Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 290: Star Teng, departure

4[o]The 290th chapter of Xingteng, departure

Po Limen slowly hit Gu Sixin who was opening the door and walking towards the door. There, the body was suddenly in front of Du Cheng.

For example, the jade is generally white and delicate, and the skin has a very large scale. The chest is accompanied by Gu Sixin’s walking movement and gently trembles with incomparable seduction. Gu Sixin does not wear the habit of sleeping in the evening, so the pair of jade rabbits are naturally Less bound.

The flat belly and the rounded buttocks without half excess fat are the most beautiful and beautiful curves in the world. The small mystery of Gu Sixin is wrapped tightly, but it is faintly visible.

Together with Gu Sixin's sacred and touching face, Gu Sixin is like a mermaid princess in a fairy tale. It is also like a fairy who bathes in water and combines beauty, sensuality and holiness to form an infinitely beautiful picture.

Gu Sixin also saw Du Cheng’s sacred and touching face above, and then screamed.

Although she and Du Cheng have already established a relationship between men and women, Du Cheng has long been the only lover of her life. However, Gu Sixin has never been exposed to a small face in the eyes of Du Cheng. It is as fascinating as a ripe fruit.

"What are you calling me? I didn't open my eyes.

Du Cheng’s reaction to Gu Sixin had long been expected to listen to Gu Sixin’s voice with a bit of panic. Du Cheng’s face also floated a smile and said softly.

Hearing Du Cheng said that Gu Sixin responded to the moment when the door opened and continued until now. Du Cheng seems to have closed his eyes and has not opened it.

I remembered the moment when I was nervous. Gu Sixin’s pretty face was a little more annoyed. I waved my fist and gently tapped Du Cheng’s chest and said it was very dissatisfied: “Du Cheng, your big bad guy, big wolf

With Gu Sixin's punching action, the plump jade rabbit on her chest is undoubtedly a more joyful jump. Fortunately, Du Cheng is closed with eyes. If he is squatting, I am afraid that he can't stand the tempting scene.

"Come on, or it's not good."

Feeling Gu Sixin's retreating action Du Cheng's face was more intense, and then he said that he gently put the nightdress on Gu Sixin's body.

Gu Sixin also stopped and relied on Du Cheng to put the nightdress on her pretty face, but it was full of shyness and sweetness. A close look at Du Cheng Gu Sixin’s heart filled with happiness.

Gently biting my teeth, Gu Sixin’s eyes suddenly flashed a rare and charming look. I didn’t go back to the bathroom to put on the nightdress. Instead, I gently opened my hands and hugged Du Cheng and her. The seductive body is tightly attached to Du Cheng's body.

Gu Sixin's action made Du Cheng's obvious glimpse. Du Cheng did not think that the usual timid, Gu Sixin would suddenly be so bold, but Du Cheng could obviously feel the softness of Gu Sixin's seductive body.

"Du Cheng, I am not a child, my sister will say it, but I want to rely on my own feelings.

Gu Sixin's happy face is relying on Du Cheng's arms, and the light and sweet voice is slowly sounding. Her pretty face is already a blushing, and the moving eyes are also a bit more.

Hearing that Gu Sixin said that Du Cheng did not say anything, just Gu Sixin gently squatted in his arms.

Gu Sixin slowly raised his head to see Du Cheng or closed his eyes, and his heart was very sweet. Then he gently said in Du Cheng’s ear: "Du Cheng Sixin’s everything is yours. If you want, Sixin Willing to give everything to you

This sentence is replaced by anyone who is absolutely happy to have Gu Sixin's tempting temptation. But Gu Sixin is so Du Cheng but the more he can't bear to touch her. There is only incomparable pity in the heart. After a light smile, Du Cheng suddenly took a slap on the beautiful buttocks of Gu Sixin. Then he said: "The stupid nonsense will wait until the day we get married."

Du Cheng took a slap in the sensitive place. Gu Sixin was the first to be a pretty face. The original tender feeling turned into an annoyed color. Just when I heard Du Chengkou’s words about marriage, Gu Sixin felt like he was falling. The endless happiness in the ocean of happiness is already surrounded by her moments. And take the initiative to put his seductive little mouth to Du Cheng.

Gently closed the door of Du Cheng's face involuntarily revealed a touch of smile. Recalling the net, Gu Sixin County's active kiss Du Cheng's heart still has a sense of accomplishment.

When Du Cheng’s gaze fell on Li Enhui’s body, Li Enhui was “concentrating on drawing a color picture as if it had not come out.”

It’s just that Li Enhui’s eyes are a little red, but they’re actually betrayed.

she was.

