Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 100: Xiaocheng

34 final intelligence, the first hundred chapters of Xiaocheng

Outside the Taiwanese. Du Chengfan has distorted the clothes of the body and revealed that the perfect muscles, although not strong but not clear, have no extra fat.

Du Cheng's teeth were biting a huge sweat and popping up from the top of his head and falling onto the tiles on the balcony.

Du Cheng’s face was even white and there was some blush that was not harmonious.

Seeing Du Cheng's movements is only the first layer of physical exercise. It has not yet completed one-fifth of the progress. It is just like the whole person, but it is already like a collapse. Generally, there is not only a strong sense of exhaustion, but also a whole body. It is a feeling of tonic that is generally incomparable.

However, Du Cheng is clinging to the teeth and sticking to it, but this time it is the first time since Du Cheng practiced physical training that he could not fully adhere to it, but it was less than one-third of the action. Du Cheng felt that the body was like being hit hard, and then the whole person directly collapsed to the ground.

"Masters seem to be unable to withstand the combination of triple pseudo-gravity space and physical training for the time being. Instead of switching back to twice the pseudo-gravity space."

Xiner has been watching Du Cheng’s Mao Lian to see Du Cheng to the next time to persuade.

While talking, Xiner is still watching the comparison between the two sets of dramas before and after Du Cheng.

Although the growth of the day will be weakened this week, the strength of Du Cheng is still reached with a very fast progress. However, this time, although the inheritance did not complete the overall practice of physical training, Du Cheng’s strength turned out to be It’s a little mention. The degree is the same.

That is to say, if the practice of combining three times the pseudo-gravity space can be completed, the effect is absolutely obvious.

"I tried it again because there was something that didn't fit this time. There should be no problem. Small

Du Cheng also noticed that the two faces of the two series of dramas did not intend to give up easily.

After saying that the body function of Du Cheng and other bodies recovered, he climbed again.

In fact, as Du Cheng said. It was the first time that I combined the three times of pseudo-gravity space, so Du Cheng’s body was not used to it for a while, and it was very strong in terms of fatigue or pain.

The second time, although Du Cheng eventually fell, but this time Du Cheng has completed nearly 80% of the progress of the first time in the north to improve a lot.

The same strength and degree of Du Cheng's improvement is also more obvious. This time, the power has improved the reef and the degree is improved. I am afraid that if Du Cheng can successfully complete it under three times of pseudo-gravity space, the power will at least mention the point. At least the above points will be mentioned.


This is undoubtedly a powerful driving force for Du Cheng. So after the body function recovered again, Du Cheng began the impact of the third time.

Finally, under the constant efforts of Du Cheng. Although the body feels like a broken frame, Du Cheng finally persisted.

At that moment, Du Cheng even had a feeling of being overworked and stunned.

Although Du Cheng used a total of more than half an hour this time, the final result was very gratifying. After this time, Du Cheng’s strength was increased by 6 points and Du Cheng’s degree was improved.

According to this progress, Du Cheng’s degree and strength of Xiao Cheng can be said to be just around the corner. At that time, Du Cheng can concentrate on the skills. The field of learning Tai Chi, inch boxing, and Hunchun in the field of skills Du Cheng can reach the essence of all real martial arts.

When Du Cheng hits the Iron Army again, even if he does not need the help of Xiner, he can definitely beat him easily.

So in the next few days, Du Cheng basically put most of his thoughts on the exercise. If it is not because the degree of recovery of the body function is limited every day, I am afraid that Du Cheng still wants to spend all his time on exercise to make his own degree. The strength is faster to reach Xiaocheng.

But fortunately, Du Cheng did not wait too long. On the eighth day after he combined exercise with three times the pseudo-gravity space, Du Cheng’s strength and degree finally broke through to the realm of Xiaocheng’s realm, and reached the level of persuasion. Xiner’s expectations and Du Cheng’s physical training and pseudo-gravity space exercise can also stop for some time.

On the second day after Du Cheng’s strength and degree broke through to the realm of Xiaocheng, Du Cheng began the practice of skill in this field.

In the morning, Du Cheng put on a set of white exercise clothes that he bought when he was shopping with Gu Sixin yesterday. Then stand quietly on the balcony.

"Dear master, do we start practicing in this field today?"

Xiner appeared in front of Du Cheng and then excitedly asked Du Cheng.

