Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 281: You are not malicious, I have

Chapter 281 You are not malicious, I have

"Shin Xin. How about we come to checkers?"

The journey is far away. After enjoying the snacks specially prepared by the flight attendants for the two, Du Cheng picked up a pair of checkers from the side and asked Gu Sixin.

Because of the long journey, there will be some entertainment props in the first class for the passengers to play in addition to checkers, as well as chess and so on. Almost everything



Gu Sixin enjoyed the Duo's two-person world and didn't think about it. What's more, this is her strength. The level of her playing checkers is very high. So after she had responded, she opened the chess box and put on various beads.


It was just Du Cheng who stopped her movements and said to Gu Sixin very mysteriously: "How do we come to play with the requirements?"

"What is the requirement?" Gu Sixin looked at Du Cheng with a puzzled look.

Du Chengxiao’s more mysterious said: “Whoever loses. Is it possible to promise the other party?”


Gu Sixin was very simple because she was very confident about her level of checkers. Of course, Gu Sixin did not believe that Du Chenghui would ask for unreasonable demands here. Naturally, he would not worry about anything.

Seeing that Gu Sixin promised Du Chengxiao's more mysterious, and then quickly put on his own beads and began to go down with Gu Sixin.

Gu Sixin's level is indeed a good small head in this aspect is very fast, but it is a pity that she is confronted with Du Cheng, whose head is running completely.

However, Du Cheng did not win Gu Sixin in the first set but deliberately lost the first game in the case of releasing water.

"I won

Gu Sixin didn't know that Du Cheng was very happy to release the water, and he muttered a seductive little mouth and said: "Let me think about what I want you to do?"

Looking at Gu Sixin's serious appearance, Du Cheng's face was also showing a faint smile.

Gu Sixin did not look at the difference between the look and the other, but seriously thought for a while after this, some thieves said: "Du Cheng I want you to learn the puppy called three."

Du Chengyi. He did not think that Gu Sixin would actually make this request, but he was willing to gamble and lose.

In the second set, Du Cheng continued to release water. However, Gu Sixin’s request for the second set was to make Du Cheng’s more speechless even want him to play the pig.

"嘿嘿杜承. You are playing but my admit defeat."

Looking at Du Cheng and learning the puppy and playing the pig's eight-guard Gu Sixin's pretty face, full of excitement, the voice of the voice is also very proud and interest is high.

"The good play is still behind

Du Cheng smiled lightly. Looking at Gu Sixin's look Du Cheng knows that he can not discharge water.

However, in order not to let Gu Sixin immediately lose interest, Du Cheng did not directly determine Gu Sixin with the advantage of pressure. It is very difficult. Won the third game.

Looking at Du Cheng earlier than himself into the camp, Gu Sixin's pretty face suddenly appeared a few depressed look and then looked at the pure and moving eyes and looked at Du Cheng said: "Hey. One step is counted. What are you lucky to ask you to say?

"Hey, I want you to kiss me.

Du Cheng directly pointed to his mouth and looked at Gu Sixin with a smile.

"The big satyr."

Gu Sixin's pretty face was awkward.

"I am willing to gamble and lose. Of course, if you rely on Lai Pi, you can also refuse Du Cheng to eat. Gu Sixin does not say that this is a reasonable or unreasonable request. It is just a matter of pretending to be indifferent.

Who wants to be skinned. ”

Gu Sixin was obviously dissatisfied and then shyly said to Du Cheng: "But you have to close your eyes and not peek."

Du Cheng smiled. Then close your eyes directly.

Looking at Du Cheng's action Gu Sixin, I was relieved and then gently put her delicate little mouth gently to Du Cheng.

Du Cheng did not open his eyes because it was only the beginning, but even so, Du Cheng still could feel Gu Shixin's obviously trembling movements. And the strong touch of her soft little mouth.

After the kiss, Gu Sixin, who had a little more blush on his face, said with a look of anger: "I am mad at me. I must win you in this game."

It’s just the fourth game. She still lost more than the fourth game. The next few games, Gu Sixin, lost to Du Cheng in one step or two steps. Her pretty face, which was just a bit blushing, is already very good. It’s red.

Because Du Cheng's every request makes her extremely shy or kiss her little mouth or scratch her armpit. Either kiss her sensitive earlobe and change her kiss to Gu Sixin, who is nervous and incomparably shy.

"Don't play. Du Cheng, you are a big satyr, ignore you. I went to the bathroom to sleep."

Seeing Du Cheng's face smirk and setting the eighth game, Gu Sixin suddenly stood up and walked straight toward the first class.

