Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 282: Forced supply

The plane landed slowly in the airport. After Du Cheng and Gu Sixin and others all got off the plane, this came out of the first class.

Because it is Paris, not at home, Gu Sixin no longer needs to cover up anything. Directly and brightly, Du Cheng’s hand is happy to enter the airport hall from the airport passage.

In the airport hall, Li Enhui, who had already inquired about good flights, has been waiting for a long time.

Every time I saw Li Enhui, Du Cheng had a feeling of surprise.

As one of the world's top designers, Li Enhui is not very concerned about dressing, but at random, he always wears a unique flavor.

The double-row twisted silver jacket with a slanted buckle design is a pink, small-brimmed shirt with a white slim trousers. Whether it is the color matching or the trend-setting clothing style, it is brought to the public. A very strong impact, not to mention Li Enhui's original beauty is very beautiful.

When Du Cheng saw Li Enhui, Li Enhui also saw Du Cheng and Gu Sixin.

Du Cheng came to Paris, and also came with Gu Sixin. Du Enhui was very happy, but when he looked at the temperament, and the handsome Du Cheng took the holy and pure Gu Sixin out. Li Enhui did not know what, and suddenly there was a weak sense of loss in his heart.

At the same time, Li Enhui's mind is even more involuntary. When Du Chenglai came last time, the scene of the insanity that happened in the villa.

Until now, Li Enhui still feels ashamed again, but her heart is also very grateful, because she knows that Du Cheng is closed from beginning to end, and also uses a bath towel to block her, otherwise As long as Du Cheng is willing, she may be forced to be seen by Du Enhui.

Of course, these thoughts are fleeting in Li Enhui's mind. Seeing Du Cheng and Gu Sixin moving toward their own, Li Enhui greeted the two people for the first time.

"Du Cheng, this is your little girlfriend Miss Gu Sixin?"

After approaching, Li Enhui looked at Gu Sixin and asked for a smile toward Du Cheng.

She had seen Gu Sixin, but when Li Enhui first met Gu Sixin, Gu Sixin was still a young girl, but now, Gu Sixin’s feeling for Li Enhui is completely different, whether it is temperament or demeanor. Great changes have taken place with the movements.

Originally pure temperament. Gradually turned into holiness, the original smile and speech, now is full of superstar style, the grace between words and demeanor, even Li Enhui has a feeling of persuasion.

Although there are many superstars she has ever seen, there is never one person who can give her this feeling.

"Sister Li, you can call me Sixin, we have met." Gu Sixin saw Li Enhui asking Du Cheng to ask himself, and did not wait for Du Cheng to answer, then sweetly introduced to Li Enhui himself.

"Si Xin, I haven't seen you for a few months. How is your change so big? It's all a big star."

This sister Li, undoubtedly, brought the relationship between the two closer, and Li Enhui’s smile on her face was even stronger.

"Sister Li, you make fun of me..." Gu Sixin's face is tender, and some of Li Honghui's blushing, shy, but full of the sweetness of the little girl.

And between Li Enhui and Gu Sixin, Du Cheng’s gaze suddenly turned to a corner of Li’s hall. There, Du Cheng saw a middle-aged man in black looking at them and saw Du Cheng’s gaze. The middle-aged man in black quickly avoided.

This black man is one of the two bodyguards of the French youth.

Seeing this scene, Du Cheng’s eyes flashed a chilly killing, but it was fleeting, because Li Enhui was looking at him.

"Du Cheng, let's go first, I have already booked the hotel for you. You should go to the hotel to take a break."

Li Enhui naturally would not say anything here. After she finished talking with Gu Sixin, she said directly to Du Cheng.


Du Cheng nodded gently, then with Li Enhui, walked outside the airport hall.

Li Enhui is driving a car to pick up Du Cheng. However, Li Enhui is driving a Mercedes-Benz S400 sedan today. It is also very prepared, because her BMW Z4 is just a double seat, and she can't sit three people at all.

After getting on the bus, Li Enhui drove in the direction of her villa, and then stopped at the gate of a five-star hotel called Flange Hotel not far from her villa. Down, and with Du Cheng and Gu Sixin, entered the hotel.

For Du Cheng and Gu Sixin's arrival, Li Enhui was obviously under the blood. She gave Du Cheng a very luxurious presidential suite. If it was replaced by the People's City, it would cost more than 30,000 yuan a night.

After Du Cheng and Gu Sixin were sent to the presidential suite, Li Enhui said directly to Du Cheng: "Okay. You two must be tired when you fly. Let's take a break here. I still have some things at night. I am coming over and asking you to have dinner, how about?"

"Well, you go to work, I will call you if there is anything."

Du Cheng nodded gently, although Gu Sixin slept a big lazy sleep on the plane, but after all, it was a jet lag, plus long-distance travel, tired is definitely.

