Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 197: Soft heart

The 197th chapter is soft

The second shot of Gu Jiaguan is about to leave the time of good days. Du Cheng naturally does not pay for the care of Jiayi.

After returning to the upper floor, Du Cheng directly took Gu Jiayi to his room and threw it on the soft bed.

Looking at Gu Jiayi's **** and seductive figure, Du Cheng's hands were the first time to take off the clothes on Gu Jia's body.

Du Cheng is very skilled in this. I completely disregarded Gu Jiayi's slight resistance to the hands and very skilled to take off Gu Jiayi's clothes one by one.

Just a few times between Gu Jiayi, the intriguing and delicate body has already appeared in the eyes of Du Cheng.

Du Cheng's incomprehensible caressing Gu Jiayi's tender and tender body Gu Jiayi's body can be said to be softer and softer. The general feel of water is more and more pleasant. This makes Du Cheng have to admire the magic of creation. After the nourishment of love, Gu Jiayi has become better and better in both body and skin. The soft body seems to be able to squeeze out water when it is hard.

And Gu Jiayi has already turned into a pool of spring water under the caress of Du Cheng. The squeezing of the legs and the legs are tightly clamped. Du Cheng is doing the evil palm between her legs. Very attractive.

I felt that Gu Jiayi’s secret place was already muddy and Du Cheng did not wait for anything to directly take off his clothes and then directly separated Gu Jiayi’s white and tender legs.

Entering Gu Jiayi's body, an incomparably lubricated warmth instantly surrounded Du Fu's fiery heat, and Gu Jiayi had a very enticing squeaky leg that gripped Du Cheng's waist tightly.

After going to Wushan with Gu Jiayi, Du Cheng directly drove the car in the afternoon and was still a soft and soft Gu Jiayi got on the plane.

Before leaving, Gu Jiayi was still very angry and dull. Because she was so afraid that she could not fully recover from the rest of the plane for a few hours, she just remembered the incomparable sensation of Du Cheng’s strong sprint. It was another blush.

Du Cheng naturally ignored Gu Jiayi's counterattack. It was completely painless for him. So after Gu Jiayi got on the plane, Du Cheng turned directly to the outside of the airport and then drove back directly to Villa No. 15. .

In the afternoon, Du Cheng did not go anywhere but stayed in the apartment to accompany his mother to the sun and tell the story and of course study.

Wait until around 8 pm, Du Cheng, then drove off the villa on the 15th.


Because it was not in a hurry, Du Cheng’s car was not fast enough. However, when Du Cheng’s car drove to the traffic light that was often turned off, Du Cheng’s degree was directly slowed down.

Because Cheng Hao, who is wearing a flight attendant uniform in the distance in front of Du Cheng, is pulling a suitcase through the intersection. The most important thing is. Cheng Hao also saw Du Cheng.

Looking at Du Chengcheng’s eyes sitting in the car, there were some accidents and then a little more.

The distance between the two is somewhat different. As Du Cheng thought, this is two parallel lines and the final result is that Du Du and Cheng Hao will turn one left and one right.

Therefore, Du Cheng did not say hello to Cheng Hao and Du Cheng did not know how to say hello to Cheng Hao. Although he slowed down the car, Du Cheng finally did not stop.

Cheng Hao did not stop and just waited until Du Cheng’s car turned from the corner. Her eyes were full of stunned look and a bit of confusion.

Just when Cheng Hao was stunned, her feet suddenly stepped on the air and then a feeling of incomparable pain instantly hit the heart of Cheng Hao. The whole person fell directly to the ground.

It turned out that Cheng Hao did not have his own aisle in front of the aisle, but there was a squatting that separates the pedestrian from the vehicle, so the foot was directly emptied and extremely distorted.

Cheng Hao is just a girl who has endured the kind of strong pain of the crutches. The small face is instantly pale and clear, and there is a layer of cold sweat on the forehead.

The feeling of incomparable pain, coupled with the scenes of the previous scene, is already a red heart. It is even more sour and straightforward.

Cheng Hao, who was in the middle of the weeping, didn't feel that a car behind her was slowly stopping and then a person was walking towards her.

"You have nothing to do"

Looking at Cheng Hao's very shocking ankle, Du Cheng quickly leaned down and sighed toward Cheng Hao.

Hearing the voice of Du Cheng, Cheng Hao fiercely raised his head and looked at Du Cheng’s familiar face, but it was louder and seemed to be venting something.