Under this situation, Du Cheng will naturally not say anything more than Li Enhui because it will only be more embarrassing. Du Cheng went straight back to his room and summoned Xiner.

Du Chengxian understands the situation in China.

As Du Cheng expected, the second video of the cloth made the Guo family once again recommend the focus of the cusp on the cusp of the cusp, because the second woman who walked in the mouth was a family and a husband who would have a headache.

Undoubtedly, Guo Jia is definitely a shameful Du Cheng. It is not necessary to know Guo’s prestige. Absolutely low to the bottom.

This is for Du Cheng. It is a good thing because Guo Jin has no extra thoughts on how to deal with Du Cheng. Guo Jin is now the most important thing to protect himself.

Du Cheng can imagine it. Guo Jia is now sure to move around with a lot of power to find the real murderer. It is a pity that anyone in the world can find the Xin line. So everything in Guo’s family will only be in vain.

And Du Cheng’s work is very simple. That is to wait for the wind to calm down a bit and then fall down again.

As for other things. After Du Cheng’s management of the company and Cheng Hao, Gu Jiayi, and Ye Mei each completed the call, Du Cheng began to enter the state of learning.

Of course, other things Duancheng may not be able to think of it now because his movements have made a person grow up quickly and this person is his duan father-in-law Ye Chengtu.

This matter was not known to Ye Mei until Du Cheng returned to China from Paris.

Du Cheng originally thought that Kenny Girard would definitely want to struggle for a few days, but only Du Cheng did not think of it. Kenny Girard called him the next morning.

Kenny Girard agreed with Du Cheng’s request and agreed to transfer the Bosshan team. However, Kenny Girard could not guarantee that the Bossheim team would be willing to go to China to go to a small company that the name has not been heard. Because the Bethham Group is a separate small group, the group signed with Burr Electronics is a contract of the nature of the contract.

So Kenny Girard has a premise that allows Du Cheng to persuade Bashan to open a small group.

At the headquarters of Burr Electronic Technology, Du Cheng once again saw Kenny Girana Kenny Girard seems to be somewhat discouraged. It seems that it is a compromise. But Du Cheng can clearly see from the other’s eyes. A little bit of a look.

How can Du Cheng not know Kenny Girard's careful thoughts? If Bossham opens a small group, if the group does not want to, then Du Cheng can't help him. When he is Kenigir, he will be able to let Du Ni. Make another request.

Du Cheng just smiled and then accompanied the Kenny Girard to see the Bossheim team in the opening building of Burr Electronics.

The Bossham Open Group has a total of 16 members. Each of them has a certain authority group in this field. The leader of the team is about the same height as Du Cheng. But it is a big fat man who is a lot bigger than Du Fu.

The name of this big fat man is called Claire Boss. He is wearing a very tense in his sixties. The image of the first person is a bad old man.

Not only Claire so almost the entire Bossin team couldn't find a few that seemed normal, which reminded Du Cheng of the media and the outside world's nickname for the Boss.

It can be said that this is a group of workaholics and research buddies who do not sell anyone's account. Even if Kenny Girard is standing in front of them, they will not be polite with Kenny Girard.

Naturally, let alone Du Cheng, when Kenny Girard gave these workaholics and explicit acquaintances to Du Cheng, only a few people looked indifferently and looked at Du Ren’s other people.

Just seeing this scene Du Cheng's face is a little more smile because Du Chen has long been expected for this result.

"Kenny President. I want to say something to them alone. Should you mind?"

Seeing that under the leadership of Claire, they are conducting tests on various performances and digital dramas on a newly researched graphics card. Du Cheng directly said that Kenny Gilal, who stood by and seemed to wait for a good show, said directly. .

"No problem

Kenny Girard responded very simply. He didn't believe that Du Cheng could convince the boss to open the group. It is still unknown whether even Lehr will pay attention to Du Cheng.

Just what Kenny Girard couldn’t think of was that in less than fifteen minutes, Du Cheng came out and came out of Claire’s fat face with Claire’s personal contact with some of the Boss’s team members. The last pair is like the old eyes of Duan. Du Cheng’s eyes are full of respect and expectation.

See this scene. That Kenny Girard was lying on the spot and staying there for a while.


On the same day, Zhong Chengshou took the call from Du Cheng and immediately took Zhong Ling out of the country. Zhong Chengshou did not bring any translations because Zhong Ling is a high school student at the Foreign Languages ​​Institute and is also proficient in three foreign languages. French is one of them.

Du Cheng did not let Cheng Hao come out because this thing can be solved by Du Chengshou. Du Cheng does not want Cheng Haofei to fly too tired.

