Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 289: Do Chinese people also play swords?

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The test started very quickly.

As Du Cheng expected, Charlie was not the opponent of Ai Qier. After several rounds, Ai Qier was "leading to Charlie."

Fortunately, those who are on the side of the crowd will not talk after the start of the test. Otherwise, with the cynicism of these people, Charlie will probably lose faster.

Even so, the loss of the reason is affirmative.

Du Cheng can clearly feel that Charlie’s fighting spirit is rapidly declining, and that Ai Qier is the Vietnam War. In this case, it is difficult to check the ideal.

Sure enough, about ten minutes later, when Ai Qier slammed Charlie's thigh, Charlie directly lost the match with a big score of 9:.

At this moment, there were a few sneers under the sound, and all kinds of cynicism were one after another, and Charlie’s look became more and more ugly, even the helmet was not taken down.

At this time, Charlie also saw Du Cheng standing in the distance, which made his face suddenly become extremely embarrassing. After thinking about it, he went straight to Du Cheng.

,Let's go. ”

After walking to Du Cheng, Charlie said something awkward toward Du Cheng.

However, Du Da was dragging him when Dad was ready to return to the sword room to change clothes.

Du Cheng did not say anything, just walked toward the kendo.

Seeing Du Cheng’s movements, Charlie was a glimpse. Then he understood what Du Chen’s actions meant. His eyes flashed a grateful look, and then he followed Du Fu’s face. The kendo walked over.

More than one, how. ”

Under the gaze of the Ai Qier, Du Cheng went directly to the kendo. For the eyes of Ai Qier, Du Cheng directly ignored it and said to the other side faintly.

After standing opposite to Ai Qier, Du Cheng can see what this Aiqi looks like. Although it can't be completely seen, it is beautiful and full of exotics from the vaguely porch. The style is just the proud look of Ai Qier's face, but it is a bit uncomfortable for Du Cheng to see.

"You are Asian?" Ai Qier did not respond, but asked a question from Du Cheng.


Du Cheng was not surprised. He could see the appearance of Ai Qier. It was normal for Ai Qier to see his appearance.

Are you Japanese or Korean? "Ai Qier then asked again, but in the tone is a little more arrogant.

Du Cheng’s eyes were obviously a bit colder, but Du Cheng said faintly: “I am Chinese.”

"China, do you Chinese also play swordsmanship?" Ai Qier's tone is obviously a bit more disdain. Obviously, she has no intention of playing against Du Cheng, but she looks like a play. Du Cheng.

"Are you afraid of losing?"

Among Du Cheng’s eyes, the coldness is obviously more.

"Only you want to beat me, dream, I am lazy to play with you." Ai Qier did not mean to do it, or she did not bother to work with Du Cheng, but instead walked outside the kendo. .

Du Cheng did not think that this Ai Qier was so simple, his face could not help but reveal a cold smile, and then directly said in the tone of Ai Qier: "It seems that you are really afraid of losing. ."

It was just a simple sentence, but it was like a sharp arrow to the heart of the proudness of Ai Qier. Du Cheng’s voice just fell, and the Ai Qier was already violently turned.

"If you are not afraid of losing, then let's have a big pig, but I am afraid that you can't afford it."

Du Cheng knew that he had already angered the proud woman in front of him. However, today Du Cheng decided to leave a teaching to the other party, not because of the disdain of the other, but the insult to his country.

"I can't afford it..."

The proud heart of Ai Qier was once again deeply stimulated. The beautiful face was filled with anger and suddenly said: "I bet you, but you'd better be able to say a bet that makes me happy. ”

"10 million euros..." Du Cheng said very simply.

I heard Du Cheng say this, everyone including Charlie, there are some blasphemy on the spot, even the Ai Qier.

Obviously, they did not think that Du Cheng’s gambling attention was so great, after all, this was just a non-professional private test.

However, that Ai Qier quickly responded, and thought straight to the point: "Well, I bet you, but do you think you believe that you have 10 million euros?"

"If you can win, I will pay for this money."

Du Cheng did not speak, and he spoke in a ruling manner. In the name of ruling, this million euros is nothing.

However, Du Cheng was waved, and then he said the topic: "I haven't finished yet, I mean, one ten million euros, not one time...


Du Cheng’s words are like spring thunder, so that everyone in the room is obviously stunned.

One ten million euros, fifteen cents, that is 150 million euros. . .

This is not something that everyone can take, although it is basically the diamond of this sword club. IP members, but among those who can get 150 million euros, there are not many except for Aiqi and Charlie.