Looking at Cheng Hao’s crying look, Du Cheng’s heart was a little uncomfortable.

"I hurt."

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And crying... Cheng Hao is very difficult to say two prisons six "I will send you to the hospital." Du Cheng knows that Cheng Hao's foot twisted must be very painful and said.

It’s just that Cheng Hao is shaking his head and burying his hands again and then whispering and saying: “But my heart hurts more. Small

The short words Du Cheng felt that his heart was like a lightning strike and a bit sour.

Looking at Cheng Hao’s crying look, Du Cheng knew that he had already softened his heart and secretly sighed. Du Cheng did not say anything and directly extended his hand and then hugged Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao, who was stunned by Du Cheng in his arms, stopped crying and looked awkward. Then he cried in the arms of Du Cheng. He shook his hands and slaped toward Du Cheng’s chest. Cried loudly: "I hate you, Du Cheng, I hate you, but why do you let me see you again? Why?

"Maybe we are really very fateful.

Du Cheng’s heart also felt a bit sour, after all, seeing Cheng Hao’s sore cry, his heart was also uncomfortable.

However, Du Cheng said that the fact that Du Cheng originally thought that he and Cheng Hao would be separated by two parallel lines, but arranged one or two intersections.

Hearing Du Cheng said that Cheng Hao first stopped, but only stopped to cry, but it was louder, and Du Cheng was somewhat overwhelmed. Du Cheng never had to deal with this kind of scene.

However, when Du Cheng was at a loss, Cheng Hao in his arms suddenly raised his head and stared at Du Cheng tightly. Then the scented lips turned out to be directly kissing Du Cheng.

Cheng Hao’s movements are very raw, but for Du Cheng, this kind of oyster movement is full of deadly temptations.

Looking at Cheng Hao’s beautifully closed eyes, there is also Cheng Hao’s beautiful and thrilling face. Du Cheng also no longer thinks about anything from passive to active and sticks out his tongue to open Cheng Hao. The teeth are closed.

Cheng Hao obviously has no experience in this aspect. It is easy to be dug and Du Cheng can open Du Cheng. It is very obvious that Cheng Hao’s body is obviously tense.

Just kissed Du Cheng, how could it be easy to let go of the process? At this moment, Du Duo also simply did not want to put all the minds directly in the mouth of the mouth. I don’t want to stop at all.

Ten thousand

Gradually, the breath of Cheng Hao is already beginning to be heavy and Du Cheng’s breath is also true.

And Du Cheng holding Cheng Mei's palm while gently stroking 1 in Cheng Hao's thigh and the other side from Cheng Hao under the big hand is subconsciously covered Cheng Hao's crisp chest.

Cheng Hao’s body is obviously stiff again. It’s just softened by Du Cheng’s stroke. The whole person starts to wiggle, but it’s more tight. Du Cheng’s breath is getting hotter and hotter. The more heavy it is.

Du Cheng’s palm was gently kneaded and then the movement was getting bigger and bigger. Although the chest was separated, but the sputum was only slightly inferior to Gu Jiayi, but the chest was changed in the palm of Du Cheng’s palm. .

The incomparably soft touch and the strong irritating feeling made Du Cheng feel a little bit of love.

Just waiting for Cheng Ting to make a very fascinating snoring, Du Cheng was violently awake and then quickly separated from Cheng Hao's kiss.

Because at this moment, the two are still on the road, although it is more than eight o'clock in the evening, but occasionally there will be vehicles passing through ~www.novelhall.com~ The most important thing is that Cheng Hao’s foot is still sprained. The most important thing is to give Cheng Hao cured the foot injury first.

It’s just that Cheng Hao has been teased by Du Cheng’s body. It’s a little bit of a charming look. After Du Cheng’s separation from her lips, the whole person is completely malic-like in Du Cheng’s arms. .

Du Chengwei thinks that it is not appropriate to send home at this time. If you send the hospital, Cheng Hao’s feet may take several days to get better. After all, it’s the most troublesome, so Du Cheng has to give it to himself. Cheng Hao was treated.

It’s just not right to go back to the 15th villa. So after thinking about it, Du Cheng went directly to Cheng Hao and said: “Cheng Wei, we should first find a place to cure your foot injury.”


Cheng Hao did not dare to look at Du Cheng’s eyes in Du Cheng’s arms but he nodded gently.

Today will be violent, but today's chapter is not good for slow work, so a few chapters of small cold will not guarantee that hehe will go away anyway, and the cold is basically seven or less is never said violent. (To be continued)