Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 98: interest

32 Final Intelligence Chapter 98 Interest

The young man’s heart can’t understand but it doesn’t mean he won’t hurt the killer. Although he did come to negotiate with Du Cheng, but at this time it is related to the dignity of his ace in this garrison.

"I don't want to try it, but you can't kill it at all. Even if I have this gun, you can't kill me."

Du Cheng’s voice is cold but quite sure.

The youth was angered by Du Cheng’s tone and said coldly: “Well, then we will bet on you. If you can’t avoid it, don’t blame me for killing you. But if you can avoid it, how do you want to follow Ye Mei in the future? Will not stop you."

"Good." Du Chengxiang did not want to directly respond.

Although he did not think about what to do with Ye Meisheng, Ye Mei is very important to him now. Du Cheng must not give up.

The youth also did not talk nonsense. He took out a bullet directly from the clip of the pistol in his hand and said: "The cut that the bullet has fallen to the ground is the one that I shot."

After the young finger was shot, the bullet suddenly shot toward the ceiling above the head and quickly fell after hitting the ceiling.

Du Cheng’s eyes did not look at the bullet and only paid attention to the hand of the young man holding the gun.

Time seems to solidify at this moment. Generally speaking, the whole room can be said to be static and terrible.

And just about the moment when the net magazine contacted the ground, the young man moved Du Cheng and moved.

Du Cheng can clearly see the fluctuation of every muscle in the young hand and even can clearly see the faint spark that flashed at the muzzle of the black paint.

At this time, Du Cheng's body also responded.

Or at this moment, the body that has been changed to the body controlled by Xiner has made the most accurate response.

Although it was controlled by Xiner, but Du Cheng could feel the fiery heat of the bullet passing by his temple, but the fiery feeling had not threatened Du Cheng.

The youth’s eyes clearly flashed a trace of stunned. He simply couldn’t think that Du Cheng could avoid his bullets in such a short distance, even though his bullets were intentionally slanted.

It’s just that what makes him feel incredible is that he is now more than just avoiding his gun and a fist with a horrific impact has been hitting his abdomen.

Although the muscles of his abdomen have been trained to be very tough, at this moment, the young man can still feel the feeling of incomparable pain and instantly engulf his brain nerves. His whole person is actually hard in the fist of Du Cheng. The birth was slammed five steps and hit the desk behind him.

However, the youth's body is indeed strong enough. Du Cheng's fist is indeed very heavy and heavy, but the youth is hard to support and let themselves not fall to the ground.

It’s just that the result is already Du Cheng won.

"you lose."

Du Cheng has already taken back the control of the body. If there is no Xiner, then Du Cheng will definitely not gamble with the youth. Because Du Cheng has a strong dynamic vision, but Du Cheng can not guarantee that he can react at that moment. .

Therefore, Du Cheng can only be started by Xiner.

However, if you change to the previous one, it is not sure that you can do it, but after Du Cheng’s body becomes stronger, unless the young man uses a gun to reach the head of Du Cheng, then Xiner has more than 90% of the grasp. Avoid.

"I am willing to gamble and lose. From today, you and Ye Mei's things, I will not intervene."

After the youth slowed down, the gun in his hand was inserted back into the original place, and the big step came over Du Cheng and extended his hand and asked Du Cheng: "Is the Iron Army able to make a friend."

"My name, you know."

Du Cheng smiled slightly and saw a bit of respect from the look of the Iron Army.

After the iron army and Du Cheng tightened their hands and loosened them, they said very seriously: "Ye Mei is not going to her house. I will help me to tell her about the future. I will not intervene to wish her." happy

"Good." Du Cheng nodded and did not explain what was because there was no need.

As for why Ye Mei is at her house and has not come over, this does not require the Iron Army to explain. It must be someone who is watching Ye Mei let Ye Mei can not leave.

"This is my phone and I hope you have the opportunity to play and we will learn."

"for sure.

After leaving a phone call, the Iron Army left as if it had never appeared before.

Du Cheng is looking at the phone that is somewhat fascinating. The result is somewhat unexpected.

After the Iron Army left the Huangpu Club, Du Cheng also left the destination of Du Cheng, the district where Ye Mei lived. The food elevator came to the 16th floor. Ye Meizheng ignited the roots of her house at the door of her house. When Du Cheng saw her, her gaze had already fallen on Du Cheng’s body, and the distance between them was less than five meters.

