Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 283: Chinese monkey?

Du Cheng returned to the suite. Gu Sixin hasn't finished the shower yet, but Gu Sixin's previous state of affairs, I am afraid that after the shower will not come out.

Gu Jiayi apparently confessed to Gu Sixin before Gu Sixin’s departure, which made Du Cheng inevitably speechless.

Li Enhui did not let Du Cheng and Gu Sixin wait for a long time. About 6 o'clock in the evening, she drove to the Grand Hotel, and then Du Cheng and Gu Sixin left.

Still the Mercedes-Benz sedan, I am afraid that Du Cheng and Gu Sixin have come to these days, Li Enhui has to drive this car.

Li Enhui asked Du Cheng and Gu Sixin to have dinner. It is a very famous local Chinese restaurant named Tianxia Restaurant.

In Paris, Chinese restaurants are not uncommon. Although the family and the family have closed down for different reasons, the new Chinese restaurants are like spring bamboo shoots after the spring rain.

However, this world restaurant has a history of nearly 80 years. In Paris, it belongs to the Chinese restaurant.

The world restaurant is located next to the beautiful Luxembourg Park. It covers an area of ​​nearly 400 square meters and has three floors. The first floor is an ordinary hall and the second floor is a superior private room. On the third floor, only a few guests are welcome.

For this, Du Cheng is no stranger, because the last time he came to Paris, Li Enhui took him once. After the car, Du Cheng directly followed Gu Sixin and Li Enhui, who were holding hands, into the world restaurant. in.

Li Enhui had already booked the private room, and the three went directly to the second floor and sat down.

Li Enhui is the host. Gu Sixin has nothing to say about eating. The work of ordering is naturally carried out by Du Chenglai.

After Du Cheng ordered the meal, Li Enhui and Gu Sixin talked about the topic: "Si Xin, what is your consideration of the endorsement, you should not mind helping your sister?"

Gu Sixin has no opinion. Li Enhui designed the white minimalist princess dress, but she is very fond of it, especially on the stage, she can show her temperament, but she did not make a decision immediately, but her eyes Turning to Du Cheng, it is obvious to see Du Cheng’s decision.

Du Cheng naturally would not oppose it. After gently nodding his head, he said, "This is a good opportunity. Si Xin, if you want to take the opportunity to enter the stage of the world, then this endorsement may not be an opportunity. ""

Du Cheng has already helped Gu Sixin to develop the road. He will not limit Gu Sixin's development to the domestic market. For Gu Sixin, the world is her biggest stage.

And the most important point is that in Europe and the Americas, the love of the piano is far better than the domestic one. As long as Gu Sixin opens the international stage, she can now say that she is standing at the peak of the piano, absolutely Can quickly burst red.

Therefore, this time's endorsement is a key to Gu Sixin's image, and Du Cheng arranged a song that fits the theme for Gu Sixin's endorsement, although the overall sound of the piano is not as good as 'sky love' and 'edge'. 'But there is a paragraph between them is an absolute classic, and by then, Du Cheng intends to use that short piece of music to match the theme music of Gu Sixin's endorsement.

"Well, then I will bother you, Enhui sister." Gu Sixin saw Du Cheng promised, and would not even refuse, and sweetly said to Li Enhui, and the name was also on the way to Li by Li My sister became a sister of Enhui, and it is no doubt that she has become closer.

"It’s me who bothered you. That's right. I will pick you up tomorrow and go to the headquarters of the ‘Paris Family’. I have designed several princess dresses, just try it out for you.”

Li Enhui is very happy. Gu Sixin’s last concert in F City was seen yesterday. For the effect of Gu Sixin wearing the long skirt, Li Enhui can be said to be extremely satisfied, because the effect even exceeds Her expectations.

It can be said that Li Enhui can be said to be full of confidence in this endorsement and theme. She wants to create a comprehensive retro style and trend in the international arena and guide this trend.

In the name of Li Enhui's fame in the fashion festival and the talent of the day, this is not impossible.

When things are settled, Li Enhui and Gu Sixin are naturally more enjoyable. Under the guidance of Li Enhui, the two people gradually turned to the endorsement.

According to Li Enhui, this time the endorsement will not only participate in the Paris Fashion Week, but also will make a large-scale theme publicity photo hanging on the huge advertising wall outside the 'Paris Family' headquarters, if the response is enthusiastic In the words, Li Enhui also intends to let Gu Sixin directly shoot a set of advertisements and play it in France. . .

For Li Enhui's arrangement, Du Cheng did not have any opinion, because that is also a good thing for Gu Sixin.

In the chat between Gu Sixin and Li Enhui, the dishes in the restaurant also came together.

