Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 99: court

70033 final intelligence ninety-ninth chapter shows good

After the temple was seated in Ye Mei's time-saving hang, he came to the Huangpu Club. Ye Mei did not plan to be happy. Du Cheng was rewarded with a wink, and then went directly to the fifth floor, while Du Cheng returned to the fourth floor casino. Manager's office.

The two bullets left by the Iron Army are still there. One is good and the other is bad. Du Cheng thought about it. The two bullets were collected and placed in the drawer.

Then, Du Cheng began to learn directly from the field of wisdom.

Now Du Cheng basically spends most of his time studying at the Huangpu Club, because Du Cheng does not need to do anything except to come to the market. He only occasionally goes out to chat with some local celebrities. Time is quite sufficient. Instead, during the day, Du Cheng basically has no time to study.

Just wait until around 8pm. Du Cheng received a phone call that made him somewhat surprised, and the person who called was Du Chen, who had just seen it in the morning.

Tang Feng was just looking for Du Cheng to drink a few glasses of wine. After Du Cheng thought about it, he was asked to come to the third floor of the Huangpu Club.

The third floor of the Huangpu Clubhouse is a private bar. When Du Cheng came to the Huangpu Club for the first time, he came here. However, Du Cheng did not come to this place very much because Du Cheng did not like this very much. Occasionally, plus Du Cheng did not have the interest to hunt here, so naturally there is very little coming.

And this bar will be more deserted during the day, but it will be lively after the evening, but one thing different from the fourth floor is that the casino on the fourth floor is a paradise for the members of the mouth. And this bar is the favorite place for ordinary members.

Take 100,000 yuan to open a membership card, you can enjoy the extremely high treatment here, but this is not comparable to other bars, and because of this. There are a lot of ordinary members in the Huangpu Club, which is nearly five times more than the number of members in the city. Therefore, basically every night, it will become very


Du Cheng is only the manager of the casino. It is not the manager of this bar. Fortunately, the manager of this bar is not an outsider. He is also appointed by Ye Mei, but it is usually managed by a deputy manager.

There is also a word in the name of the manager. The name is Zhou Mei, a woman in her 30s. The length is not very beautiful, but the figure is very good. The convex place is convex, and the square is still very four. And the speech that I know very well, in the bar is mixed with the wind.

Zhou Mei is recognized by Du Cheng. She knows that the existence of Huangpu Club is only to give the casino a coat. Therefore, Du Cheng, the casino manager, can actually be regarded as the second master of the Huangpu Club. Therefore, Quan Cheng is looking for a After the small bar sat down, Zhou Mei gave Du Cheng a bottle of red wine and some beautiful small dishes. Du Cheng just nodded slightly toward the light.

Tang Feng did not let Du Chengjiu wait, Du Duong.com did not take long to go to the bar, he walked in from outside the bar, and also handled a membership card of Huangpu Club.

Tang Feng is still the handsome dress of the same day. As soon as he arrived, nine of the men present were immediately squatting.

"It’s really expensive to drink again."

Tang Feng sat down in front of Du Cheng. I glanced at the mouth of the membership card in my hand, and after a smile, I put the card in my pocket. Obviously, he should be the one who just used one million of his members. stuck.

This is the first time that Du Cheng saw the real Tang Feng. In the first two times, Gu Jiayi was present. Tang Feng’s performance made Du Cheng almost stunned, but now it seems that this eyes are full of confidence. The youth who are fascinating and indifferent are the real Tang Feng.

"You shouldn't just look for me to complain about this?" Du Cheng smiled slightly and then poured a glass of red wine for Tang Feng.

In fact, if you don't count Gu Jiayi's relationship, Du Cheng still has a bit of appreciation for Tang Feng, because Tang Feng is indeed a man who can be admired.

Repeated defeats and repeated defeats, repeated defeats, Du Cheng is hard to imagine, Tang Feng was rejected by Gu Jiayi, I am afraid that after more than a hundred times, why will it continue.

And Du Cheng can feel that Tang Feng’s feelings for Gu Jiayi are very real, at least the feeling he felt in front of Gu Jiayi, but the real performance.

"What do you think."

Tang Feng smiled softly and lifted the wine glass in a very elegant manner. He said, "In fact, I just want to take a look. The man who looks at Jiayi is just what kind of person." ”

"Do you want to learn from the experience?" Du Cheng's face was also a little smile, watching Tang Feng's words and tone. Du Cheng suddenly found that Tang Feng was a bit like himself.

