Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 198:

The 129th chapter of the car

"Open the door of the back seat and gently put Cheng Hao in the back seat and let her recline to avoid touching the injured side of the foot."

Feel the gentleness of Du Cheng, although there is a painful feeling of pain in the bare feet, but Cheng Hao’s pretty face is a little more sweet, but she is afraid to look at Du Cheng’s eyes. Her little face is always low.

Fortunately, Du Cheng did not feel at this time but he realized the feeling of Cheng Hao. After directly placing the suitcase of Cheng Hao into the trunk of the car, Du Cheng drove the car to a nearby medical city.

Cheng Hao is looking through the rear view of the car. The smile on the face of Du Cheng, who is driving seriously, is painful but very sweet.

Du Cheng came to the outside of a pharmaceutical market with the quickest time to buy a bottle of blood-enhancing medicated oil and a bottle of medicinal oil that can restore the muscles and spons of Shutong muscles and quickly returned to the car and started the car. A corner of a remote, uninhabited place.

Cheng Hao’s feet are extremely powerful. Du Cheng also doesn’t want to waste time looking for a place. The rest of the car is also very suitable.

After stopping the car, Du Cheng directly took the car from the other side of the back seat. The small feet were cocked in the middle of the back seat. The leather on the table was very elegant but attractive.

Because the calf is slightly tilted, and Cheng Hao is wearing a knee-length medium-tight skirt, so from the angle of Du Cheng, the gaze can be seen through some inside the skirt and the tights wrapped in the stockings. Inside the thighs and even with the amazing eyesight of Du Cheng, you can see that the white **** in Cheng Wei’s stockings are small and tempting.

Cheng Hao obviously noticed Du Cheng’s gaze and blushing. It was just this gesture that she couldn’t move her half-sharp face to the chest.

Fortunately, Du Cheng’s gaze was only taken back and then recovered. For Du Cheng, this Xuan gang’s foot is the most important.

Cheng Hao's foot sprained very severely. The red joints on the ankles have been twisted. If you want to treat, you must move the joints first.

% corpse

"Don't you regret it?"

After Du Chengwei thought about it, he gently extended his hand to the shifting position of Cheng Yu's joint and then whispered to Cheng Hao.

"I don't regret it. Small.

Hearing Du Cheng said that Cheng Hao’s pretty face is even more red. She knows what Du Cheng is asking, so Cheng Hao’s answer is very firm.

After that night, Du Cheng sent her back to the villa. She thought a lot about her feelings and thoughts about her own care.

That time and again, and the surprises of that time gave Cheng Hao a day-to-day feeling that was undoubtedly fatal to a daughter.

Especially when Du Cheng drove directly from her eyes, Cheng Hao felt that his heart was like something that was broken at that moment. At that moment, Cheng Hao finally realized Du Cheng was in her heart. It has a location and is a very important and important location.

At this time, Du Cheng’s hand was gently holding Cheng Lu’s sprained ankle. Du Cheng’s movement was very light.

Cheng Hao only felt that Du Cheng's palm was very hot and gently touched like a magical force that made her feel a little bit of numbness and even the pain was weakened.

"Cheng Wei, do you know me?"

Hearing Cheng Hao’s answer Du Cheng’s heart sighed but he asked softly while touching.

The words of Cheng Yan’s eyes are obviously a little bit sloppy.

Because Cheng Hao is now she has no understanding of Du Cheng's life experience and family history. This makes Cheng Hao's heart suddenly feel a sense of fear because the intuition tells her that Du Cheng has something to say to her.

Just waiting for Cheng Hao is not Du Cheng’s words but Du Cheng’s actions.

Just as Cheng Cheng thought between Du Cheng’s hands, suddenly a force followed by a slight joint shift sounded. Cheng Hao’s dislocated joint turned out to be a hard-won and was moved back.

Cheng Hao only felt that a painful feeling of pain quickly hit the heart of a pretty face, and the cold sweat on his forehead was even straight out.

Du Cheng took out two sheets of paper with scattered fragrance and scented from the side of the carton and handed it to Cheng Hao. He said, "I have already moved the joints for you. I will help you move back. It’s small.

Du Cheng’s words said that Cheng Hao had already slowed down from the pain of that time and heard Du Cheng said that she gently moved the sprained little foot, although it was red and swollen, but it was no longer a problem.

