Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 302: Xuantang Reform (middle)

Chuan Niang sees what you are doing. You are not saying that you must know the Emperor. I also know Laozi. ”

The young man’s face looked like Cheng Hao’s look was very arrogant. And then went on to say: "Anyway, you dare not drink a few cups with Lao Tzu tonight, see how you left here."

And several of his companions next to him were laughing and laughing, and even the members of the Xuantang were laughing.

It’s just that Cheng Hao is cold and watching a lot of pity in their eyes. There is still disdain.

The members of Cheng Xuan’s two side halls are some of them. They can’t recognize Cheng Hao because Cheng Hao often sits with the Queen and Ah San. Relationship is naturally not diving


But the young man opposite is also aware of it. In the Huli District, Xuantang set up three separate halls to manage the entire Huli District. The other party knows that Zhongqiutang, the main owner of this area, is Zhongqiu. And the relationship is not shallow.

Zhong Qiu is the old man of the lake, but he has a very good set of management. As well as the entertainment venues in this area, Zhong Qiu is in charge of this. This is why he is such a lake gang can be accepted and reused by Xuantang.

Therefore, the two members of the Xuantang who are guarding Cheng Hao are obviously hesitant because they are sure to offend the other side if they are holding on to Cheng Hao. Only Cheng Hao and Ah San know with the Queen. If they protect Cheng Hao, then they will have It may be appreciated by A3 and the Queen. .

Cheng Hao did not have any fear of fear. He only said in a faint tone and calmly: "I still advise you to leave the words if you want to leave. Otherwise, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance. ""

Hey girls. How do you want Laozi to give you a look at the color first? is not it? ”

The young man is using the words of Kui Gong as the wind in the ear. Now, the most powerful and several people in the Huli District, relying on his father’s relationship with Zhong Qiu, he is still afraid in this area.


After that. The young man picked up a wine glass directly from the bar and poured it into red wine. He then handed it to Cheng Hao and said, "Drink this wine to Laozi tonight, if you don't drink it."

After talking about the young man, he looked at the fascinating and fascinating face of Cheng Hao’s fascinating face and suddenly had a little more impulse.

Seeing the young man, the more the wine is handed over, the more he will go to the front of his own eyes and simply take over the glass.

The young man thought that Cheng Hao’s compromise was more smug and he only smiled halfway. A drink is already coming to him.

And Cheng Hao. It was a faint face that put the glass in the hand on the table.

"Smelly girl, you are looking for death?"

The young man who had been splashed in public was suddenly looking angry and pointing at Cheng Hao and shouting loudly.

The accomplices next to him were even more ridiculous, but the three members of the Xuantang approached some of them and apparently saw that the young people were splashed and they felt that they had no face.

The two members of the Xuantang who guarded Cheng Hao looked at each other. Obviously, what decision was made? The two stood up at the same time and guarded Cheng Hao.

"Give me these two dogs to clean up first. *I will not surname Zhang if I don't play this evening." The young man said with great anger.

"You don't know that Tao Ge is a friend of Zhong Lao Dao still blocking. Is it really wanting to owe it?"

After all, one of the three members of the same hall in the same hall said to the two men who guarded Cheng Hao. The Tao Ge that he said in his mouth is the young Zhang Tao.

"What nonsense. Give me a fight." Seeing the other two members of the Xuantang who want to say that Zhang Tao is very impatient, he screamed directly at the three people on his side.

The three members of the Xuantang apparently were afraid of Zhang Tao or that they wanted to please Zhang Tao and then looked at each other and then walked forward.

Three dozen two. Under the circumstances that the strengths are similar, the two members of the Xuantang who guarded Cheng Hao were quickly put down.

It was only when the three members of the Church wanted to go further. However, it is the side of the current situation that I don’t know when there is more than one person, and Cheng Hao is looking at the other person’s eyes full of happiness.

And in the distance. A San and the Queen are far from standing. Du Cheng let them stand there and Ah Jizheng has gone downstairs.

Because they were blocked by the two Xuantang members, they waited until the two members of the Xuantang were subdued on the ground. Zhang Tao saw Du Cheng, who was sitting next to Cheng Hao.

Du Cheng wore a black black suit and was not obvious under the colorful lights in the nightclub hall.

"You three are Zhong Qiu's men?"

Du Cheng just sat quietly, but the whole body was up and down, but there was an invisible momentum in the invisible, so that the members of the three Xuantang would not dare to go forward.