As a smart program, Xiner, but now she is in Du Cheng’s expectation of repeated failures, and Du Cheng’s performance and persistence are far from what she expected to be able to watch Du Cheng’s speed.” Progress Xiner is naturally incomparable. Excited. "Well, I am ready. ”

Du Cheng nodded very seriously.

"Technology in this field is a profound and dear master. You want to start with our traditional Chinese martial arts or modern fighting skills."

Xiner listed the innumerable size classification of the classification of skills in Du Cheng's virtual screen so that Du Cheng can see it very clearly.

"From the beginning of traditional martial arts, Du Cheng thought that he did not want to directly respond.

"Well, traditional martial arts have a total of 1,236 small classifications. Each small classification represents different martial arts. But if the dear master wants to practice, Xiner thinks that it is still from Tai Chi and Fuhu Luohan. Practice first

With the voice of Xiner's voice, Duan Cheng's virtual screen picture suddenly changed into two videos on the sides of Xiner's body, which appeared in the tutorial video of Tai Chi and Fuhu Luohan Boxing. A boxing style is soft and elegant, but it is the extreme extreme of the net.

Du Cheng did not speak because he knew that Xiner suggested that he should learn the two sets of martial arts, which is reasonable, so Du Cheng is waiting for Xiner to talk about it.

Surely, Xiner and other two sets of martial arts tutorial videos came out and said: "Dear masters, the two sets of martial arts, Tai Chi to soft and Fuhu Luohan boxing to steel just steel soft and you can learn these two sets of Wu After school, start learning the martial arts of the villa."

"Well, do we start now?" Du Cheng knows that Xiner is not willing to refuse to match himself according to the most reasonable plan.

Just let Du Cheng have some surprises, but Xiner shook his head and said: "Now it is not enough. Because the field of skills must complete a basic exercise first."

“What basic exercises?” Du Cheng asked with some curiosity.

"Zama step is a step because it is Taijiquan. It is the first step that must be done by Fuhu Luohan Boxing or any other traditional martial arts."

Xiner took out another tutorial. It turned out to teach Du Cheng to take the horse step and she went on to say: "Getting started first three years in the traditional martial arts. Although the horse is the most basic but the most crucial step, the horse can adjust the "fine," Qi, God. "Complete the control of qi and blood, the cultivation of spiritual cultivation, control of mind and consciousness. Dear master, you must first get a good start before you start learning in the field of real skills."

Du Chengji took a nod to the Iron Army. Du Cheng noticed that the Iron Army's lower plate was stable and the use of the fists was not only fast but also reached the desired state. Du Cheng was far from being able to achieve.

"That's good, let's start practicing how to take a step now.

Xiner pointed to the video and said to Du Cheng: "The basic principle of the Zama is to open the legs in parallel with the length of the three feet between the feet and then squat the toes parallel to the knees. The toes and thighs should be parallel to the ground and the front and the back of the buttocks should not stand out. It is true that this can make the round shape known as the round shape."

Xiner pointed to the video and Du Cheng was learning to follow the steps of Xiner.

In terms of Du Cheng's strong field capabilities. Coupled with his own body flexibility, after the explanation of Xiner, Du Cheng is basically a very standard completion.

Just ordinary Mabu is for Du Cheng. There is no difficulty at all.

It is not a problem for Du Cheng’s current physical condition to be fixed for a few hours.

"Is this kind of step-by-step with Xiner still need to cooperate with the pseudo-gravity space?" So after nearly five minutes of horse-drawn body, there is still no difference in the body, Du Cheng will ask Xiner~www.novelhall.com~ The pseudo-gravity space is the second dear master. The most important thing is to calm down your mind and complete the adjustment of your own essence, qi and spirit. This is the most important thing. "Xin Er is like a tutor.

"Yeah." Du Cheng nodded. He knew that Xiner said it was reasonable, but Du Cheng still planned to combine the two together and practiced. Du Cheng said directly to Xiner: "Xin Er. Let's start with twice the pseudo-gravity space."

"Good dear master."

For Du Cheng's request, Xiner naturally refused to refuse. After responding, he helped Du Cheng to open twice the pseudo-gravity space.

Du Cheng, who originally felt very relaxed, was a fierce body. The pressure on the body actually increased by more than ten times.

First, the first one of the book is about to start everyone's ticket. The landlord has put on the monthly ticket. It is fierce. If there is no accident, it will be able to go directly to the top ten in two days. I am going to end." Not reconciled.