Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 253: Careful eye

Chapter 253 Careful Eyes

Cheng Hao eats dinner after dinner. Du Cheng and Cheng Hao went directly back to Cheng Hao’s existing wild continent.

At eight o'clock, the time of the Chengdu concert started by Gu Sixin is actually one of the fans of Gu Sixin. Naturally, he will not miss it.

Although she knows that Gu Sixin is Du Cheng’s true girlfriend, but when she looks at Gu Sixin’s pure and holy face, Cheng Hao is now having no sense of rejection. This is also the reason why Cheng Hao intended to see Gu Sixin’s concert.

There was still ten minutes from the start of the concert, so Du Cheng went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. When he got out of the shower, the concert just started.

Cheng Hao sat on the sand on the side and looked excitedly at the huge LCD TV. Then he sat directly next to Cheng Hao and then Yin Cheng gave him a sigh.


As the popularity is getting more and more popular, Gu Sixin’s current concerts are basically full of scalper tickets.

With the perspective of the organizer from time to time, the stadium is full of people inside and outside the stadium, and even the stadium is full of people.

About 15 minutes, the concert officially began wearing a white dress, Gu Sixin's style went to the stage with the "sky love concert" officially kicked off.

Different from the previous concert, the "Love of the Sky" originally used as the finale was actually used by Gu Sixin in the opening warming instead of the final playing.

However, Du Cheng is clear why.

Because this time Gu Sixin came back, Du Cheng gave the "marginal music" to her. Just Du Cheng did not think that it was only a few days, Gu Sixin even dared to use that "margin. Come to the finale.

With the beautiful and pleasant sound of the piano, the soft lie on the face of Du Cheng’s arms is full of happiness.

It is also a great feeling to enjoy this moment while holding the beautiful ladies and listening to the piano music Du Cheng, who will definitely be honored all over the world.

Sure enough, as the result of Du Cheng’s expectation, Gu Sixin’s final finale is indeed the fate.”

Although Gu Sixin's technology is slightly worse than Du Chenglai, the "edge" talked by Gu Sixin has a somewhat different taste.

And Cheng Hao. Her eyes were obviously blurred in the sound of the beautiful piano.

Apparently, Cheng Hao’s thoughts have flown into the scene.

Just when Gu Sixin’s concert was about to end, Cheng Hao suddenly broke away from Du Cheng’s arms, but he sat directly in Du Cheng’s arms and extended his hands and gently caught Du Cheng. Her delicate lips smacked into Du Cheng's ear and said softly: "Duo Cheng, have you had any relationship with Sixin?"

Feeling Cheng Hao's movement Du Cheng's heart couldn't help but have a different kind of excitement. However, Gu Sixin's words were some obvious accidents for Du Cheng, but Du Cheng still shook his head very honestly and whispered: "No. ”

Hearing Du Cheng's answer Cheng Hao's pretty face is obviously a bit more blush seems to be what decision was made. I whispered again in Du Cheng’s ear: “Du Cheng, I want to be your woman. Although Gu Sixin knows you earlier than me, I hope that I can be your woman earlier than her.”

Cheng Hao’s words. For Du Cheng, it is undoubtedly full of absolute temptation.

No, I haven’t finished talking about it. After I’ve finished my post, I’m asking for Du Cheng’s question: “Do you have a very careful woman?”

Du Cheng was very honest and nodded. Seeing Cheng Hao’s face with some obvious changes, Du Cheng’s face suddenly showed a very gentle smile. The boat said: “But who told me to be a man. Be careful. So we both It is a natural pair."

After Du Jun has been intimate with Cheng Hao that is very attractive mouth.

Cheng Hao’s body was first tightened and then completely relaxed, and then he responded enthusiastically.

Cheng Hao and Du Cheng have had several experiences of kissing, although they are still somewhat oysters but more skilled than before.

That wonderful feeling makes Du Cheng and Cheng Hao quickly fall into the palm of Du Cheng's palm. It is very natural to extend to Cheng Hao's beautiful buttocks and feel the amazing elasticity of Cheng Hao.

Just when Du Cheng wanted to go further, Cheng Hao suddenly pushed him away.

"I am going to take a shower."

After leaving a sentence, Cheng Hao quickly ran towards the bathroom, but the incomparably beautiful back was particularly touching.

From the wonderful taste back to God's face, Duan's face was a little more smile and then stood up directly from the sand and walked toward the big bed.