I love ugly

This made Cheng Hao's pretty face suddenly a little more like to take over the paper towel delivered by Du Cheng and then wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and was very surprised! "It's really okay. Good God Du Cheng gently helped Cheng Hao to take off the single shoes on his feet and picked up the medicated oil he just bought from the side and then turned to the hand and said to Cheng Hao: "Don't mess Let me first give you a grind. Otherwise, there may be some pain tomorrow. ”


Cheng Hao was very obedient and nodded to listen to Du Cheng's gentle tone. Her heart can be said to be incomparably sweet.

Just waiting for Du Cheng to smear the medicated oil, but there is a problem that is that Cheng Hao’s feet are wearing silk stockings and there is no effect in the stockings.

After thinking about it, Du Cheng had to bite the scalp and ask Cheng Hao: "Cheng Wei, take off the stockings."

Cheng Hao’s pretty face suddenly floated a blush. Even the ear roots felt a little hot and bowed their heads in a slightly inaudible voice: "Then you turn and don't peek."

Cheng Hao is a reclining Du Cheng. I don’t want to know how the next scene will be tempting. The body is so prosperous. The strength of Du Cheng’s strength is enough to quickly turn the head toward the window. Turn around.

Seeing Du Cheng turned his head, this is a shy little face, gently lifted the pretty buttocks and then gently pulled up the short skirt and reached out to the stockings.

It’s just that Cheng Hao doesn’t know that Du Cheng’s eyes are turning to the window, but it’s awkward.

Audi's glass is black and looks like a mirror under the illumination of the interior lights.

Therefore, it is very clear that the position of the complex and the angle of the light can be seen through the black glass.

Du Cheng was very clear to see that Cheng Hao gently pulled her short skirt toward the root of the thigh and went up to the small hand and gently rolled down the stockings to reveal the incomparably white and tender thigh and thigh root. That white panties.

There was a slight bulge in the middle of the small underwear, because Cheng Hao gently lifted the hips, so it became more obvious as a small bag.

Seeing this scene, Du Cheng only feels that the fire in his body is like losing control. The general fierce explosion is good in Du Cheng’s will. In this case, it is hard to resist.

"All right."

Cheng Hao was shy with a small face when she was taking off her stockings. She didn’t dare to look at Du Cheng’s eyes and waited for her to take off her stockings. After she turned to Du Cheng, she saw that the window was reflecting Du Cheng’s face and Du Chengna. Staring straight at my own eyes.

"Ah, you are a big satyr.

Seeing this scene, I screamed and screamed, and the already pretty blushing face suddenly became redder. It’s like a familiar apple. It’s full of enthusiasm. It’s already full of enthusiasm. Ashamed.

"I. I didn't mean it."

Du Cheng did not deliberately just Du Cheng but did not expect that everything would be so coincidental.

Cheng Hao saw Du Cheng’s innocent look but he was very angry in his heart: “Then you are interested in the little wolf.”

Cheng Hao’s heart is angry because she is already being dull by Du Cheng tonight, but Du Cheng is still innocent. If it’s not intentional, then I’m just closing my eyes, but I’m more than The bull's eye is still big.

After being told by Cheng Hao, Du Cheng smiled a little embarrassedly and then directly held Cheng Hao. Because he took off the stockings and then showed the white legs and said softly: "Well, I will help you massage first, or wait for time." I am afraid that it will not recover after a long time.

Seeing Du Cheng deliberately shifting his attention, it is even more irritating, but the calf is being held by Du Cheng. Her heart is suddenly filled with a strange feeling, but she is no longer talking but is allowed to hold her. The calf and start to massage ~www.novelhall.com~ my love heart

Cheng Hao's calf skin is very slippery and delicate, as if it were soft and boneless and smeared with medicated oil. It is even more lubricated. Du Cheng gently massages but feels the hand caressing a piece of nephrite, the general feel is very comfortable.

It’s just that Cheng Hao’s feeling is completely different. The little feet are massaged by Du Cheng. She only feels the feeling of a small foot at a small foot. The feeling gradually spreads from the little feet. The feeling is that there is countless inside of my body. The ants are crawling in general, and the feeling of numbness makes her body gradually hot and even the breathing becomes heavier.

Ten thousand

It seems to be the third, and the update is still continuing. The battle is also going on. After the small storm is over, I will ask for a ticket. If you have extra tickets, you will vote. If you don't have one, you will have to vote again.