Looking back at the truth of the gods, watching Du Cheng’s eyes also have some changes, because he found that he seems to look down on Du Cheng, the most important thing is that Du Cheng’s sentence, Charlie can be very obvious. I feel that Du Cheng’s body is probably not simple.

And that Ai Qier, obviously hesitated, but his eyes turned to Charlie.

, or that sentence, you won, I will pay you more money. "I didn't think about the ideals, I said very surely, and he is definitely based on Du Cheng's powerful swordsmanship."

After seeing the facts, then, after Qiuyi hesitated, he said directly: "Well, I accept your bet."

During the speech, Ai Qier’s eyes were obviously dignified or serious, because the reason is to know her strength. In this case, she dared to give the Chinese a guarantee. Obviously, the Chinese’s swordsmanship will definitely not Poor, this makes Ai Qier suddenly have no previous disdain, but it is extremely serious.

After finishing the conversation, she has returned to the Kendo again.

Du Cheng did not say anything, but let the beautiful swordsman who waited on the side help him to connect the electronic dredge connector.

"let's start."

After Ai Qier also fastened the electronic referee connection line, Du Cheng directly pointed the sabre in his hand to the other side, faintly said.

I did not say anything, but after I met a sword with Du Cheng, I directly opened the distance and prepared for the sword.

call out

The slight broken sound of the tip of the sword sounded, and after setting the posture, Ai Qier first shot.

The tip of the sword in her hand is like a snake. It is obviously higher than Charlie in terms of speed and skill. Moreover, the speed of this Qiqier’s shot at this moment is better than that of the former. At the time, it is even higher. .

Seeing the sword of Ai Qier, Charlie’s look was obviously more ugly, and he couldn’t see it. Before the match between Ai Qi and his, I’m afraid I didn’t make any effort at all.

This made Charlie worry about whether Du Cheng could win or not.

However, Charlie is only worried, this battle, even if Du Cheng really lost, he should take the 150 million euro to pay a friend and leave, although expensive, but as long as he cares worthy That's it.

Du Cheng, he just looked at the sword of Ai Qier, the sword of Ai Qier is indeed very fast, but for Du Cheng, it is too slow and too slow.

After all, fencing is only a sport, even if the strength is stronger, for Du Cheng, the strength of this Ai Qier is simply weak and weak.

When Ai Qier’s sword is about to be stabbed, Du Cheng’s body is like a ghost, and it’s like a ghost. It’s like a ghost, and while avoiding the opening of Ai Qier, the sword in the hand is already Thunder in general, directly hit the helmet on the head of Ai Qier.


Although the tip of the sword was dealt with, the sound of the thorn was very loud in this obviously quiet hall.

Just a sword, Du Cheng has already got a point, and 10 million euros have already arrived.

Next to it, everyone looked at Du Cheng’s eyes, and there were obviously some differences.

Because they all have a common incomprehensibility, that is the action of Du Cheng, they seem to have not seen clearly, because it is too fast and too fast.

That Ai Qier is also obviously lost, and her eyes are obviously a little more incredible.

However, Charlie’s face is already a few more smiles.

Because he found out that Ai Qier, it seems to lose.

Du Cheng gently hooked the hand to the Ai Qier and said: 10 million euros, come again. ”

Ai Qier’s eyes are more serious, and at the same time, the war is more intense.

It is a pity that she met by Ai Qier, but Du Cheng.

First. Sword, Ai Qier's movements are a bit faster, and the sword is even more slick.

However, the result was exactly the same as the previous sword, Du Cheng once again easily hit his helmet. . .

Not only that, the third sword, the fourth sword, the fifth sword. . . .

Each of Du Cheng’s swords is very simple. However, every sword of Du Cheng has hit the same position of Ai Qier, letting Ai Qier do so, if the defense, but Du The speed at which she was so fast that she could not respond at all was to avoid her inevitable.

Looking at Du Cheng's movements, everyone next to him was numb, or that there was a bit more fear in each of his eyes, even Charlie.

At this moment, Charlie realized that Du Cheng’s strength was far beyond his expectations.

"You lost, fifteen points."

When the last sword once again stabbed a place in the helmet division of Ai Qier, Du Cheng's cold voice rang again.

Fifteen swords, fifteen points, 150 million euros, equivalent to ten. Billion of RMB, Du Cheng found that he came tonight seems to have some value, this trip to Paris, so far is also worthwhile.

It was only that Ai Qier, but it was on the spot and there was some time to react.

She lost, and she was absolutely shameful. Du Cheng not only let her lose completely, but also completely broke her proud heart.

"150 million euros, you can give it to you."

Du Cheng did not care what the feelings of Ai Qier, and then said: "China is the first country to use a sword, you are not called a sword, called a toy."

