Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 252: Why are you?

Chapter 252 What do you rely on?

"My Cheng Hao big beauty seems to be very popular.

Through the rearview mirror of the car, Du Cheng saw the Audi anti-sports car that was chased from behind. However, Du Cheng did not put it in his heart but teased Cheng Xiao, who was smiling at the side.

Cheng Hao’s smile on his face was a little stronger, and then he smiled toward Du Cheng with a smile: “That’s of course. If I don’t have a certain charm, then I’m doing Du Dashao’s woman. Small.

I am very happy to be complimented by my own woman. Just looking at Cheng Hao's smug smile, Du Cheng couldn't help but stretched out his hand and gently patted Cheng Hao's thigh and took another hand.

The feeling of sensuality and lubrication that is full of elasticity makes Du Cheng very enjoyable.

And Cheng Hao's pretty smile on her pretty face disappeared instantly and disappeared. It was a very shameful appearance. Because she was with Du Cheng for so long, she was deliberately light and thin. For the first time, it was naturally a shame.

Looking at Cheng Hao's shy appearance, Du Cheng suddenly laughed and laughed, and the pretty face of Cheng Hao was even more red.

And behind the two people talking behind the performance of the first-class Austrian border defense has been chased up and just continued to press the horn next to Cheng Hao's window.

"Can Du Cheng be able to smash him?"

Cheng Hao’s disgusting look directly asked Du Cheng.

“Simple and steady.”

Du Cheng smiled slightly. Then fiercely step on the accelerator Audi's powerful performance instantly burst

The car was upgraded from the original forty-one to nearly one hundred Audis.

The young man thought that Du Cheng wanted to talk to him and he was naturally dissatisfied with the performance. Audi defense is also very terrifying.

It’s just how Du Cheng might be bored to see the other side of the car and see the other side of the car. Du Cheng’s mouth floated a faint smile and reached out to hold the steering wheel on the other side of the road. Quickly turned into a corner in front.

And the young Audi's anti-defense because the car is too fast to turn around is too late, and when he adjusts his head to the corner, Du Cheng's Austrian sister has disappeared without a trace.

Although Du Cheng has never braked the car, but the technology is far beyond the general racer's, especially Du Cheng's powerful dynamic vision can make Du Cheng the most accurate response in any emergency situation, so the youth It’s impossible to be Du Cheng’s right.


It’s just that Du Cheng’s action is very handsome, but Cheng Hao’s pretty face is a blush and a little embarrassed to ask Du Cheng: “Du Cheng can you take your hand off. Small.

Du Cheng’s face was a little embarrassing because the net wanted to hold Cheng Hao and slammed the steering wheel and the attention was on the car. I didn't notice that my palm was just across the chest of Cheng Hao and the palm was directly covered with Cheng Wei's rich chest.

The soft and full of elastic touch makes Du Cheng feel very comfortable but sees Cheng Hao's shy appearance. Du Cheng still let go of his hand immediately.


Cheng Hao was very shy and turned to Du Chengjiao and slammed his face down to her plump chest.

It’s sweet in the heart of the process.

After the young man was opened, Du Cheng’s car quickly stopped at the parking lot outside a Chinese restaurant.

This Chinese restaurant is not big. But the environment is not bad, and the dishes are also good. Du Cheng and Cheng Hao are also very popular.

In fact, for this aspect. Cheng Hao did not pursue anything.

Although he grew up in the giants, Cheng Hao is not as fond of pursuing famous brands as other girls. Her clothes are generally cheaper. Even the bracelet worn on this hand-cutting hand was less than thirty dollars for the crystal bracelet that Du Cheng bought for her when she was shopping with Du Cheng last time.

Because of this. Du Cheng has always liked the feeling of being with Cheng Hao, although there is no delicious food here. But for Du Cheng, the process of the show is delicious. It is the most delicious and delicious food in the world.

Just to let Du Cheng have the accident is to wait for him and Cheng Hao to leave the Chinese restaurant after dinner, an Audi defense is directly across the gate of the Chinese restaurant and next to the car. Before that, the young man was leaning against the car and looked at Du Cheng with anger.

Apparently he must have been playing in the face of Cheng Chengyu.

However, this Chinese restaurant is somewhat secluded and the young man can still find it here. Du Cheng had to admire the difficulties of this young man.

