Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 254: Raptors crossing the river

After returning to the F city. Du Cheng went directly to the villa on the 15th. When the evening, Du Cheng drove the car to the headquarters of Xuantang.

Du Cheng did not go to Zhongheng Pharmaceutical, because the next thing, Lin Zhongling will deal with it clearly.

After the announcement was issued on the official website, Lin Zhongling quickly found three AIDS patients in the early, middle and late stages of AIDS. Next, what Lin Zhongling needs to do is to record the three AIDS patients every day. The body changes and is published on the official website.

At the same time, the marketing department has also begun to prepare for the promotion of the Aizhong tablets, but if it is really promoted, it is probably the beginning of December.

Fortunately, Zhongheng Pharmaceutical is not bad for this month. The development of overseas markets has made Zhongheng Pharmaceutical’s business a blessing. On average, every day, Zhongheng Pharmaceutical can basically receive one. Orders from 16 million to 20 million.

Under this circumstance, although the scale of Zhongheng Pharmaceutical is constantly expanding, all kinds of old equipment are constantly being replaced, but. The funds of Zhongheng Pharmaceutical are not only reduced, but more and more.

Even under Lin Zhongling's proposal, Lin Zhongling and Du Cheng have split a dividend, but now Zhongheng Pharmaceutical's liquidity is still nearly 200 million.

Perhaps because it tasted the sweetness of the first dividend, although it was only 20 million because of the stock, Lin Zhongling was even more enthusiastic about the more recent Aizhong tablets. In the morning conversation with Du Cheng, I even had the idea of ​​going to India to market in person.

For Lin Zhongling's proposal, Du Cheng did not refuse, because India will become the first market for the more Aizhong tablets, and indeed it needs a heavyweight to do propaganda, but this is still early, and there is one near the official propaganda. During the month, Du Cheng also took the lead and did not let Lin Zhongling act immediately.


The night, dark, like this night, it is very suitable for the dark things.

Du Cheng, in the dark night of this black paint, drove to the building of the Xuantang headquarters.

After the annexation of Xicheng District, Xuantang’s people have been upgraded to nearly 500 people.

Among them, except for the one hundred elites who are the leaders of Asan, Dagang and the Queen, the remaining three hundred are in charge of their brothers.

Each family member manages more than one hundred members of Xuantang in their hands, and manages Xicheng District and Nancheng District respectively. The headquarters of Xuantang is now the headquarters of the elite group.

When Du Cheng arrived, more than 100 people from the elite group were warming up.

Uniform black tight short sleeves, uniform black jeans, just entering the fight field, Du Cheng thought it was into the guard building.

In the entire battlefield, the members of the 100th elite group are divided into 50 groups to conduct combat training. Even Ahsan and Dagang are fighting each other.

Accurate shots, exquisite fighting methods, and also have a lot of explosive power and speed than ordinary people. Among the 100 elite members, the weakest ones, I am afraid I can beat more than ten by hand. Ordinary mix.

Among them, the best of them, the strength can even be comparable to the brothers who have been in the Guard Bureau. Naturally, it is far worse than the Iron Army and Ahu.

However, even so, the strength of the elite group is still a little more accidental.

If this situation develops, Du Cheng’s goal may not only be successful. It may even surpass.

And the most surprising thing for Du Cheng is that Ah San, Dagang and the Queen's strength have gradually begun to show some signs of progress.

All of this is obviously related to one thing, that is, the simple set of physical exercises that Du Cheng taught them. Although it has been simplified a lot, the effect of exercise is very obvious, and this is the advantage of the elite group. The key to the elite group can grow quickly.

This makes Du Cheng's mind a little more ambiguous. If the number of elite members can exceed one thousand, or break through 10,000, then at that time, the strength of Xuantang will reach a certain height. Du Cheng has been somewhat unimaginable.

However, this is currently limited to imagination.


Shortly after Du Cheng arrived, Xuan Tang began to move.

The members of the entire elite group were divided into three roads, A Sany Road, Dagang Road, Queen and Ajiuyi Road.

Although there are only 30 people in each road, the strength is still very terrifying.

Du Cheng did not participate in it, because the power of the Red Church, has not yet let Du Cheng personally shot, Du Cheng just driving behind the car, looking at the full impact of the Church on the Church.