Du Cheng said that one hand directly folded toward the sword. The elastic sword, even the sword that was curled up, was actually folded in half and then directly thrown to the ground. Above.

Charlie looked at Du Cheng with some sinkiness. Although Du Cheng’s words were somewhat extreme, he could understand the feelings of Du Cheng. After all, no one was willing to see his country being insulted by others. Therefore, Charlie directly followed Behind Du Cheng, they entered their fencing room.

When Du Cheng and Charlie changed their clothes, there was no one outside the hall. Du Cheng did not say anything. He left the sword club directly with the clerk, and Charlie sent Du Cheng toward the flange. The direction of the big hotel is going.

"I am sorry about today's business."

After waiting for the bus to go on the road, Charlie said to Du Cheng apologetically.

Du Cheng knew what Charlie was referring to. After a slight smile, he said: "In fact, I am a bit extreme, a woman, why is it true?

Seeing Du Chengsi said that the face of Yan Li also showed a bit of smile, because there are some things, in fact, do not need to say anything.

However, Charlie did not tell Du Cheng that it was the true identity of Ai Qier, who originally wanted to say it, but after thinking for a while, the reason still did not choose to say it.

This is not because he does not want to tell Du Cheng, that is because he is afraid that Du Cheng will feel pressure because of the identity of the other party. Moreover, Charlie also knows the character of Ai Qier. Although he is defeated, the other party may not use his own identity to suppress Du Cheng. This is why Charlie did not tell Du Cheng's identity.

Du Cheng, when he returned to the Grand Hotel, the time was already more than eleven o'clock. After bidding farewell to Charlie, Du Cheng took the elevator directly to the presidential suite.

In the hall, Li Enhui has not slept yet, and is working overtime to catch up with the drawings. Perhaps because of the reason for the shower, Li Enhui’s body has been replaced with a brown nightdress, which is very beautiful, but it is also Very conservative.

"came back."

Li Enhui heard the opening sound of Du Cheng, and quickly stood up and avoided the spring light again.

Du Cheng saw Li Enhui's little action, and his heart was a little funny. Although Li Enhui's movement was very fast, Du Cheng saw the spring of that moment and saw the pink lace chest inside Li Enhui.

Very **** and tempting.

However, Du Cheng naturally pretended not to see it. After looking at the hall, Du Cheng asked directly to Li Enhui: "Si Xin, will not sleep?"

No, just in the bath, it may be washed soon. . Li Enhui tightened his nightdress and determined that there was no problem. Then he sat down again and looked at the drawings on the table, but he did not dare to lean over.

"Oh." Du Cheng should have a voice, in fact, he did not go to the sword club for how long, in terms of the speed of Gu Sixin bath, it is indeed almost this time.

Because Du Cheng is in, Li Enhui does not know how, the spirit is always unable to concentrate, and can not write, so Li Enhui had to stop and ask Du Cheng: "Du Cheng, do you really want to be friends with Charlie? ”

Du Cheng thought that Li Enhui would mind and didn't think about anything. He said directly: "Is it going to affect you? If so, I can always break with him."

When I heard Du Cheng said, Li Enhui found that she was a little happy in her heart. However, she still said: "The impact will not be, as long as he does not bother me, as far as he is, it is not bad, you are not here. What a friend, there is nothing to pay."

Du Cheng smiled and said nothing, but as Li Enhui said, Charlie is a very good person. It is still possible to make a friend.

"Mr. Enhui, I forgot to take the nightdress, just in bed, you can take it for me."

At this time, Gu Sixin’s voice rang from the bathroom in the room.

When I heard Gu Sixin said, Du Cheng’s face suddenly smiled a little more and said directly to Li Enhui: “Enhui, you are busy first, I am going to get it.”

After saying ~www.novelhall.com~ Du Cheng went directly to the main room where Gu Sixin and Li Enhui slept.

Seeing Du Cheng’s back into the room, Li Enhui’s face was red, and he whispered softly: “The big color wolf.”

It is said that Li Enhui did not stop it, because Du Cheng and Gu Sixin are already nominal male and female friends. What is the matter, naturally, she will not be able to intervene with her.

Du Cheng, who entered the room, saw a white nightdress on the huge round bed at a glance.

The nightgown was made of satin and it was very soft to touch. After Ducheng picked up the nightdress, he walked straight toward the bathroom and gently tapped the tempered glass door of the bathroom.

"You come in, I don't have a lock."

Gu Sixin’s voice rang from the inside and was getting closer.

Du Cheng’s face flashed a slight smile, and then the glass door was slowly pushed open.

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