It’s just that Du Cheng waited for more than an hour and then Cheng Hao was very shy and walked out of the bathroom.

Looking at the smashing Cheng Cheng Du Cheng only feels that the bathing fire in the body is extremely fierce in this moment.

Because this mysterious Cheng Hao is not wearing pajamas but wearing a very sexy


Black silk openwork lace underwear. The sleek, sleek, sleek, sleek, sleek, sleek, sleek, sleek, sleek, sleek, sleek, sleek, sleek

The lower body is a piece of lace black lace panties, and the fabric is very small, so Du Fu's amazing vision. It is even obvious that two of the restless black silks of the underwear have quietly emerged.

Although I didn't see the back, Du Cheng knew that Cheng Hao's beautiful buttocks were definitely completely exposed to the outside because of this set of underwear. It was Du Cheng who saw it when he was shopping with Cheng Hao last time.

At that time, Du Cheng and Cheng Hao joked that she would be extremely attractive after wearing this underwear. At that time, Cheng Hao, who was ashamed of his face, directly praised Du Cheng’s many white eyes.

Just let Du Cheng did not think that Cheng Hao was actually sneaky to buy that set of underwear and also wear it to him at this time. This makes Du Cheng’s heart full of emotion.

“Do you have a good look?”

Looking at Du Cheng's straight eyes, Cheng Hao's pretty face was almost low to the abundance of crispy breasts, but she finally raised her head and walked to the bedside, biting her mouth and asking for a soft voice toward Du Cheng. .

Du Cheng took a very serious point and then thought about it and took Cheng Hao directly from the bed and then pressed it down on the bed.

At this moment, Xiao Ducheng does not need too much speech action is the best proof.

Du Cheng’s hand was extremely greedy. In the upper part of Cheng Hao’s body, the two **** underwears were also taken down by Du Cheng.

Although the underwear will be very sexy, but Du Cheng prefers Cheng Hao's almost perfect body.

The feeling of being very smooth is to let Du Cheng love not let go.

Du Cheng’s kiss was gradually kissed by Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao tightly closed his eyes, but some of the stiff and delicate bodies that had been revealed because of the tension gradually relaxed. It was like a spring breeze and a sizzling sound. The body is also twisting gently.

In the snoring of Cheng Hao. Du Cheng also gently separated Cheng Hao's legs. The hotness of the lower body is slowly separated. The soft and soft feeling of the already muddy place is surrounded by the fiery heat of Du Cheng.

Wang: A brief thousand words. Harmony and mighty.

Fanatic leaks * Although Du Cheng has a convergence, but the network of personnel, but the process is still somewhat unbearable to the final process, only know that with her full of elasticity, tightly sandwiched Du Cheng by Du Cheng The sprints on her body and the wave after wave are the peaks that let Cheng Hao directly rush.

After Du Cheng’s complete explosion, Cheng Hao, who had relaxed his mind, was already asleep in Du Cheng’s arms.

The breakthrough in the relationship made Du Cheng and Cheng Hao, who were already close to each other, more intimate.

Because Cheng Hao's network broke the reason, Du Cheng stayed in the city for two days to stay and take care of Cheng Hao.

During the two days, Du Cheng was basically accompanied by Cheng Hao's side and also enjoyed the gentleness of Cheng Hao.

After the love of the moisturizing process, the change of the more beautiful, some of the original elegant temperament has become more women. Some look at Du Cheng's eyes as if the autumn water has swayed countless tenderness.

On the third day of the trip to Xiamen, Du Cheng drove back to the city.

Lin Zhongling returned to the city yesterday. This time, the review of the more recent Aizhong tablets was very successful. With the help of Ye Chengtu, the process that took a week to complete was completed in two days~www.novelhall After the .com~ passed the review, the more recent Aizhong tablets have begun to officially carry out the publicity work.


In addition to this, there is another important thing that will be born. That is the final annexation work of Xuantang for the city.

After the annexation of the iron knife, Xuantang has undoubtedly become the most powerful gang in the city. However, this is not enough. Du Chengcheng wants the unification of the underground forces. Only Du Chengcai can rest assured that Xuantang will enter Xiamen.

So as early as when Du Cheng went to Xiamen, Xuan Tang had already begun preparations, and now the time has come.

Khan this chapter special hard code was originally intended to upload the results at eight o'clock and wrote more than nine o'clock.

Defense: A woman about the protagonist. Not a lot of too much cold, I can't arrange it too. So although there will be other women's appearances, the protagonist will not necessarily accept it.