The three members of the "Xuantang have not seen Du Cheng but Du Cheng's momentum is to let them not dare to start just turning their eyes to Zhang Tao."

Zhang Tao originally thought that Cheng Hao was a person who gave him a chance. However, he did not expect Du Cheng to be so sinister. The original anger was suddenly more popular. He shouted directly to the three members of the Xuantang: " *After breaking the Audi, what are you afraid of? Give me a punch, I will give you a hundred dollars, half a dead, each of you two.

For Zhang Tao's "reward", the three members of the Xuantang are obviously very eager to look at each other and then slowly move toward Du Cheng.

Seeing the other side coming. Du Cheng’s eyes were colder and then stood up slowly on the sand.

It's just a simple action. However, Du Cheng’s momentum is stronger. It’s a pity that the three members of the Xuantang who want to regret it are too late because Du Cheng has already started.

The very very heavy three-legged members of the three Xuantang were directly dragged by Du Cheng to the heavy scorpion, one of them slammed into Zhang Yuan and the other two ran into Zhang Tao’s accomplices, and Zhang Tao and his accomplices The two men fell to the ground at the same time.

Du Cheng did not have any mercy. The three members of the Xuantang each broke at least a few ribs and it was impossible to climb up at a time.

However, although Zhang Tao was not lightly hit, he could stand up reluctantly.

"Don't waste time calling Zhong Qiu, Du Cheng simply didn't waste time thinking about sitting back on the sand and talking directly to the Zhang Tao."

Zhang Tao looked at Du Cheng’s eyes and obviously had a bit more fear. Because the net was only too fast, he didn’t see that he had self-knowledge, and naturally he knew that he could never be Du Cheng’s opponent. The voice network fell, he was the first time to come up with a mobile phone

And a few friends next to him looked at Du Cheng with a look of anger.

Zhang Tao’s movements are very fast. Soon, I dialed the phone of Zhong Qiu, and then said directly: "Clock brother, I am A Tao. I am bullying in your red sun nightclub. Well, in the downstairs hall, the other party threatened to find you, hurry up. Ok, I am waiting for you in the lobby.

After saying that Zhang Tao looked proudly, Du Cheng Du Cheng was awesome, but here is the place of Zhong Qiu. He does not believe that Du Cheng can be an enemy of the entire Xuan Tang.

It’s just that when Zhang Tao is talking, there are several people who are looking at compassion and compassion.


A San and the woman looked at Zhang Tao's eyes full of sympathy. Dagang didn't know when it was down from the upstairs. From the other side to the Queen, he had already understood the matter, so even if it was the character of Dagang Namuna. There is also a little bit of sympathy.

A nine exceptions because Ajiu’s eyes were cold and quickly turned to a middle-aged man who came downstairs.

The middle-aged man wearing a silver suit in his forties looks completely like a successful person. If it weren't for the dozen or so members of the Xuantang who were next to him, I am afraid that few people would see it. This middle-aged man is the owner of the Xuantang Tianwotang.

The next to Zhong Qiu is just the ordinary disciple of Xuantang. Because the whole Xuantang is only Ajiu and A3, they have the command of the Xuanzhang elite group. Others are not even Zhongqiu.

When Zhong Qiu went downstairs, he saw Aji and Aya in the hall. Their brows were slightly wrinkled. Because he saw Ajiu, their eyes all fell on Zhong Tao’s body, which made him feel in his heart. Suddenly, I had a bad premonition and quickly accelerated my pace~www.novelhall.com~ Ajiu did not say hello to Zhongqiu because Ajiu’s heart clearly knows that Zhongqiu has stepped into the countdown of leaving Xuantang. After thinking about it, they went directly to Du Cheng with A San.

From the perspective of Du Cheng's look, A Jiu knows that Du Cheng is definitely not just trying to help Cheng Hao to exhale.

Zhong Qiu originally planned to go to Ah Jiu and first greeted Ah Jiu and saw Ah Jiu go to Du Cheng and Zhang Tao. After Zhong Qiu can only follow from the back, it is only in this moment Zhong Qiu’s heart is not good. It is getting stronger and stronger. Some of the most important thing is that he looks at Du Cheng’s back and suddenly feels familiar.

It’s only now that I know that bringing a child is the pain of the legend and that I am too happy to toss my wife to come back tomorrow morning. Today, there is no way to fight for a more chapter before twelve o’clock.

Let's start tomorrow. I don't know if there is any time tomorrow morning, but at least tomorrow, I will start to explode the meaning of the chapter first.涧书口四凹口厂Shang Shaoli salary by", spy Lido