"Chen Sihan, don't worry about me anymore. Ok, I told me that I already have a boyfriend, and you are pestering me. I am not welcome. Hit the book to the Japanese book. Ken

Originally, I was very happy. It was only when the young man’s face with a young man’s face was cut off. The smile on the face of the old man’s face was disappeared instantly and he was loudly shouted at the young man.

Du Cheng is right beside him. But he is again and again entangled by other men, even if it is usually elegant. At this moment, I couldn’t help but feel a little more anger.

The young man named Chen Sihan obviously did not listen to the process. He just looked at Du Cheng with a look of anger and said: "I will not give up, you have no chance to marry me."


It was Chen Sihan who said that Cheng Hao’s pretty face was more angry.

She is a woman who rarely ignites a fire. If she is angry, she is really angry.

But just when Cheng Hao was planning to fire, Du Cheng was gently pinching her.


Du Cheng’s movement was very slight, but it was very ruthless. The anger of Cheng Hao’s anger turned off at this moment and looked at Du Cheng’s smiling look. Cheng Hao suddenly appeared that her anger seemed to be more


"What do you mean. Do you want to fight for a woman with me?"

Looking at Cheng Hao's recovery of the usual look Du Cheng, this turned his eyes to the youth, faintly looked at the other side, Du Cheng, then said that only Du Cheng's tone is gradually a little indifferent.

Chen Sihan and Du Cheng looked at each other and asked loudly: 11 You are not married yet. Why didn’t I have the power to pursue Cheng Hao? ”

"Yeah, why do you want to stop with me?"

Du Cheng is not angry. Because Chen Sihan has not yet qualified him to be angry, Du Cheng just asked coldly.

"by me

Chen Sihan just said that the two words stopped because he did not seem to know what to say.

Looking at Chen Sihan, Du Cheng just asked faintly: "Whether you have money or you are handsome or do you think that Cheng Hao will like you?"

Du Cheng’s voice is very light. However, every word Du Cheng said was directly penetrated into the heart of Chen Sihan like a spike.

It is true that he Chen Sihan relies on what.

If you look at Du Cheng’s top-of-the-line Audi, he will know that Du Cheng’s family is definitely not simple.

And by the appearance of the words. Although Chen Sihan is not willing to admit it, Du Cheng is not losing to him or even Du Cheng. There is still a very unique courage that he does not have.

And Cheng Hao. Not to mention that.

So Chen Sihan suddenly appeared in this Hai, he did not seem to know what to do with Du Cheng. This made him suddenly have a feeling of hope to burst. The whole person is also standing there and the brain is blank. .

Du Cheng did not pay attention to the Chen Sihan but went directly to Cheng Hao with his own car.

Although his words are somewhat heavy, Du Cheng does not want the other party to be entangled in Cheng Hao, so Du Cheng will not be polite. He is not generous enough to allow anyone to pursue Cheng Hao. To put it bluntly, Du Cheng is a very selfish person in this respect.

When Du Cheng and Cheng Hao left, Chen Sihan reacted and it was just a look of amazement.

Because there is nothing in the city for the time being, Du Cheng did not mean to rush back to the market.

After eating lunch. Du Cheng and Cheng Hao walked together for a while. Then went to Xing Teng Technology with Cheng Hao.

Throughout the afternoon, Du Cheng was almost accompanied by Cheng Hao and even accompanied Cheng Hao to receive several customers. Although it was only a few days, Cheng Hao was more and more familiar with all aspects of the company. ~www.novelhall.com~ Even if there is no Zhong Chengshou in the side of the process can be handled very well.

And during this time. Du Cheng received a call from Lin Zhongling.

Lin Zhongling and the employees of the company's market segment have already arrived in Beijing. This time, Lin Zhongling finally decided that he personally went forward, so he immediately contacted Du Cheng first after he arrived.

Du Cheng made a call to Ye Chengtu.

In order to prevent the Guo family from making a secret, Du Cheng had a review with Ye Chengtu beforehand. Ye Chengtu will send people to help Du Cheng all follow.

After finishing the phone call of Ye Chengtu, Du Cheng handed over the matter to Ye Chengtu to deal with the fact that there was a Ye Chengtu in Du Cheng and he did not believe that Guo Jia could secretly make any other means.

As long as the Chinese medicine is passed through the early nuclear, the second line of Zhongheng Pharmaceutical can begin to show.

It is.

The second remaining update starts at night and the time of noon is the talented wife and the child.