Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 301: Xuantang Reform (on)

A Maserati is very expensive. But the young man’s interest in dry Maserati was good. More attention was paid to Cheng Hao’s body, and Cheng Hao and Du Cheng went to the sand. The heart suddenly became very angry.

But the woman next to him is obviously very interested in Maserati. After all, Maserati is still very lethal to women.

“How about Zhang Shao, how about watching this car?” The pretty woman looks forward to the youth


"The idiot took more than two million to drive this car and did not open Ferrari."

The young man said very disdainfully that he looked at Duan, who was drinking tea with Du Cheng, and said awkwardly: "This kind of car will only buy if you break the Audi. Let's see our Ferrari."

Young people just take a woman to show the prestige is not to buy a car. If he can buy it, he will not open a BMW.

After talking about the youth, he and his woman once again walked toward Ferrari.

The sales lady next to him heard the young people saying that they thought that the young people’s intention to buy more suddenly became more tight.

On the contrary, it is full of depression and pity between the sales lady who is next to Du Cheng and Gu Sixin.

“Can you help me calculate how much this Maserati’s president runs?”

Seeing that the young man left Du Cheng, he turned his eyes to Cheng Hao and saw Cheng Hao nodding his head and then said directly to the sales lady.

Although the sales lady wants to compete for the customer, her own quality is still possible. Although she does not think that Du Cheng has the ability to purchase, she still directly picks up the detailed list of cars that have been prepared on the coffee table. Then I introduced it to Du Cheng.

Naturally, this algorithm is not the original price of the car but the cost of purchase tax, insurance, etc., but it also has about three million.

Du Cheng did not pick up the sales list but just let the sales lady hand over the list.

The sales lady gave the list to Cheng Hao and her eyes became obvious. Her previous attention was on the young man. At this moment, the look of Cheng Hao was shocked. The appearance of the heavens was naturally unrecognizable.

Cheng Hao’s appearance is not only extremely strong for men, but also for women.


Looking at Cheng Hao’s face that is enough to make people suffocate, once again, although wearing ordinary but temperament is very good, Du Cheng’s eyes of the sales lady suddenly became hot because she suddenly appeared to be sitting in front of her own eyes. They are the real gold masters.

Cheng Hao apparently already got used to the slightest smile and then took the list from the sales lady.

Waiting for Cheng Hao to nod and indicate that there was no problem, Du Cheng took out the wallet directly from the inside pocket of his jacket and took out a bank card from it and said to the sales lady: "On this car, help." I will handle it now."

Although the sales lady faintly guessed that Du Cheng and Cheng Hao had the purchasing power, they did not think that Du Cheng was so slightly stunned. This was very excited. He took the bank card from Du Cheng’s hand and said: "Please wait for me to do this for you.

The sales lady’s voice was a little louder. Some of the young people next to me and another sales lady suddenly turned their eyes. The youth’s eyes were obviously full of incredible looks, while the other sales lady was directly sluggish. Over there.

When Du Cheng followed the sales lady to swipe the card, the young man ran away from the woman who was carrying him.

I watched the young and the woman who was running away, and the somewhat sluggish sales lady wanted to cry.

The action on the car dealership was quickly completed because Du Cheng did not intend to let the dealers help him to list the cards, so it was only in less than an hour that all the formalities were ready.

Du Cheng and Cheng Hao did not stay much but left directly by car.

As for the license plate. Du Cheng intends to directly help Cheng Hao with a military license plate. There is a license plate in the sense that the safety of Cheng Hao will naturally be much larger.

Of course, Du Cheng does not have time to give Cheng Hao a license plate. So this thing naturally falls on Ah San’s body.

After leaving the dealership, Du Cheng parked the car in the apartment parking lot where Cheng Hao lived. Then Cheng Hao drove the Maserati president sports car to take him for a ride.

Cheng Hao’s driving technology is still good because she originally had a BMW in the city than the coupe, but she basically seldom opened because she went to work. After all, driving a luxury sports car to work for her. The impact on the airport is not good.