Although it is a Chinese restaurant, in order to cater to the taste of the French. In the meantime, there are still some small changes in the taste. Some people still don’t get used to it when they eat it. Fortunately, this does not affect the taste of those dishes, and Du Cheng and others are not picky eaters. It is also very sweet.

Between meals, Gu Sixin and Li Enhui are increasingly speculative. Li Enhui is taking the international route after all, so he knows more than Gu Sixin, plus her uniqueness in dressing and dressing. Let Gu Sixin be envious.

Between the two people talking, Du Cheng, who is single-minded and used, seems to be eating food. In fact, it has already passed through Xiner to break through all the surveillance systems in the nearby streets, and has locked his eyes on the gathering outside the restaurant door of the world. Some people.

These people have obvious suffocating suffocation. However, France is, after all, France. Even those underground forces are very tasteful and reflect the characteristics of a country.

To put it simply, even if these people are rogues, triads, they are also a group of hooligans or triads.

However, Du Cheng’s attention was not on the wear of these people, but on the middle-aged man wearing a black suit on one of these people. The middle-aged man was another bodyguard of George Girard that Du Cheng saw on the plane.

In the distance, an extended Mercedes-Benz S550 luxury car slowly stopped. From the window that slowly descended, Du Cheng saw George Girard who was almost directly stunned by him on the plane. .

It is only from this scene that the intention of the other party is already very obvious.

Du Cheng did not want Gu Sixin to see the dark scene of human nature. After thinking about it, he directly said to Li Enhui and Gu Sixin: "Si Xin, Enhui sister, I went out to make a phone call, the company's phone. It may take some time, Let's talk first."


Li Enhui naturally won't have any opinions, and Gu Sixin is asking Li Enhui for advice on dressing and dressing. He heard that Du Cheng said that it is the company's phone number, and he did not pay attention to it. After gently responding, he will once again contact Li Enhui. Chatted.

Du Cheng did not say much, and after gently closing the door, he went straight downstairs.

As Du Cheng saw, outside the door of the restaurant in the world, a dozen or so people are wearing a very tasteful underworld, all of them are tall and look very powerful.

And the middle-aged man in black is holding a phone and seems to be reporting something.

Inside the extended Mercedes S550, George Girard also took the phone.

And between the two talking, Du Cheng has slowly come out of the world restaurant.

Seeing Du Cheng, the black middle-aged man’s eyes were obviously a little more fearful, and the body turned out to be a step back. Obviously, Du Cheng’s scene on the plane was already left in his heart. Some shadows.

However, the middle-aged man in black was the first to ask George Girard for instructions. After getting the order of George Girard, he quickly hanged the phone and turned to the side. A triad person whispered softly: "It is the Chinese, and hurry to catch him."

Hearing the instructions of the middle-aged man in black, the eyes of the dozens of people suddenly fell on Du Cheng's body, and all of them looked disdainful.

Du Cheng's height is not high, about one meter eight, although the body is good to horror, but Du Cheng's muscles are the kind of not strong, and wearing a casual style, it gives people the feeling In addition to the ups and downs, it is also obvious that there is a bit of thinness, at least not a strong type.

Among the dozens of mixed-minded people, the shortest one is slightly higher than Du Cheng, and the tallest one is more than two meters. The figure looks even more than twice as much as Du Cheng.

Under this circumstance, Du Cheng is undoubtedly the incomparably small, and it is no wonder that these people's eyes obviously look down on Du Cheng.

However, they were all ordered by others, although they disdain, but after receiving the order, they still went to Du Chengwei for the first time.

Du Cheng did not move, let those people surround him, because his attention was placed in the extended Mercedes-Benz S550.

Du Cheng can be very sure, there must be more than George Giral alone, because Du Cheng feels a threat in the face, George Girard is impossible, so just rely on Intuition, Du Cheng knows who is still sitting there, and who can still threaten him.

"Chinese monkey, take a look at two of your Chinese kung fu?"

In the case of Du Cheng’s scrutiny, the dozens of triads in his periphery, the tallest figure, the big man who has more than twice the size of the body, and the rest of them are stunned. laughing out loud.

Du Cheng’s eyes were cold, and a cold smile rose from the corner of his mouth, then slowly walked toward the eldest son.

Looking at Du Cheng, the face of the eldest son was obviously full of contempt and contempt, but instead looked at the associates next to him and laughed.

"Cray, be careful..."

The middle-aged man in black next to him saw this scene, and he already knew it was not good. He knew Du Chen’s skill and quickly reminded him loudly.

However, the reminder of the middle-aged man in black is slower, because Du Cheng has already shot.

