Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 300: Small friction

Ran Cheng returned the option to himself. Du Cheng naturally does not stay half-divided. And then go to the franchise store in Maserati.

In fact, this is the only Maserati franchise store in Xiamen and the Ferrari franchise store. The two brands are integrated, but the people who come here generally come to the Ferrari brand and the price difference is not too disparate. Many people are willing to choose Ferrari. Not Maserati.

After all, the reputation of Maserati in China is far less than that of Ferrari and it is far less than the appearance of Ferrari.

Because it is close to the gate of the franchise store, Du Cheng's degree is not fast, but slowly enters the gate and then heads for a parking space next to the entrance hall.

Just when Du Cheng’s car was less than a dozen meters away from the parking space, a roar of horsepower suddenly sounded behind him, followed by a silvery BMW rushing from behind and catching up with the mystery. The right body of the car went straight and passed and grabbed the parking space in front of Du Cheng.

Du Cheng did not think that the other party actually drove the two cars so differently that they quickly stepped on the brakes to avoid hitting directly from behind.

And Cheng Hao is scared. Some of the flowers are eclipsed. After all, the other party’s voice is too scary. It’s like trying to hit it. She just sits in the sub-seat and the strong dynamic sound is like roaring in her ear. general.

Seeing this scene, Du Cheng’s eyes were obviously a little more angry because the other party’s opening was too arrogant. And if you accidentally hit it on the side of Cheng Hao, Du Cheng is afraid that even the murderous heart will be there.

And in front of the Audi car. A very trendy young man walked out of the car and then had a long, very beautiful woman who walked down the secondary seat. The woman's length is somewhat pure, but it is **** but some of the short skirts that can't be short, especially if they are slightly bent, they can all be seen.

The young man's gaze directly looked through the magazine as a glamorous look at Du Cheng. Du Cheng saw Du Cheng staring at him very disdainfully: "When you look at it, you drive a broken Audi and you have a fart with Lao Tzu."

The young man did not even see the true body of Du Cheng’s Austrian sister, although his price was not cheap but he talked about the price. Du Cheng’s Audi sister was enough to buy five or six BMW bushes.

And between the words of the young, the young man’s gaze also shifted from Du Cheng’s face to the side of Cheng Hao’s pretty face.

And the woman in a short skirt is a cheeky look toward him. It is also full of disdain. However, she obviously didn't have Cheng Hao who was sitting in the vice seat. If she saw it, she wouldn't laugh because she was too good. Although she was still pretty good, she was not as good as Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao was somewhat disgusted and avoided the young man's gaze. When Du Cheng apparently had a little more anger, she said directly to Du Cheng: "Du Cheng counts, don't be familiar with such people."

Du Cheng nodded gently. Then drive the car toward a parking space next to it.

If it is his own thing, Du Cheng is naturally lazy and cares about that kind of person, but it is different from Cheng Hao Du Cheng. If the young man accidentally hits the net, Du Cheng will probably kill him even on the spot.

See Du Cheng drive the car away. The young man reluctantly retracted his eyes and whispered a whisper: "A mother who broke through Audi can also soak up such a good woman."

The voice of the young man was very light and did not let the woman next to him hear it. He just took the woman and walked directly into the showroom of the franchise store.

Du Cheng and Cheng Hao then walked down and got off the bus. Cheng Hao obviously didn't want to let Du Cheng remember the talent of the net. He took Du Cheng's arm and said softly: "Well, let's go to see the car."

"Yeah." Now that he did not pursue Du Cheng, he wouldn’t hang a little thing on his heart. After a sigh of relief, he entered the exhibition hall with a sweet face.

As a franchise store for Ferrari and Maserati, this franchise store naturally has a car that is no longer a car. Both Ferrari and Maserati are very valuable, so there are not many cars in the entire exhibition hall with three cars and two Ferraris and one silver Maserati.

The two Ferraris are "one of the obscured ones should be second-hand or test drive and the other Maserati is the latest presidential sports car of Maserati.