Although this Maraton is very expensive, but for Cheng Hao, how much money is second. Because she and Du Cheng are not short of the money, the most important thing is that the meaning of this car is all the way for the whole afternoon. It’s great to wait until Cheng Hao is tired and the time is already close to dusk. Under the guidance of Du Cheng, the two together had a delicious seafood dinner near the famous Gulangyu Island in Xiamen, and then Du Cheng drove to the Red Sun Nightclub.

At this time, it was already 8 o'clock in the evening. The red sun nightclub was already a lively scene after Du Cheng stopped. Then I got off the bus and entered the Red Sun nightclub together with Cheng Hao.

"Would you like to go with me?"

After entering the nightclub, Du Cheng pointed to the top of the nightclub. Asked Cheng Hao softly.

Cheng Hao knows that Du Cheng has something to do with Ajiu, so she did not follow up, but pointed to an empty bar not far from the front and said to Du Cheng: "Don't go, I am tired." Waiting for you below."

"Yeah. Then I will go down and go down."

Du Cheng gently nodded. This is the site of Xuantang. Du Cheng naturally does not worry about anything. After sending Cheng Hao to sit in the bar, he will go directly to the fourth floor of the nightclub.

There is actually an elevator next to it, but basically the Duan, which is full of up and down the elevator, is naturally not interested in crowding the elevator with others.

When Du Cheng came to the fourth floor, Ah Jiu and A San and the Queen were both in the exercise room in Dagang.

The three seem to be discussing what they saw after Du Cheng’s door came in.


A Jiu first greeted Du Cheng with great respect and then stood up from her seat.

"Du Ge. You are here."

And Ah San and the Queen are also standing up, but the two are naturally more casual than Ajiu.

When Du Cheng opened the door, he just listened to Ah San and Ajiu, saying, "Some words in Siming District. Du Cheng immediately asked after they greeted them: "What are you talking about? ”

Hearing Du Cheng asked A San directly said: "It is the Mingyi of Siming District. These days, we often come to our district to provoke us to discuss whether we need to teach each other or directly annex the Siming District."

Siming District and Huli District are actually united, and Gu Langyu, which Du Cheng had previously gone to, actually belongs to the scope of Siming District.

Originally, Du Cheng did not intend to let Xuantang expand for the time being. After all, Xuantang’s expansion has been fast enough. If there is a quicker speed, there may be some control. However, there is no problem in the Siming District. After all, Siming District and the Lake The Li District is connected together. For Xuantang, it only increased the scale.

same. There is absolutely no problem in attacking the Mingyi gang.

As the weakest Mingyi in Xiamen City, when the lake was helping, the lake was helping the face. With the current strength of Xuantang, as long as the members of the 100 elites are sent, they can easily sweep the entire Mingyi help.

Think about it here. Du Cheng’s heart has already decided to go straight to Ah San: “You should do this if you want to do it. If it is appropriate, then the Siming District will be annexed.”

"Okay. Du Ge."

A three lead. He is enjoying this day very much now. It’s exciting and fun, and you can sing songs every night. Originally, he and the Queen and Dagang have been able to go back to life. However, in the end, Ah San and the Queen and Dapu refused. In Asan, it is definitely a promising future to follow Du Cheng. It is not worse than returning to the guard.

Waiting for Ah San to go down Du Cheng and then said: "Yes. Ah three, you have time to go to the city in these two days. I have a car that needs you to go back and hang up the military area. I have already contacted you when you open directly. Just go."

"No problem~www.novelhall.com~ Ah San will not refuse to think about it.

Then Du Cheng listened to Ah Ji and said about the current situation of Xuan Tang. Of course, Du Cheng is most concerned about the situation of the elite group for Du Cheng. As long as the elite group does not die, Xuantang will naturally not fall.

After waiting for things to finish, Du Cheng then got up and left.

Ah San and the Queen went to the downstairs with Du Cheng. For Ah San and the Queen, it is now their entertainment time.

It was only when Du Cheng went down the first floor that it was surrounded by several people.

Among the young people he saw at noon were five members of the Church and several young people who were very expensive.

This made Du Cheng's brow wrinkled gently because the five members of the Xuantang were actually divided into two factions, two guards, and three others stood on the young side.

Taking a picture of my daughter’s nap, I uploaded it first.