Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 97: Super enemy

31 final intelligence, the ninety-seventh chapter

When the net was introduced into the casino, the security guards of the casino were all bad. When Du Cheng entered his manager's office, Du Cheng understood why this was the case.

Because at the moment the manager’s office was originally sitting on his own seat, he was sitting on a pound of burly youth.

The young man looks like he is about thirty-five years old. He is very tall and burly. He is wearing a tight-fitting vest. The muscles exposed to the outside give a feeling of fullness. But what really makes Du Cheng pay attention to this young man. The momentum.

It is a powerful momentum filled with iron and blood and it is just sitting quietly but giving people a feeling of calmness.

He told Du Cheng that this person must have a relationship with the Hummer that started at the beginning of Beijing.

"You are Du Cheng?"

While Du Cheng looked at the youth, the young man was also looking at the indifference of Du Cheng’s eyes, which was also a bit indifferent.

"Who are you?" Du Cheng frowned. He didn't like this feeling as if he was sitting down and watching the general feeling, although the other person was sitting.

"Who am I? You don't need to know that I am here today. I just want to tell you to leave Ye Yiyuan. If I let me reproduce it once, I will play your legs twice. You will never stand up again in this life."

The young people say that the hegemonic momentum is even more amazing. This kind of momentum is not something that ordinary people can do. Even Du Cheng has the help of Xiner.

"Oh, then?" But Du Cheng was completely unafraid and only faint.

The young man apparently did not expect Du Cheng to be able to maintain such a light look in his imposing manner. He slightly flashed a glimmer of color, but he was very sure in his mouth: "Nothing then because I will kill you without hesitation when I kill.

"Doing murder is a crime?" Du Cheng’s eyes were slight and he knew that the young man was not saying 芜


The young man’s face flashed a cold smile and stared straight at Du Cheng and said one word at a time: “Do you think that killing someone who commits a murder license would sin?”

"killer license

Du Cheng’s heart was even more skeptical about the identity of this young man. However, Du Cheng’s face was not a strange color but a slight smile: “Can you tell me how you want to kill me so that I have a mentality? ready?"

Although Du Cheng and Ye Mei may not have anything, but Du Cheng is very unhappy, this young man's attitude will not yield to the other's strong.

The most important thing is that Du Cheng knows that the other party will not kill him at most and will interrupt his hands and legs because if he will. The other party will not sit here and say something to himself. This style is a negotiation.

The young man apparently did not think that Du Cheng would dare to face him and sit up on his fierce seat and sighed lightly: "You are looking for death."

When sitting, the youth's momentum is very amazing. After standing up, Du Cheng can obviously feel that a moment full of chilling atmosphere surrounds himself like a huge gas field.

Threatening the absolute threat After the young man stood up, Du Cheng actually felt a stronger threat from Du Qingwu than him.

But Du Cheng would not be afraid of the other side, but instead sneered and said: "Do you think you can kill me?"

"That's a good idea. Let me interrupt you with one leg and see if you dare to speak hard."

After talking about the young man's hand on the desk, the whole person actually borrowed the power directly to rise and fall in front of Du Cheng's body and showed a terrible arm and explosive power.

The two people are separated by less than two meters. The young man seems to be taller than Du Cheng’s foot.

Du Cheng's eyes swept back in two steps and opened up some distance with the other side.

He said that in addition to not wanting to surrender to each other, there is another reason to try to find out what kind of place his own strength has reached. This young man is obviously a good partner.

Looking at Du Cheng’s look and action, the young man’s eyes obviously had a few accidents, but this did not affect his decision. He only saw his giant fist, and he was like a lion. Du Chengchong came up very quickly and was not slower than Du Cheng’s degree.

It is only in the eyes of Du Cheng that the youth is significantly slower because Du Cheng has a strong dynamic vision. He can clearly see that every movement of the youth has a curvature.

