Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 291: Proud woman

48[o]Chapter 291 Proud Woman

A few days down. Du Cheng is basically accompanying Gu Sixin to travel all over Li. Li Enhui, a scenic spot in Zhouzhou, has to solve the problem of endorsement and all the costumes that have been designed to work out. There is basically no time during the day. Only at night will there be time to accompany Gu Sixin to visit all the streets in Paris. .

On the seventh day of Du Cheng and Gu Sixin's arrival in Paris, Su Xueru also came out.

During the seven-day period, the management of the Xin Charity Foundation has officially established that Su Xueru has purchased a new office building for six million yuan next to the city center. The headquarters of the Xinxin Charity Foundation is funded by Gu Sixin. The chairman of the meeting, Su Xueru, served as the vice chairman and the secretary-general and other staff members were recruited and interviewed through the Internet for a total of twelve.

As for the volunteer associations, chapters, and inspectors' associations in various provinces across the country, they have already been roughly determined. However, if they are formally established, they will need to be reviewed by personal interviews.

And this time Su Xueru came out to help Gu Sixin talk about "the endorsement of the Paris family."

In fact, Gu Sixin and Li Enhui have already discussed the cost of endorsement. Li Enhui has not been ill-treated. Although Gu Sixin is not high, but it is also the cost of the international superstar level, and Su Xueru only went out to carry out a process and Xiao Ducheng did not need to worry about it. What is instead is to start preparing for the return journey.

On the evening of the same day, Su Xueru accompanied Gu Sixin to a trip. “The headquarters of the Balenciaga family went back before Gu Sixin needed to help Li Enfeng to take a group of promotional photos. As for the real endorsement propaganda, it will not wait until tomorrow after the start of Paris Fashion Week in February. After the completion of this group of publicity photos, Du Cheng and Gu Sixin can return to the market.

Du Cheng did not accompany Gu Sixin to go to the "Paris family" in the evening because there is Li Enhui and Su Xueru in Du Cheng and do not need to worry about anything. So Du Cheng directly took Charlie's car because tomorrow will go back to check the ideal to find Du Cheng to drink a few cup.

These days, Charlie also came to find Du Cheng and even took Du Cheng to an equestrian meeting. After seeing Du Cheng’s “Amazing Equestrian Level, Charlie was completely dead, and even looked at Du Cheng’s eyes. There are more points in the middle to see the feeling of monsters.

Although it is drinking, but Charlie did not take Du Cheng to go to a nightclub or entertainment city. People like him usually go to high-end clubs. This time Charlie took Du Cheng to the place where he is the largest private club in Paris. A Frye club.

This is a private club that has money that is not necessarily accessible. Every member of the club needs to be guaranteed by a special person and the membership fee is also high. The whole club has been opened since then. The number of members has never exceeded 200.

When Charlie drove the car into the interior of the Frye Club. There are already more than 20 luxury cars parked here. The members of the Fry Club are few, but they are still very busy at night.

Du Cheng looked at the entire parking lot and there was almost no car worth less than two million. Among them, there is still a Bugatti Veyron worth tens of millions.

Charlie’s gaze also fell on the body of Bugatti. The look was obviously abnormal and could not help but screamed: “I didn’t think she was really a ghost here.”

Charlie’s voice is light, but in terms of Du Cheng’s ear power, it’s audible.

These days of contact to Du Cheng is also a bit more for Charlie. The whole Paris is the only one who is standing opposite to Charlie. There is only one woman who is eating a big loss in Du Cheng’s hand, so I just heard Charlie’s jealousy. Du Cheng basically knows who the owner of Bujiabian is. After all, Bugatti is a bit cheaper for a woman like Aiqi who can take out 150 million euros.

"Let's go in."

Charlie looked a little hesitant, but in the end he did not change the place and said with Du Cheng, then he walked toward the gate of the clubhouse.

The style of this clubhouse is somewhat similar to that of the Huangpu Club, but the grade above is much higher.

There is no extra building on the first floor. There is only one reception desk. The overall style is mainly piano-like black. Under the light of the light, it is very charming and involuntarily more noble.

The second floor of the clubhouse is a bar and the destination of Charlie’s trip.