After finishing with Du Cheng, Li Enhui turned his eyes to Gu Sixin and smiled and said: "Si Xin, then I will go first, we will see you at night."

"Okay, Sister Li."

Gu Sixin responded sweetly and then sent Li Enhui out of the door of the presidential suite.

However, after Li Enhui was sent away, Gu Sixin’s pretty face was suddenly red.

"I will go back to the room first, I want this one, your one."

In Du Cheng's smiling eyes, Gu Sixin quickly selected his own room, then pulled her suitcase and flew into a room on the left. And with a bang, the door was closed directly.

Looking at Gu Sixin's playful movements, Du Cheng's face involuntarily revealed a bit of smile, and then picked a room in his suitcase.

The same presidential suite, but the presidential suite of this Français hotel is even more luxurious than Du Cheng’s previous stay. It can be said to be all-encompassing and luxurious.

The presidential suite is large in size, more than 200 square meters. In addition to the hall that accounts for nearly a quarter of the area, swimming pools, study rooms, conference rooms, etc., can be said to be readily available. There are three rooms in the room, and each room is decorated with extravagance. The main room occupied by Gu Sixin even has a mini indoor swimming pool.

After entering the room, Du Cheng directly threw the baggage aside, and did not rush to clean up, but quickly summoned Xiner out, and then began to invade the surveillance system of this Français hotel through the network, and the surrounding streets Surveillance system on each side of the street.

Du Cheng’s heart clearly knows that the identity of the French youth is definitely not simple. Coupled with the appearance of the middle-aged man in black and the trailing of the road, Du Cheng knows that the other party will definitely not take it off, so Du I have to be careful.

In the hands of Du Cheng, the defense of those systems is almost equal to Du Cheng.

In less than five minutes, Du Cheng has seen more than a hundred small surveillance screens in the virtual screen.

Although there are many pictures, it is not difficult to find out with Du Cheng’s powerful vision. Soon, Du Cheng will quickly find a BMW that has been following Li Enhui’s car before, and the car Next, the middle-aged man in black is watching the movement inside the hotel.

Seeing this scene, Du Cheng’s face suddenly flashed a faint cold smile, directly locked the position of the middle-aged man, changed his clothes, took the top sun hat and put it on his head, then left directly. The room.

After leaving the room, Du Cheng originally wanted to talk to Gu Sixin, but heard a slight dripping sound from Gu Sixin's room. Du Cheng knew that Gu Sixin was definitely taking a shower. Gu Sixin's bathing speed, I am afraid, also need It took more than half an hour, so Du Cheng did not go to Gu Sixin to say anything. Instead, he left the presidential suite directly.

At the corner of the main entrance of the Flange Hotel, the BMW car locked by Du Cheng was quietly parked there. When Du Cheng came out, he saw the black man’s gaze quickly transferred. On his body, however, Du Cheng did not see it, but walked in the opposite direction.

Although the middle-aged man in black has some doubts, but he has not followed the meaning, the reason is very simple, because Gu Sixin did not come out, the middle-aged man in black naturally will not leave without permission.

Just looking at it, the middle-aged man in black suddenly felt that there was something wrong behind him. Because of his vigilance, he violently turned around, but waiting for him was Du Cheng’s strong punch.

Du Cheng and his fist directly slammed into the belly of a middle-aged man in black. The power of horror left the entire middle-aged man in black and left the ground directly. A strong blow made the face of the middle-aged man in black suddenly change. Some distortions.

However, this is only the first strike of Du Cheng. While the middle-aged man in black is directly blasted off the ground, the other hand of Du Cheng is directly from his back and directly in the black. The whole person hit the ground and gave a dull crash.

In a simple blow, in front of Du Cheng, the middle-aged man in black did not have any ability to resist, and he was almost stunned by the smuggling of the hard-won, and the injury was not light.

Du Cheng did not let him go, but leaned down directly, like the eagle catching the chicken, the middle-aged man in black was smashed directly from the ground, and then opened the back seat of the BMW. Throw the other person in.

The middle-aged man in black did not have any resistance at all. Under the heavy blow of Du Cheng, his body could not make a little effort out of it, and he could only let Du Cheng search him. Looking at Du Cheng with a look of fear.

Du Cheng quickly searched the whole body of the middle-aged man in black, and then found a sharp-nosed barb knife commonly used in the military from the middle-aged man in black, as well as a wallet and a mobile phone.

Du Cheng did not go to see the wallet and mobile phone, just in his hand, but the knife in Du Cheng’s hand was already reaching the throat of the middle-aged man in black.

Looking at Du Cheng's movements, the color of fear in the eyes of the middle-aged man in black is obviously stronger, and the whole body is also beginning to have some trembling.

For the violent side of the aircraft, the middle-aged man in black is still fresh in his memory.

"Tell me what you want to do."