"It's a pity that it is late." Tang Feng's eyes flashed a faint sorrowful color, and then some self-deprecating said: "I chased Jiayi at the university one hundred and twenty-seven times, and she refused a total of ninety. Six times, the remaining thirty-one is her room. The gun refused. The Li Ran, if you were begging, refused to ask the good officials.

Tang Feng’s is very clear, but Du Cheng does not have any unexpected look. If he is so infatuated with him, I am afraid it will be clearly remembered.

"When you know that you will fail, why do you have to keep on pursuing it?" Du Chengzhi also had a bit of curiosity.

"Either failure or success, half of each possibility, I just insisted on this concept." Tang Feng said an answer that even he felt a little funny, but his look was very serious.

Du Cheng smiled, didn't say anything, people sometimes look like this.

Tang Feng came here naturally not to find Du Cheng to say his sad past. See Du Cheng just smile, he asked directly to Du Cheng: "How long do you know with Jiayi?"

"If I say it won't last more than a month. Will you believe it?" Du Cheng took a look at Tang Feng. Said slowly.


Tang Feng’s answer made Du Cheng somewhat surprised.

"Oh why?"

Tang Feng didn't even think about it. He said very simply: "I chased four of Jiayi, and Jiayi never looked at me positively, so it doesn't matter how long it takes to know."

"That is, marriage is destined."

Du Cheng nodded, and some things were like deliberate arrangements. If there were no things happening between Bao Shilong and Meidu Entertainment City, he would never be able to intertwin with Gu Jiayi.

Tang Feng came very quickly, and he walked very quickly. He talked with Du Cheng and left in less than half an hour. It’s like a friend who has been dating for many years, chatting a few words at home.

Du Cheng can actually understand the strength of Tang Feng. It is not difficult to find out his identity, and he is here. I am afraid there is only one purpose. Then go to yourself and pass a friendly message.

As for the purpose of Tang Feng, Du Cheng could not guess, but lazy to guess.

When I left from the Huangpu Club in the evening. It’s already more than eleven o'clock. After work, Du Cheng did not return to his apartment, but went to Gu Jiayi’s villa.

Du Cheng.com just took a taxi, but received a call from Gu Jiayi.

It turned out that Gu Sixin had a nightmare last night, so she ran to sleep with Gu Jiayi, and Gu Jiayi finally waited until Gu Sixin fell asleep, and then sneaked to the bathroom to make a phone call to Du Cheng Xiaosheng. Let Du Cheng never go.

Du Cheng was helpless, so he had to change the taxi back to Sunshine.

But the next morning, Du Cheng got out of bed and started a new day of exercise.

After the battle with the Iron Army, Du Cheng can clearly feel the gap between himself and those who are really strong, that is the skill.

Whether in strength or speed, Du Cheng is actually not inferior to the Iron Army, but in terms of skills, Du Cheng is a vegetable worm, and the Iron Army is a prawn-level character, Du Cheng has a good body, However, after the Iron Army developed its skills, Du Cheng was unable to carry out a counterattack.

Because of this, Du Cheng has been very eager to learn in the field of skills, but before that, Du Cheng's strength and speed must reach Xiaocheng.

Therefore, hard training has become the only choice for Du Cheng.

And the next few days. In order to let Gu Sixin get rid of the shadow of nightmares and let himself complete the feat of stealing jade, Du Cheng put the time as much as possible on Gu Sixin's body. In addition to Gu Sixin playing the piano, he will go shopping with Gu Sixin during the day. Even the old villas are less.

Only the final result is to let Du Cheng directly defeat ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Gu Sixin was sleeping with Gu Jiayi a few pounds, after night, it was actually a sleep habit, sometimes nothing will come to sleep with Gu Jiayi, the harm of Du It is only for the time being to give up the calculation of stealing jade.

In the meantime, Du Cheng also gave the driver's license. It’s just a driving license that takes a week to get it. However, Du Cheng is not in a hurry. Anyway, his car will take about a week before he can get it.

The construction of the new company is also orderly, and the progress is even faster than Gu Jiayi's expectations. It will be completed in about three months.

However, what makes Du Cheng happy is that his combination of physical training and pseudo-gravity has achieved remarkable results. In less than a week, his strength and speed have exceeded 200, and the expected three hundred. It is not far away.

Seventh, it’s a little late, I’m sorry, but it’s finally finished, I’m going to sleep. Ha ha.

Prevention: It’s still a small cold and hard work. Everyone sees that in the effort of Xiao Leng, enjoy a few monthly passes, and more than 20,000 outbreaks every day. Right from the monthly ticket in your hands.