However, even if Du Cheng is fierce, if it is based on his own strength. The winning percentage will never be too strong.

The shape of the slightly curved Du Cheng did not retreat but avoided the young man's fist with a very weak angle. At the same time, he violently touched the strong explosive force of the knee and violently slammed into the chest of the other side with the thunder.

The obvious flash in the youth’s eyes flashed a trace of surprise. Obviously Du Cheng’s reaction, whether it was the reaction or the degree of explosion, was completely beyond his expectations. He did not expect Du Cheng’s seemingly ordinary body to be underneath. There is a strong explosion that is not inferior to him.

Also because of the accident, the youth bus time lost the opportunity, but the youth's reaction can be described as very fast. At that time, it was actually directly across the palm of the hand to block the chest.

The slamming sound of Du Sheng’s knees was so fierce that it hit the young man’s palm. The powerful impact was actually a hard step that knocked the opponent back two steps.

The young man only felt that a numb in his hand had lost consciousness in an instant and the chest was blocked like a gas.

Du Cheng, although taking the lead, has no excitement on his face because this attack can almost be described as a sneak attack. It is only under the circumstances that it is still blocked by the other party. I know that I will never have such good luck anymore.

"Good hand

The young man did not swear by his own praise, but also a little more appreciation. But it was only a trace of the fact that Du Cheng’s attack had caused him to fight.

"You are also good Du Cheng said is the truth because this young man has brought him the most threatening one.

"Come back

The youth sighed and rushed to Du Cheng again. This time, the youth’s mentality is no longer just to teach Du Cheng but to fight and there is no reservation. Because it is only the first strike, the young man knows that Du Cheng is qualified to pick him up. Attacked all the way.

Sure enough, Du Cheng’s hunch was correct. After the first strike, the young man’s next attack made Du Cheng not have any resistance in addition to resisting.

Every punch in the youth is like a good one. The next step of his attack is that Du Cheng will not be able to show his hands.

Although Du Cheng still has no contact skills in the field, but Du Cheng's vision is not weak Du Cheng can be very obvious feeling that there is a set of roads between the opponent's fists and legs should be a very sophisticated move.

Fortunately, Du Cheng has a strong dynamic vision. Otherwise, even if the degree and strength of Du Cheng are stronger, I am afraid that it will have been defeated under the fist of this young man. The powerful dynamic vision can help Du Cheng to see it. Every attack of the Qing youth gave Du Cheng time to resist.

It’s just that this is not the way to follow this kind of show. I’m afraid that within three minutes, he will lose it. Because Du Cheng can obviously feel that his degree is gradually slowing down and the strength between his fists is also Gradually getting smaller.

The young man can't attack for a long time and can't see the true situation of Du Cheng. How to see Du Cheng has no fatigue at all. He thinks that if he wants to win the other party, it will definitely be impossible in a short time.

Therefore, after he punched Du Cheng back in a punch, he had to put away his hand. Because he would win if he went on the battle, it would hurt his face.

"I am right, you can't kill me."

Juniper breathed a sigh of relief, but after stopping, his hands and legs were a numb ~www.novelhall.com~ Is it? ”

I heard Du Cheng said that the young man’s face was cold and a sneer. I saw that he had no black hair pistol from the place where he took a hand and the black lacquered hole of the pistol was aligned with Du. The distance between the foreheads is not more than one meter.

The youth's movements are as if this movement has been practiced countless times.

"You said that I can't kill you now?" And after aiming the gun at Du Cheng's forehead. The young man said coldly again.

"Do you really want to know the answer?"

It’s just that Du Cheng’s face is still not half-worried or scared. The look is still so calm and even the tone has not changed.

The eyes of the young man stunned at this moment. He suddenly couldn’t guess why Du Cheng had such strong confidence in this situation.

The fifth is more tears rushing for the ticket, the ticket will be violently chrysanthemum, I don't want to. There are two more in the evening, 21,000 words today.