The reason why Charlie wants to bring Du Cheng to here is not because it is luxurious or noble, but because there are some wines in this bar that are customized from the major wineries, they are not available on the market or sold outside. Qualified to enjoy.

Inside the bar at this time. The belly is lively. There are four or five tables surrounded by a few people just after entering the bar but the eyes are directly in the middle of the biggest bar.

Du Cheng’s gaze also fell on the bar where the eyes of the five young men and women Xiao Ducheng were directly in the middle of the same as the women who were holding the moon.

Although Du Cheng has not seen the true appearance of Ai Qier, but with the first feeling Du Cheng can be sure that the woman who looks beautiful and has a pair of legs that are slender to the point of amazing is the Ai Qier.

The words of Ai Qier’s appearance are indeed comparable to the beauty of Li Enhui. Especially the set of golden lengths gives Du Cheng a kind of exotic beauty. It’s a pity that Du Cheng’s for this Aiqi There is no interest in it.

When Du Cheng looked at Ai Qier, then Ai Qier was also the arrival of Du Cheng and Charlie. She was very provocative and looked at Charlie and then her eyes fell on Du Cheng’s eyes. The anger and the very strong provocative look are clearly recognized.

For Ai Qier's daylight Du Cheng, I didn't care about it, but I sat down with Charlie and found a place to sit down.

When the two nets sat down, a waiter sent a bottle of red wine and a few small dishes.

There wasn't any label on the bottle of red wine, so it was so smooth. However, Du Cheng was on the way from Charlie's mouth and knew that there was no unexpected look here. Instead, he personally gave him and Charlie a cup.

“Can Du Cheng tell me what industry you are doing?

With Du Cheng gently touched the cup, Charlie, while enjoying the red wine in the wine glass, asked some questions from Du Cheng.

"Kaicy Energy does not know if you have heard of it?" Du Cheng's selective reservation is because other Du Cheng did not say it.

Hearing Du Cheng’s answer, Charlie first glimpsed and then curiously asked Du Cheng: “Du Cheng is not the one that can clearly remove the toxic contamination of the battery, the No. 4, No. energy?"

"Yeah." Du Cheng nodded. For Charlie's answer, Du Cheng did not have any unexpected look because Alka itself was one of Kaijing Energy's customers. This is what Du Cheng knew when he received the call from Cheng Tanye a few days ago. .

Originally Du Cheng also intends to wait for the mobile phone battery to open after the small and Alka can have a chance to cooperate. Du Cheng did not think that the two sides have already had a cooperative relationship.

"What is Du Cheng's relationship with Kaijing Energy?" Charlie's eyes were obviously more and more incredible.

Du Cheng smiled without answering but asked: "If I said that I have a 70% stake in Kaijing Energy, would you believe it?"

Charlie did not hesitate to respond directly: "I believe that I don't believe it because you have no need to lie to me."

Du Cheng’s smile on the face is even stronger. “I’m rarely involved in Kaijing’s energy. But I heard that you have some business dealings with Alcan and Kaijing Energy?”

"Well, the electric melt that you Kaijing Energy Ming is really amazing is just too expensive. Small. Charlie honestly said that Du Cheng's eyes are already a little more smile.

Du Cheng may not understand the meaning of Charlie's words and smiled and said: "After going back, I will say hello to them, and your Alka orders will be given to you at a price of 20% off~www.novelhall.com ~ This is what you said. Small.

Charlie is naturally not polite, although it is only 20% lower but it is also a very large number.

It was only Charlie’s smile that stopped very quickly because he was now wearing a wine glass and walking towards him and Du Cheng.

Du Cheng also saw the arrival of Ai Qier's legs. The legs of Ai Qier were indeed slender and somewhat strange, especially the lines were full of unique charm.

"Hell, this proud stinky woman is always looking for me trouble. Small. Charlie bowed and scorned a sentence that is obviously very disgusting to this Eicher."

Du Cheng's personality is very good, so that he can say that he is disgusted with Ai Qier.

However, he Du Cheng himself did not have a bit of a good feeling for the Ai Qier although he could not say that he was disgusted.

Still change back to the three thousand words. The chapter written in the five thousand words is not used to sweat.