Du Cheng directly placed the blade on the skin of the middle-aged man in black, and then asked coldly: "Don't try to deceive me, because every time you say a lie, I will cut off one thing on you." ""

Du Cheng’s voice is very cold, and he is talking about authentic French.

For Du Cheng, he can always master any language in any country if he wishes.

Looking at Du Cheng's cold eyes, the trembling of the middle-aged man in black became a bit more intense, but he said subconsciously: "I don't know what you are saying, I am just... ah. ."

The middle-aged man in black wants to explain, but Du Cheng’s movement is not a little bit of a stop. The knife in his hand is like a viper, leaving from the throat of a middle-aged man in black, and then falling into the middle-aged man in black. Above the little finger of the left hand.

The cold mangling flashed, accompanied by the screams of the middle-aged man in black, Du Cheng has already cut his little finger directly.

The material of the knife is obviously very good, and the speed of Du Cheng is very fast. There is no blood stain left on it, and it still flashes the cold light.

Ten fingers and a heart, a strong sense of pain, so that the middle-aged man in black suddenly screamed, and the forehead was even more a cold sweat of a large bean, his face was instantly pale.

And he looked at Du Cheng’s eyes as if he were watching the devil.

"The second chance, you said, still don't say?"

Du Cheng’s look did not change a bit, it was like stepping on an ant.

"I said, I said..."

Under this circumstance, the middle-aged man in black is still afraid to hide something. He does not want to take his own body to make a joke.

Du Cheng did not speak, just waiting for the middle-aged man in black to talk.


Six minutes later, Du Cheng walked out of the BMW. As for the knife, it was placed in the pocket on the inside of the jacket.

It was only six minutes, Du Cheng had already known from the middle-aged man in black what he wanted to know, including the identity of the French youth, and the motive.

According to domestic popular sayings, this French youth is the grandson of an electronic technology company in Paris, named George Girard, and the electronic technology company is called Burr Electronic Technology.

Burr Electronic Technology, a global company that develops and produces a variety of computer hardware. The company's total assets exceed 10 billion yuan, which is definitely one of the overlords of the global electronic hardware manufacturing industry.

Compared with Burr Electronic Technology, Xingteng Technology is almost a drop in the ocean, and George Girard’s father is the president of the Burr Electronic Technology Company.

George Girard will fly back to Paris from the airport meeting in F City. It is because Burr Electronic Technology has plans to establish a branch in China. George volunteered to visit the Chinese market. However, F City is not the target of George Girard. He will appear in F City. It is because one person has attracted him. That person is Gu Sixin.

In a month-long trip to China, George Girard has not only found a few suitable cities to establish branches, but also caught up with Gu Sixin’s domestic craze. Interested George Giral at first glance at Gu Sixin, Gu Sixin's last few tours, this George Giral is a pursuit of the end, and finally caught up with the F city, almost can be described at first sight.

Originally George Giral did not mean Gu Sixin's meaning. After all, he had the task, and without Gu Sixin's contact information. After several times, Xinxin Entertainment Company had eaten the closed door, George Giral had The plan to give up, knowing that on his flight back to Paris, he actually met Gu Sixin, and for a moment of urgency, the scene that Du Cheng saw.

For this result, in addition to crying and laughing, Du Cheng did not know what words to use to describe his own speechlessness. Gu Sixin’s charm is quite big. A foreign foreigner’s “Prince Edward” fell in love with her at first sight, but also developed. There is such a big trouble.

It’s a pity that George Giral’s attention is the cup on the coffee table. Because Du Cheng, no one will be tempted by Gu Sixin. In this respect, he is an absolutely selfish man.

As for the middle-aged man in black, it was indeed under the command of George Girard to secretly track Du Cheng, and otherwise, the black middle-aged person was not clear, because after he got off the plane, he and George Ji Lal is separated.

Just a simple trace ~www.novelhall.com~ that is obviously impossible.

Although it is no longer possible to know anything from the middle-aged black population, Du Cheng is absolutely certain that George Giral is absolutely impossible for the main group to give up, and, in his capacity as a 'Prince', he is being Under the circumstances of Du Cheng’s attack, how could it be stopped?

In this regard, Du Cheng also had to guard against, after all, this is the other side of the site, coupled with the other side hidden in the dark, Du Cheng only be careful.


Hey, old, this day and night, every day and night, even some can’t be eaten, there is a chapter of five thousand words, Xiao Leng will make up tomorrow, because this chapter has five thousand words, at least three to four hours. The code is finished, and in some difficult situations, the quality of the code does not work. So, I went to sleep coldly, and I will fight for the early starting point to update tomorrow morning. Of course, that chapter is today.

PS: Baby girl is almost full years old, I have to do a year-old wine, so I will be busy recently, there is not much time for code words, basically there is nothing in the afternoon, please update everyone please forgive me, if you are cold and owe The next day will be filled, 450,000 words a month, will not fall. (!)