and then walked to Du Cheng’s face.

When he walked over, his gaze suddenly fell on the beautiful face of Peng Yuhua.

There was a hint of color in his eyes, but this look did not escape Du Cheng’s eyes.

Just watching Qinye like that, Du Cheng knows that this Qin industry definitely likes Peng Yuhua. If so, this Qin industry is also considered to be the enemy of Du Cheng.

Of course, this is just the name above. Du Cheng did not mean to be a rival to Qin industry, because Qin industry did not have that qualification.

On the other side, Peng Yuhua didn’t even look at Qin Yi. She didn’t have any interest in it because she knew that Qin industry was stigmatizing.

With the strength of Qin industry, even when she left the division, she can easily defeat it. With her current strength, facing the Qin industry is basically the same as facing the ants.

Such strength, how could it be Du Cheng’s opponent, and Du Cheng’s true strength is absolutely ten times higher than his Peng Yuhua, even strong

Although Lingyin did not say anything, her mentality was similar to that of Peng Yuhua.

She knows from Peng Yuhua that the strength of Du Cheng has reached a certain level. According to Peng Yuhua’s words, even if she Lingyin faces Du Cheng, I am afraid that there is no chance of winning, and Qinye is obviously a gap. Big too big

"Your degree is indeed very fast, but if you don't use your degree, I have the confidence to beat you." Going to Du Cheng's front, Qin Ye said arrogantly to Du Cheng.

He is an orthodox martial arts person and has an innate psychological advantage for Du Cheng’s half-way wilderness.

"Crap will not help you win the victory, shot"

Du Cheng only responded with a simple voice. For this kind of person, he really has no interest.

“哼” Qin industry snorted and then raised his hands, the whole person’s spirit was fiercely raised.

Du Cheng just looked at Qin Yi coldly, waiting for him to use a small rush to the front, then suddenly reached out


Some strange scenes happened. The Qin industry was like being controlled by people. It rushed toward the palm of the hand that Du Cheng had extended. Then, his throat was easily locked to the direct lock. The whole person was Du. Lifted up on the ground

It’s just a simple trick, but Qin has lost.

Even he didn't even have the chance to make a move. In Du Cheng's eyes, his strength is too weak and too weak. Whether it is degree or explosiveness, or strength, he is afraid that even some members of the elite group will be better than Not on

Such strength faces him, and it is undoubtedly equal to self-deprecating

Qin En only feels that the eyelids are jumping, and the eyes are full of horror

Because he found that he did not even see how Du Cheng was shot, as if Qin industry was sent to the hands of Du Cheng.

“Now, do you still need to test again?”

Du Cheng did not have a hard time in Qin industry. After he finished speaking, he gave him a direct release.


Qin industry is a sudden cough, the moment the throat is locked by Du Cheng, he feels a little difficult to breathe.

Listening to Du Cheng, Qin En and his party were silent.

Undoubtedly, they can all see the strength of Du Cheng’s performance, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

However, the strength of such an iceberg is already causing them to feel fear. Originally, Qin En, who still has the grasp of winning, has begun to shake at this time.

He can already feel it, to overcome the strength shown at the moment, I am afraid that even if he personally played, there is no chance of winning.

What's more, people don't even know if Du Cheng has hidden power.

If Du Cheng really has concealed strength, then even if he personally goes into battle, I am afraid it will definitely lose.

Thinking of this, Qin En looked at Du Cheng’s eyes and was obviously full of weirdness.

He really can't figure out, Du Cheng actually ran out of the place, so he is so old that he has such a perverted strength.

He does not believe that Du Cheng is taught by Ling Yin. He is very familiar with the strength of Ling Yin. Ling Yin can teach a Peng Yuhua, but the strength of this young man is undoubtedly stronger than the original talented Peng Yuhua. a lot of

At this time, Qin En knew that the blockade was already unnecessary. Therefore, he had to pull down his face and said: "Without the test, your strength is very strong. This time, on behalf of us, when we go to participate in the League, we should be able to help us. Chunmen has achieved good results"

He didn't want to say that, but unfortunately, he can only say so now.

"So, no one has any opinions now?"

Lingyin looked at the people behind Qin En, and those people, almost all of them kept silent.

"Master, then I am starting to hold an introductory ceremony for the apprentice." Peng Yuhua did not look at those people and immediately said to Lingyin.


Lingyin nodded, then said to Du Cheng: "Du Cheng, you come over, our Qichunmen's introduction ceremony is simpler, just need a cup of tea."

Lingyin is very polite to Du Cheng. She knows that Du Cheng has joined Hunchun Gate this time. It is basically because of Peng Yuhua. After waiting for this alliance, Du Cheng is basically recovering from freedom.

Therefore, she did not really treat Du Cheng as a disciple, in order to overcome the strength, she should be treated according to the same generation.

In this case, she naturally omitted some of the procedures that were added to the teacher.


Du Cheng should have a voice, for him, simple and natural is no better.


