Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 255: Candid

The 255th chapter steals * shoot

The All-Autumn Nightclub is a famous nightclub in Huli District. The scale is better than that of the "Golden Nightclub of the Steam. It is nearly twice as big. Of course, this Golden Autumn Nightclub is also one of the most important places for the Lakers."

The taxi stopped outside the gate of the Golden Autumn nightclub, and then Du Cheng and A3 and Dagang and the Queen walked down from the taxi.

Du Cheng wears a very casual upper body. Cheng Hao gives him the talented shirt. The lower body is a shoe that doesn’t know what brand of shoes. The shoes on the feet are also very cheap. Thousands of dollars but it is very consistent with Du Cheng's breath will highlight the temperament of Du Cheng's body.

It is quite comfortable to wear this set of dressing Du Jun, or if it is not necessary for some occasions, Du Cheng does not like to wear those expensive men's clothing.

And Ah San. His dress is a bit of a new look, character and dress. The steel is the same as the steel, but the most amazing thing is to count the queen.

The Queen's hobby is that although the leopard prints have different styles, they all have a characteristic that they are **** and usually are short skirts. Of course, there is also an indispensable high-top boots overall. Still so impactful.

"Du Ge is a good nightclub in the capital."

After getting off the bus. Ah San said with excitement toward Du Cheng. In the afternoon, after the decision was made, it was natural to take action first and the Golden Autumn Nightclub was their first place.

Du Cheng originally had no plans to come, but today, Xing Teng Technology took a big order and he couldn't walk in overtime. So Du Cheng followed A San and they looked at his Audi. It is stopped at the Star Teng sample.

"Whell, although the city is not as weak as the city in Xiamen, the city's heritage can not be upgraded by the economy alone. It also needs innate advantages and time accumulation." Du Chengdian Nodded to the three said that it is extremely praise


"This is not the place to chat. We are going to be advanced."

The Queen's gaze next to me kept sweeping through the greedy look of the woman who was walking into the night party on both sides. Seeing Du Cheng and Ah San actually chatting at the gate was naturally anxious and directly urged.

Du Cheng looked at the Queen with some speechlessness but did not reverse her meaning after a response. Then walked with the Queen three towards the nightclub.

Although it is only around 8pm, the Jinqiu nightclub is already very lively. At least three or four hundred people have poured into the entire hall and are still increasing.

Du Cheng, they found a seat far away from the dance floor in the middle, Du Chengwang sat down the queen and couldn’t wait to go inside the dance floor. Within her sight, she had already worn a few dresses that were very youthful. Human mermaid.

Ah San and Dagang were not so good. They went to the stage with two people who had been sitting with Du Cheng and had a few drinks in less than three minutes.

Ah San is the stage killer with his almost fascinating face. There is also a strong figure in the woman is still very popular between the women but the steel, although his character Muna but danced is very crazy and usually exactly the same.

Du Cheng does not mind. In addition to observing it, he came here to kill a time when a bottle of red wine was enough to beat him.

But soon Du Cheng will have a person who made him somewhat surprised.

Chen Sihan followed his friends and sat at a bar near Du Cheng. But Du Cheng saw him but he did not see Du Cheng and chatted with several of his friends.

In terms of Du Cheng’s horrible ears, it is natural to hear what they are talking about.

Let Du Cheng have some surprises. This Chen Sihan turned out to be doing computer hardware. From their chat, Chen Sihan’s company seems to be very large.

And several of his friends are still in the government and there are a few who also do business.

However, Du Cheng is just listening at random and he will not be in the heart for Chen Sihan. Du Cheng did not pay attention to it, but slowly drank red wine while looking at the lake members who watched the scene and some private activities.

The overall feeling for Du Cheng is professional.

The lake gang members who watched the scenes were able to make people feel easy to ignore and those underground activities were very professional and formed a hidden rule.

It can be said that the gap between the city and Xiamen City is that there is such a gap between the underground forces of the city and the underground forces of Xiamen.

And Du Ducheng’s observation on the stage is like a big man. Taking advantage of the two girls towards coming.