Seeing Gu Sixin's charming and charming appearance, Du Cheng's smile on his face suddenly became a bit thicker.

At this time, it was 11 o'clock in the evening. Gu Sixin did not practice the piano. It was very early when she slept. She also went to her biological clock time.

It’s just that Gu Sixin’s trip was only seven or eight minutes before he returned. ※愕 Then a flight attendant squatted in the first class and spoke to Du Cheng: "Mr. Du is not good. Miss Si Xin has a conflict with a foreign country. Go and see. Let me go."

I heard the flight attendant. Du Cheng’s face suddenly became a bit cold.

Because of any conflicts on the plane, those flight attendants will be the first to persuade them. From the perspective of this flight attendant, it is obvious that they are unable to mediate.


So Du Cheng did not ask anything but went straight to the outside of the first class.

In fact, there are two first-class cabins in the aircraft. There is also a separate toilet dedicated to passengers in the head-up class, but Gu Sixin went. The bathroom was occupied by a guest, so Gu Sixin chose to go outside. The public toilets have also created conflicts.

When Du Cheng walked outside, he saw three Frenchmen holding Gu Sixin in the middle. And in front of Gu Sixin. The two flight attendants put her behind her death.

Among the three French people, the middle-aged people in their forties are both very tall and tall, and they are very straight and nearly two meters tall. They look like two-door gods. And the black suits of the same style are very cold.

In the middle is a French youth in her twenties.

The young man's golden micro-short face is very handsome. It is the fascinating three-dimensional sense. The wearing of a set of Versace is a complete reflection of the romantic temperament of the French.

Du Cheng just looked at it and it is already certain that the two middle-aged people must be the bodyguards of the French youth in the middle. From this point of view, the identity of the French youth is obviously very unusual.

The eyes of almost everyone around it fell on the French and Gu Sixin.

Most of the general aircraft are foreigners. The Chinese also had seven or eight couples plus two young people. Although some of them recognized Gu Sixin’s identity, no one came forward to help.

After all, the two middle-aged people were too tall to directly destroy their heroes' efforts to save the beauty.

Du Cheng has been striding toward the three people.

"Beautiful lady. I only need your phone or contact. If you tell me, you can leave. Really, I am not malicious. Small.

The French youth said a blunt Chinese and stared at Gu Sixin’s sacred and pretty face. The obvious love was revealed. But even though he and his two bodyguards did not The meaning of leaving is forced to be closer.

Gu Si originally wanted to go to the bathroom and go back to sleep in Du Cheng’s arms. What she didn't think of was that her net was surrounded by the French youth and she asked her for a phone number.

Gu Sixin naturally will not give it, but out of courtesy, Gu Sixin or euphemistically refused the other party’s request, but Gu Sixin did not think that the other party’s phone number was not directly entrusted to her. Persuaded by those flight attendants, they are not leaving.

"Please leave me, if you don't leave, don't blame me."

Seeing the other side, the closer they are, the closer they are, the more they are attached to the two flight attendants in front of them. Gu Sixin is more angry and scornful.

I heard Gu Sixin say that the two bodyguards beside the French youth all laughed and even heard the Chinese. The French youth’s face is also a charming smile, but he simply did not let it go, but smiled and said: “The beautiful little lady is not good. I really have no malice.

"You are not malicious. But I have."

It was only the youthful voice network that had a cold voice that was ringing behind him and the young man’s body was directly smashed.

Du Cheng

Hearing the cold voice Gu Sixin’s eyes suddenly brightened.

She was blocked inside. In addition, the two bodyguards were tall and did not see Du Cheng coming towards her, but Du Cheng’s voice was naturally recognized.

It’s Du Li’s youth who set off a French youth with Duo’s power of more than 400. It’s a breeze to pick up a young man whose weight is only about one hundred and seventy.


"Who are you? If you want to find death, let me go quickly. Small.

The French youth returned to their heads for the first time and yelled at Du Cheng with great anger. But the obviously sizzling sound was a bit funny to make his anger.

The two young bodyguards of the French youth reacted very quickly. The first time they had reached out to Du Cheng, they obviously wanted to put Du Cheng to control.

However, these two French bodyguards have been trained to look tall, but for Du Cheng, the two are too weak and too weak.

The eyes were cold and Du Cheng’s hands were directly forced to listen to the French youth and slammed into one of the two bodyguards.