Then, even the family brothers led the members of the 200-plus number to clean up the mess. Where the elite group passed, basically the other party did not have a little resistance.

This is a complete blitzkrieg. Under the horrible strength of the elite group, it took less than an hour. The power of the Red Church has been erased directly on the map of F City.

Du Cheng’s heart is still very satisfied with the strong fighting power of the elite group. In particular, it is the most deductive battle between A3 and Atang. Although there are more than one hundred people in the red church, there are only 30 people. In front of the elite group, there is no backhand power.

When the battle was over, there were only two elite members in Xuantang who were slightly injured, and the rest were basically intact.

Du Cheng is almost certain that with this powerful force alone, expansion in Xiamen is no longer a problem.

The defeat of the Red Gang also officially declared that the underground forces of the F city have been unified. The Xuantang family is a big one. In addition to the weak forces of the Iron Knife and the Red Church, they are either directly cleaned by Xuantang or they are driven out. F city, the underground world of the whole F city, has completely become the world of Xuantang.

The power of Xuantang was rapidly expanding. Under the instigation of Du Cheng, Xuantang began to recruit people. In just three days, the number of Xuantang was raised more than three days ago. Nearly doubled. It has reached the number of thousands, and the number of elite groups has also increased from one hundred to two hundred.

At the same time, Du Cheng has already prepared for Xuantang in Xiamen.

Du Chenghua spent more than 10 million directly in the vicinity of Xing Teng Technology to buy a nearly 600-square-meter office building, as the headquarters of Xuantang in Xiamen, and then let A Jiu, A San, Dagang and Queen The members of the first hundred elite groups and two hundred ordinary members came to Xiamen.

F City has no need to arrange anything again, and now the strength of Xuantang, even if Du Cheng has drawn out the elite, but there is still no power to be able to regret the status of Xuantang, so Xiamen will Become a new starting point for Xuantang.

but. After entering Xiamen, Du Cheng did not let Xuantang act immediately, but quickly researched the major underground forces in Xiamen.

After all, Xiamen City can be counted as the first-tier cities in China. Compared with the F city, the underground power of Xiamen City is obviously much stronger. It is only a local power in the Huli District, which can be compared with the previous three cities in F City. The power is gone.

There are dozens of small gangs in the Huli District, but there is only one big gang, that is, the Lake Gang.

The Lake Gang is the largest gang in the Huli District and the leader of the Huli District. The entire Lake Gang has a total of more than a thousand people. It has nearly 80% of the entertainment venues in the Huli District, and 90% of the drugs are included. Underground transactions with pornography.

It can be said that the strength of such a lake gang can be compared to the three major gangs of the former F city.

In other words, the strength of the lake gang is stronger than that of the three major gangs in the former F city, because from here, the opponents that Xuantang has to face are no longer just able to be laid with fists, just like the lake gang. According to the news that I have heard before, there is obviously a batch of firearms in the other hand. Although it is rare, it is an absolute threat to Xuantang.

"Boss, what are we going to do now?"

In the new Xuantang headquarters building, Du Cheng, A Jiu and A three people all sat in the conference room, and it was A Jiu.

Ah San, Dagang and the Queen are watching Du Cheng, apparently waiting for Du Cheng’s decision.

"Don't rush to expand, let's control some of the surrounding entertainment venues first."

After thinking about it, Du Cheng went on to say: "However, the number of people who are dispatched should be as little as possible, and should not cause the attention of the lake, then send someone to inquire clearly, and prepare a detailed information first."

"Well~www.novelhall.com~ A nod of nod. She will not have any opinions on Du Cheng’s decision.

"Du Ge, what about us?" See Du Cheng and A Jiu, and A San asked an excruciating face toward Du Cheng.

For A3, F City is only a small stage. He has no interest at all. However, Xiamen City is different. For Asan, it is already a stage on the countertop. It is also full of challenges.

Not only the A3, but also the big steel and the queen, especially the big steel, although the character is Muna, but the body is filled with restless factors, his face is also involuntarily exuding a little excitement.

When I heard that Ah San said this, Du Cheng was a **** smile and said: "If you three, then you should have fun, it is best to play all the places you can play..."


Hu, the fourth, starting from the next few chapters, the big stage will be unfolded, and the development of Du Cheng will no longer be limited to the F city. (!)