The two girls are all around the age of twenty and wearing the Queen's favorite type of youth, but it is obvious that they are captured by the Queen. What made Du Cheng speechless was that after the Queen sat down next to him, there was a girl who looked at his eyes and turned out to be a bit more hostile.

In desperation, Xiao Ducheng had to move his body to the side.

Just Du Cheng.com moves. There is a strange feeling that instantly surrounds him for the first time. Du Cheng looks at his side and looks away. Just watching the net and moving his eyes, Du Cheng will see Chen Shihan and Chen Si, who are holding the camera at him. The excited look on the cold face.

Seeing this scene, Du Cheng knew that Chen Sihan wanted to do something and Du Cheng’s face became colder.

Chen Sihan did not think that he would be Du Chengxian, but he did not have a little bit of surprise. Instead, he stood up and walked toward Du Cheng, and then came close, Chen Shihan pointed Du Cheng asked loudly: "I didn't think you were such a person, are you right?"

This Chen Sihan is also smart. It is actually knowing how to make a difference.

Originally, he was already planning to give up on Cheng Hao, but such a good opportunity was placed in front of him. He naturally would not miss the work.

For Chen Sihan's accusation Du Cheng's look there is no change at all. Because he had a clear conscience, Du Cheng just stared coldly at Chen Sihan and said in a very indifferent voice: "Give me your mobile phone and I have never had anything to eat. Otherwise, don't blame me for not you. polite."

"How come you are welcome. Do you still want to beat someone?"

Chen Sihan looked disdainfully and looked at Du Cheng’s several companions. This time he was already coming towards him and he was not tall.

If he wants to play, he will not believe that they can't beat a dun.

The Queen next to it was somewhat puzzled. After Du Cheng and Chen Sihan finished, she realized that some of the sudden smiles were obviously a bit funny to Chen Sihan who connected her with Du Cheng.

The queen is actually very beautiful. Coupled with the grandiose dress is like a enchantress, the beautiful and charming people around Chen Sihan's eyes are a little straight, especially the Queen's **** dress is full of infinite temptation.

Du Cheng looked at the queen with some helplessness, but he knew that the character of the Queen would not have any interest in the man. However, Du Cheng did not explain the meaning at all because the Chen Shihan did not have the qualification. So Du Cheng stood up directly.

And Du Cheng's goal. Naturally, it is the mobile phone in the hands of Chen Sihan.

This is not because Du Cheng is afraid to be known by Cheng Hao, but because Du Cheng does not want this Chen Shihan to take this thing to find Cheng Hao every day. Therefore, Du Cheng will plan to grab the phone.

A few friends of Chen Sihan saw Du Cheng standing up and thought that Du Cheng had to work. The first time there were two squares with Chen Sihan who had business dealings with the young people who were in front of Chen Sihan and the rest. They have stood on both sides of Chen Sihan.

There are a total of seven people on Chen Sihan who are standing together and there are some scales.

With the strength of these people, Du Cheng is not in the eyes, but at this time Du Cheng's face suddenly floated a faint smile.

Come here tonight~www.novelhall.com~ Du Cheng originally intended to let A San make some small contradictions to see how the Lake Gang can do things or can lead to something else.

However, it seems that it is not necessary for Ah San to admit it. Because of a good opportunity, it is placed in front of Du Cheng and the object is Chen Sihan and his companions.

I think that the eyes of Xiao Ducheng are directly locked in Chen Sihan's body, not to mention the fact that Du Cheng is also a bit disgusted with Chen Sihan's stealing and insidiousness. He is more entangled with Cheng Hao than that day. disgust.

I was stared at Du Cheng, I don’t know why Chen Sihan suddenly felt a cool feeling from the bottom of my heart. Chen Sihan’s heart was a bit more convincing when he thought that there were so many brothers beside him.

The fifth end of the call today is a little bit more than a morning sweat can sleep very rare.


Defense: Regarding the chapter in the previous section, the chapter in the 200,000 words is not a word. And before I was a one-on-one, and I have said that every woman for the first time, I will write it in a little more detail, and I will take it with me after I start.