A punch is just a simple punch.

The big man named Kole did not think that the speed of a human punch would be so fast. Even if he saw it, but the body could not react at all, watching Du He took a punch and slammed it on his stomach.

Du Cheng did not make full effort, but more than three hundred of the power, but also the weight of at least more than three hundred pounds of Kole and hard to blast off the ground.

Everyone’s eyes became sluggish at this moment. A big man of more than three hundred kilograms was beaten off the ground by a punch. This is a concept. No one in the field can understand it because they The brains are all blank.

However, Du Cheng’s actions are not limited to this.

For Du Cheng, this is his favorite attack method, because with his strength, only the enemy's stomach, can bear his blow and not coma, but Du Cheng usually likes his second blow, the first A blow, people lose the ability to resist, and the second strike, you can let Du Cheng play freely, attacking opponents at will.

And it is obvious that Du Cheng does not care about the big man named Kole. When he blew the opponent away from the ground for half a meter, Du Cheng looked like he casually raised his foot, but he was When the other party fell, one foot squatted on the other's chest.

The strength of Du Cheng’s foot is not light. The huge body of more than 300 kilograms, under the powerful force of Du Cheng, was actually three meters away from Du Fu’s cockroaches.

Along with the thoughts, there was a sound of a crack in the bones.

This foot of Du Cheng not only flew the middle-aged man, but also directly cut off the other ribs of the other side. This time, Du Cheng did not do his best, but it was very heavy.

After watching that Kray slammed into the ground, everyone next to it reacted. Looking at Du Cheng’s eyes one by one, it was already a bit more fear.

Whether it is Du Cheng's weird power or the shackles, all of them have some feelings of trepidation.

"You can't take it with me, you can't take it, your black snake will not have to mix here."

Next to the black middle-aged man, it can be said that it is very angry, very angry and shouted at the rest of the underworld people.

Those people still dare to despise the Ducheng half-point, but also a few people quickly took out the knife from the back, and then all approached Du Cheng step by step.

Du Cheng did not move. Although these people were tall and had some fists, but for Du Du, they could not pose a threat at all. Even if they were replaced by Asan or Dagang, they could be free. Pack up these people.

So the result is very obvious.

After these people approached, Du Cheng did it, Du Cheng’s shot was not fast, but the start was very heavy, but in less than twenty seconds, the dozens of people were all down on the ground and fell on Du At the foot of the bearing, no one can climb again.

And they didn't even touch Du Cheng's clothes.

The middle-aged man in black saw this scene, and he ran away far away. He ran to the extended Mercedes-Benz luxury car. His look was already a horror.

Du Cheng did not taste the thrill of victory. For Du Cheng, this is simply an irrelevant thing, because his real goal is placed on the Mercedes-Benz S550 extended luxury car 50 meters away. Du Cheng walked toward the extended Mercedes-Benz and extended his hand to make a hook-and-hook action inside.

Inside, George Girard looked pale and looked at Du Cheng, not only that, but his eyes were even more fearful.

The purpose of his visit this time is very simple, just to retaliate against the enemy on the plane, but what George Giral did not think is that the strength of Du Fu on the plane is already scary, but now Du Fu The strength can be described as outrageous.

This made George Girard's heart regret some regrets. No wonder his father often told him that China is a mysterious country, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. George Giral had never believed it, but at this moment, he was Letter.

Fortunately, George Giral had the final preparations, which gave George Giral's eyes a little more confidence. After saying a few words in the carriage, he immediately got off the bus.

Du Cheng’s guess is not wrong. The car is sitting inside, not just George Giral, but in addition to him, there is a French youth who is older than George Girard.

The height of the French youth is more than one meter and eight, just like Du Cheng. Although the posture is very high, but it is not strong and strong, from the action of getting off the bus, the footsteps are somewhat frivolous, not like the fists that have been practiced. .novelhall.com~ However, this young man has given Du Cheng a threat.

Moreover, this French youth looked at Du Cheng's eyes, although it was also a bit of horror, but more, but confidence.

"Stand up, don't come over."

Seeing that Du Cheng was getting closer and closer, only less than 20 meters away, George Girard quickly shouted loudly toward Du Cheng.

He didn't dare to let Du Cheng approach, because the result, he didn't have to know.

When he heard George Giral say this, Du Cheng stopped his steps for the simple reason, because at the moment of George Giral’s voice, the French youth next to him took a very handsome movement. Two pistols were taken out from the back waist, and one left and one right were directly aligned with Du Cheng.

And these two are still modified large-caliber Glock pistols.


This chapter is yesterday, and the code starts today in the afternoon. (!)