This four-door version of the Maserati sports car looks so soft and elegant that it is not as glamorous as Ferrari. That is a kind of low-key gorgeous and Cheng Wei's toxic quality can be said to be cattle"

As for the price, although it is less expensive than Ferrari, the price of more than 2.4 million is enough to say that it is a luxury run.

Du Cheng's original goal is that this Maserati president's sports car originally Du Cheng thought that it was to order the order, but Du Cheng did not think that this franchise store actually has the spot of this car.

Cheng Yiyi entered the door. It was natural that the eyes of this Maserati president’s sports car attracted the attention and then turned to Du Cheng, which was obviously a good decision.

"How do you like this car? If you like it, will you go back?"

Du Cheng smiled and asked, but from the eyes of Cheng Wei, Bo Cheng, Du Cheng knew that Cheng Hao must have taken a fancy to this car.


Cheng Hao nodded and thought nod. The look is a little more exciting because it is only the first sight that she has already taken a fancy to this Maserati president sports car.

After receiving the answer from Cheng Hao, Du Cheng looked around the hall and there was no other Du Cheng who wanted to find a sales lady here.

Just waiting for Du Cheng’s gaze to turn around, but now the only two sales ladies in the entire hall are surrounded by the youth department of the BMW team. The new Farah is not present. Du Cheng and Cheng Hao.

This made Du Cheng’s eyes a little more smiley. Cheng Hao couldn’t help but laugh.

Du Cheng can understand the actions of the two sales ladies. After all, he also came to work, so Du Cheng did not care about the pieces, but with Cheng Hao went to the Maserati and began to appreciate.

In the distance, the young man who is driving the treasure is watching a beautiful woman who appreciates the brand new, but his gaze is from time to time, aiming at Du Cheng or aiming at Cheng Hao’s body. It’s a bit more obsessed with faintness.

After seeing Du Cheng and Cheng Wei admiring the Maserati, the youth seemed to have made a decision and said directly to the two sales ladies: "What car is that car?"

I dare to know that the young man does not know the brand of Maserati.

"Zhang Boss is the latest president of Maserati. The official price of the sports car is porridge. If you are interested, you can go and have a look.

One of the two sales ladies rushed to say that they naturally strive for this kind of intentionally purchased customers. After all, if they can sell one, they will only be enough for their half-year salary.

"*What a broken car is so ugly that it is going to be more than two million." The young man’s heart snorted but he did not show it but directly looked at his woman under the leadership of the sales lady. Going around.

Another sales lady was robbed and looked a bit sullen because of the surname of the company.

At this time, she saw that it was not far away, just like admiring the artworks, and generally admiring Maserati's Du Cheng and Cheng Hao. Du Cheng and Cheng Hao are not like buying a car because Du Cheng and Cheng Hao are too calm and feel like they are too expensive to see. .

However, in the case of knowing that this customer is hopeless, the sales lady had to go to Du Cheng and Cheng Hao. After all, the other party can't buy it. Secondly, he still has to do his job as a sales lady.

"Du Cheng that the nuisance came over."

At the glance of Cheng Hao’s eyes, he saw the young man’s eyes coming back with a bit of disgust and whispering to Du Cheng~www.novelhall.com~ let’s go there and wait for them to leave us. buy. ”

The young man looked at Cheng Hao’s gaze. Du Cheng can be said to be in the eyes, but Du Cheng lazy with this kind of person refers to the side of the guests not far from the sand, whispered to Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao gently nodded and then took Du Cheng’s arm and walked toward the sand.


The sales lady who came from behind came naturally to see Du Cheng and Cheng Hao’s action eyes. It was naturally more disappointing. Du Cheng and Cheng Hao were directly included in the inability to buy and then looked at her colleague’s eyes. It’s a bit more envy and envy.

But even then she turned to Du Cheng and Cheng Hao in the sand and handed the tea to the two.

Defense: Going to sleep with my daughter. Also. The youth that appears in this chapter is not the kind of lunchbox hero.