The teacher ceremony is indeed very simple. After using the tea to pass the Lingyin and the ancestors, Du Cheng is officially entering the Chunchun Gate.

For Du Cheng, who has no roots and no flats in this respect, he is now a master of grass.

After completing the apprenticeship ceremony, Lingyin let everyone be scattered, and there was only her and Peng Yuhua in the entire hall, as well as Du Cheng.

"Master, let's go to Kunlun tomorrow, who will be there at the time?"

Seeing that there are no outsiders, Peng Yuhua asked this to Lingyin.

These things are not explained on the phone, but it is not too late to say now.

Lingyin did not hide anything. Truthfully said: "The train ticket has already been bought. Besides us, Qin En will bring a few people together, and there are some disciples with relatively good qualifications. There are about 20 people."

The economic conditions of Hunchunmen can be said to be very tight. Usually, the operation of the whole martial art relies on the self-planting of some fruits and vegetables for money. Therefore, the trip to Qinghai is far away, and it is impossible to fly by plane, even if it is The money on the train is also a great burden for Hunchunmen.

Peng Yuhua first looked at Du Cheng, and then said: "Master, Du Cheng has to fly, tomorrow, everyone will take the aircraft together to go to Qinghai, this will be more convenient, otherwise take the train to Qinghai, the road It’s too far away”

This is the way Peng Paihua has already thought about it on the way. Du Cheng’s private jet is not big, but there is still no problem in sitting on a 20-person person.

Moreover, if you fly to Qinghai, it only takes a few dozen minutes. If you take the train, it will take twenty to several hours.


Listening to Peng Yuhua’s words, Ling Yin first stunned, and then some incredulously asked: “Hey, you said that you are flying by yourself?”

The character of Peng Yuhua is a very indifferent type. Even if I chat with her, I only talk about martial arts. I don’t have any talk about life.

In Peng Yuhua, money is just outside the body, so she never feels different because Du Cheng has money.

For her, her life is the same whether she is poor or wealthy. It only needs to be happy.

Ling Yin only knows that Peng Yuhua’s life is very powerful, and he knows that Du Cheng’s skill is very strong. However, Peng Huan has never said anything else about Du Cheng.

"Yes, Master, Du Cheng has his own private jet, just inside the airport in the city. Tomorrow we only need to take the bus to the airport." Peng Yuhua is very dull. She is not a person who likes to show off. In front of the master, she will not show off anything.

"What about the train ticket, so many train tickets are not wasted?"

Lingyin said that it is difficult to say that those train tickets are worth several thousand. For Chunchunmen, this is not a small fortune.

"We can take these tickets back. Du Cheng has an acquaintance at the train station. You can give me the train ticket."

Peng Yuhua is very simple, she naturally will not let these tickets waste, it is impossible to retreat, but she will take the money to buy these tickets.

After living in Hunchunmen for so many years, she is still very clear about the economic conditions of the division.

Listening to Peng Yuhua’s saying, Ling Yin said: "That's good, then if you do this, you will be troubled."

"Master, it’s okay, it’s just a matter of raising your hand."

Du Cheng smiled and said, he didn't want to take the train for twenty hours, because that would be a waste of life for him.


Du Cheng and Peng Yuhua lived in Hunchunmen at night. Although Peng Yuhua left, her room was preserved.

She used to live with Lingyin, so her room is in a wooden house where Lingyin lives.

Peng Yuhua still has a lot of good teachers and sisters in the teacher's door. After she sent Du Cheng back to the room, she went to chat with the teachers and sisters.

Du Cheng did not go back to the room to rest, but climbed down the mountain road to the top of the mountain alone.

At this time, it is already the sunset, and the setting sun is showing his bleak and infinite beauty. The golden light is shining between the mountains and forests, but it is also full of charming beauty.

However, just as Du Cheng was about to reach the top of the mountain, a faint conversation in the distance attracted his attention.

The voice is very light. If it’s not that his ears are amazing, I’m afraid I can’t hear it.

"Father, this thing can't be justified. We have already said it to the people in Qingcheng. Now this thing suddenly becomes awkward. What if the Qingcheng blame it?"

This voice is Qin industry. Obviously, the object of his speech should be Qin En.

Qin En has a total of three sons ~ www.novelhall.com ~ However, only the Qin industry is still alive, he is also old and have a child, usually can be said to be very fond of Qin industry

"How about blame, the strength of Du Cheng is there, even I don't have the confidence to win him. Lingyin that stinky woman wants him to go to the League, can we still stop it?" ”

Qin En’s tone is obviously very angry, as if it was a good deployment, but it was dubbed by this process and suddenly destroyed the light.

"Father, how can we explain this to Qingcheng, but they promised that this time, if this thing becomes, then Chunchunmen will be ours, and now it’s messed up, if things are smashed. If we come out, we probably don’t have to want to stay in Hunchunmen."

Qinye’s tone is full of worries. Obviously, they should have reached a certain kind of transaction with Qingcheng Jianzong.

Listening to this, Du Cheng’s heart suddenly moved, and the vagueness has already guessed a possibility.