The dull crash sounded one of the two black bodyguards. The human flesh weapon in the hands of Du Cheng directly knocked back four or five steps and hit the seat of a passenger and then fell softly on the ground. The French youth in his hand is even more white.

The other person is also uncomfortable because Du Cheng is slamming on the other side while knocking back another one. He is on his abdomen and kicks the middle-aged man who is nearly two meters tall and stout. Can't climb up.

It’s all in less than a second. It’s so fast that everyone around you can’t react for a while.

I am afraid that there is only one exception. Gu Sixin is only slightly disappointed. Because she already knew that Du Cheng’s skill was very strong, she immediately ran to Du Cheng and hid behind Du Cheng. .

For her. Du Cheng’s back is her safest haven.

Seeing the cute movement of Gu Sixin, Du Cheng looked at the French youth's eyes more cold.

Gu Sixin is different. For Du Cheng. Gu Sixin is his absolute anti-Lin and this French youth's move has violated Du Cheng's reverse.

In the hands of Du Ducheng again, there was no direct mercy. The French youth slammed his face and slammed into the cabin wall next to the bathroom and made a heavy impact.

The young man only felt a black in front of him and then the whole person softly fell directly on the ground and almost fainted.

And this time. The people around me responded to each other and looked at Du Cheng’s eyes. The eyes were obviously changed. In particular, Du Cheng’s handcuffs made some people’s hearts suddenly feel a cold air.

It is those flight attendants. One by one, Du Cheng’s eyes are filled with worship. Obviously, Du Chengcai, who believes that he is only so powerful, can protect Gu Siming, who is pure and angelic.

And there are a few empty look at Gu Sixin's eyes is a little more envy.

Gu Sixin saw that Du Cheng had punished the anger of those people. Seeing Du Cheng did not seem to let them go. Quickly and gently pulled Du Cheng’s little hand and said softly: “Du Cheng is good, let’s go back, I am sleepy.”

Looking at Gu Sixin's pitiful action, Du Cheng gently patted Gu Sixin's little hand and couldn't bear her meaning. Just a cold eye glanced at the French youth who looked at him with fear and walked with Gu Sixin toward the first class.

The French youth was swept away by Du Cheng’s cold eyes. It was already very pale and paler. Some of the fears in his eyes were stronger. But when he saw Du Cheng’s small hand holding Gu Sixin into the first class, There was a bit more bitterness in the eyes.

And the two black bodyguards who were knocked down by Du Cheng only had the strength to climb up from the ground. But these two black bodyguards looked at Du Cheng’s eyes full of fear because they all knew that the Orientals were strong enough. It’s exactly what they imagined.

French things. Didn't affect Gu Sixin's happy mood, not to mention that Du Cheng also helped her out. She naturally didn't even care about her heart. Instead, she was very comfortable lying in Du Cheng's arms and fell asleep.

Looking at the sweet and sweet Gu Sixin's arm in his arms, the arm was tight, but Du Cheng did not sleep but learned through Xiner.

Du Cheng's current study. It is undoubtedly the most important in the field of electronic technology, mainly in the field of medicine and power supply. The two fields of medicine and power supply are the key objectives of Du Cheng. Du Cheng did not think that relying on Xiner naturally is all about mastering.

Fortunately, Du Cheng’s learning is fast enough. It is like a large sponge. It is absorbed in the field of electronic technology. It has been about twenty years since the current level of electronic technology. Regardless of the hands-on experience of the power supply field, Du Cheng’s knowledge is completely over all experts in this area.

As for the French Du Cheng, they simply did not mind because the French did not dare to come in and find him trouble unless they wanted to find death.

Time is undoubtedly passed quickly during the study.

Gu Sixin's sleep can be said to be beautiful for nearly eight hours. I can sleep directly in the sky above Paris. Even if Du Cheng's arm muscles are strong enough, but there is also a feeling of numbness~www.novelhall.com~ Although this time It’s just around 7:00 in the morning of Beijing time, but the plane is flying outside and there is a clear sky.

The time difference between China and Paris is six to seven hours, so the time in Paris is about three in the afternoon.

Gu Sixin was very comfortable and stretched out a lazy look directly through the window next to the sky. She saw the faintly visible view of the Paris city below the plane. We are not going to Paris."

Paris Gu Sixin was the first time she came to look at the beautiful city scene below, and her pretty face was full of excitement.


Du Cheng gently nodded and looked at Gu Sixin's excited appearance. Du Cheng's face also showed some smiles.

The chapters of the five thousand words are changed from three chapters to three chapters in each chapter. The chapters are not so much, and the number of words seems to be quite cool.