Du Cheng walked out of the elevator and went to Ye Mei and said: "Iron army let me tell you a blessing, happiness, and your business. Ironclad will not intervene in the future."

"It seems that you let me feel the accident and surprise again." Ye Mei took a sip of the woman's cigarette, but the white little hand was shaking slightly and whispering.

"You also made me feel an accident, and there are still surprises." From Ye Mei's slightly trembling little hand, Du Cheng can feel the excitement of Ye Mei's inner heart.

As for the accident he said in his mouth, it is the identity of Ye Mei. Because of the identity of the Iron Army, Du Cheng can associate with Ye Mei’s identity and certainly will not go anywhere. The surprise is even more simple. He Du Cheng said that the benefits will only get bigger.

Ye Mei is just a smile, but she doesn’t say anything more on this issue. Instead, she gently strokes her hand toward Du Cheng’s beckoning and said: “Du Cheng, come over.”

"What are you doing?"

Although Du Cheng said so, he stood in front of Ye Mei.

Ye Mei's small mouth gently leaned toward Du Cheng's ear and said in a very seductive tone: "Du Cheng I want to thank you."

"Then how do you thank me." Feel the slightest scent of Ye Mei's fragrant fragrance. Du Cheng’s smile on his face was even stronger.

"You said."

Ye Mei bounced off the women's cigarette in her hand and then gently rubbed the tempting lips of Du Cheng's neck directly toward Du Cheng.

Although Ye Mei is very active, but Du Cheng, who has some experience in this aspect, can obviously feel that Ye Mei’s movements are somewhat oysters. It is obvious that Ye Mei seems to be charming and mature but I am afraid there is no experience in this aspect. Words.

This was the first time that it was the last time that Ye Mei’s seduce was a cheap one but it was a kiss with Ye Mei.

So when Ye Mei stopped because she couldn’t breathe, Du Cheng’s mouth suddenly raised a slight smile with a bit of sin and then slowly said: “Ye Ye actually I don’t like passive.”

After Du Guo directly kissed Ye Mei, the lip that had not been completely opened was only Du Cheng’s initiative this time.

Ye Meiyi was a little overwhelmed by the time, but soon it was more heated and responsive to Du Cheng’s hot kiss and slender eyes.

Du Cheng naturally would not perform a reality show outside the gate while frantically asking for a side of the building, she walked into the house and kicked the door.

After waiting inside the house, Du Cheng’s hand was directly covered with Ye Mei’s amazing breasts. Although it was the second time, Du Cheng always felt that this time was bigger than the last time and perhaps because of Ye Mei’s inside. The reason why the bra is very soft is actually much better than yesterday.

Ye Mei's breath under Du Cheng's strokes gradually grew bigger. Many bodies twitched gently and seemed to want to avoid Du Cheng's claws.

It’s just that Du Cheng’s chances are that he’s going to make Ye Mei’s wishful move, but he’s already trying to go inside Ye’s clothes.

However, at this time, Du Cheng suddenly felt that the pain of his tongue was actually bitten by Ye Mei and then Du Cheng could only watch as Ye Mei smiled and left from his arms.

"How is it not enough? If you feel that it is not enough, then I will pay the interest first. I am the first kiss. www.novelhall.com~ Ye Meijiao laughs more than Du Cheng can clearly understand that Ye Mei is really happy.

Du Cheng did not want to go any further and did not have any disappointment and said directly: "Well, I remember that you will pay me back later."

Ye Meibai took Du Cheng and said: "I will give it back to you as long as I have not forgotten it."

Then Ye Mei did not stop. He took up his own pickpocket and went out with Du Cheng and drove Porsche in the direction of Huangpu Club.

Du Cheng was sitting in the vice seat of Porsche and looked at it from time to time. Ye Mei Du Cheng’s heart was somehow loose.

There is one more on the sixth night, but after 12 o'clock, if there is a friend who sleeps late, you can wait a little while before it will be updated.

Prevention: By the way, I would like to congratulate the monthly ticket, but it seems to have rushed into the top fifteen of the urban classification monthly ticket list.