After Zhong Chengshou came out with the help of Zhong Ling, he began to negotiate with Kenny Girard and Bossham. The whole process was very smooth. Kenny Girard was like a defeated cock. Generally, after signing all the contracts, he still does not understand how Du Cheng persuaded Claire to fix this.

When Zhong Chengshou handled this matter, Du Cheng was directly accompanying Gu Sixin to travel between the various attractions in Paris. For Du Cheng, these things are clearly handled by Zhong Chengshou, and he does not need him to worry about anything.

As for how to convince Bethel to open the group, this is actually a very simple matter. For those workaholics and research mad, Du Cheng is only a small show of the various hardware technologies he is going to let Xing Teng Technology begin to study. The theory has already conquered them. Even Claire has proposed to Du Cheng that he can do it without paying if he is allowed to participate in research work.

This result is not surprising because they are not paying for the Boss Group. Because they are not short of money, what they want is research and development. Naturally, it is impossible to reject the confession of Du Cheng.

With the addition of the Bossheim team, the research and development team of Xingteng Technology has basically become perfect. The next step is to add a large-scale and perfect equipment to set up a professional research center.

As for Zhang Xingzhi's Du Cheng, he is not worried about the integration of Zhang Xingzhi and Bossham. Because Zhang Xingzhi's personality is in a sense, it is very similar to the Bossham Kai Group. These experienced monsters in the Bossin Open Group believe in Du Cheng. . As long as Zhang Xingzhi has enough talent, he can grow up again.

It was only when Zhong Chengshou completed the various contracts with Burr Electronics and Bossham to open the group. Du Cheng was only in the afternoon after Zhong Chengshou was preparing to return to China, and Zhong Chengshou and Zhong Ling met on the afternoon of the next day.

"How did you dig up this Bossham team?"

In the coffee shop where Du Cheng first met Kenny Girard. Zhong Chengshou asked an incredible face toward Du Cheng.

in this field. How could Zhong Chengshou not know what Bossham’s small group represents? In Zhong Chengshou, this world's top opening group is undoubtedly unattainable to him, not to say that he wants to have it but now; this is a fact that makes Zhong Chengshou feel unbelievable for a while.

However, there is a point that Cheng Chengshou can be sure that the moment that Bosseng Technology will grow up with the speed that others can't imagine after Bossohn's opening group is only to worry about Zhong Chengshou. The lack of funds in the company seems to have supported the expansion and scale of the company.

In addition to the salary of the Bossohn team and the problem of housing, this also requires a huge sum because he gave the group to Bethham in accordance with Du Cheng’s meaning.


On the side of Zhong Ling is extremely curious and admired to see this man who has a mysterious feeling. But Zhong Ling does not have any other thoughts because Zhong Ling has self-knowledge unless one day she can dare to raise her head in front of Cheng Hao. .

How could the worry in Zhong Chengshou’s eyes be overwhelmed by Du Cheng’s horrible eyesight, seeing Zhong Chengshou’s Du Fu directly smiling and saying: “How do I dig into the boss’s opening group. You will know later. You should first increase the size of the company. Remember that all kinds of equipment must be introduced according to the requirements of the leader of the Claire. As for the funds, you don't have to worry about what I will solve."

"Really. Du. I am afraid there is a huge gap in funding. You can really solve it.

Zhong Chengshou looked at Du Cheng’s surprise and looked at Du Cheng’s gap. It’s not as simple as one or two million. Because those professional equipments are all amazing, there is no such thing as a huge investment of more than 100 million yuan. begging.

And this billion yuan. Zhong Chengshou does not think that anyone can easily come up with it.

"Don't worry. You just have to go to the implementation. You don't need to worry about this.


Du Cheng is very simple, because yesterday, Charlie transferred the 150 million euros of Ai Qier to his account. This unexpected wealth only needs to come out of 50 million euros. It can solve the financial problems of Xingteng Technology~www.novelhall.com~ And anyway, this Xingteng Technology is the same as how much he invested in Du Cheng’s full control.

I got Du Cheng’s affirmation that Zhong Chengshou naturally wouldn’t say anything more directly: “Good. Du. Then I will go back and prepare. Small.

Many of the things that Zhong Chengshou wants to prepare are the living problems of the Bossheim team. This is what Zhong Chengshou needs to prepare first.


Du Cheng nodded. Did not say much but personally sent Zhong Chengshou and Zhong Ling to the airport.

As for the Bossheim team, it takes some time to go to the country because they need to prepare a lot of things. There was no time for bird cold in the cold afternoon.

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