Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 199: Cheng Hao's heart

The heart of the ninth ninety-nine articles

One or two forces are very quiet. I can only hear the sound of Du Cheng and Cheng Hao.

Du Cheng also appeared at this time, the gas seems to be somewhat different. The hand holding the small feet like Jing Bao’s late-clear and well-lubricated eyes can clearly see Cheng Wei’s slender and charming skirt. Under the bottom of the mysterious scenery that people are infinitely yearning for.

However, the most fascinating thing is to take a few steps. The stockings that have taken off half of the stockings are so enticing that they hang on the other side of the legs with the movement of Du Cheng massage.

I love ugly heart

And Du Cheng can clearly understand that Cheng Hao's body is getting hotter in the eyes, and it is brighter than usual. It is like a curved autumn moon.

"I will open some music."

This kind of anger is a bit embarrassing but it is also very tempting, especially Cheng Hao, which gradually has a heavy breathing, so that Du Chenglian's own breathing can not help but heavier.

So after saying a word, Du Cheng took the body directly from the back seat and then took out a Gu Sixin album from the storage box at the armrest and placed it in the recess. The player played in the player and the beautiful and cheerful piano sounded to make the air in the compartment dilute.

Listening to Gu Sixin's piano music, the original feeling of the same is also faded a lot.

Cheng Hao obviously likes to listen to Gu Sixin's piano music very seriously and asks Du Cheng: "Do you also like to listen to Gu Sixin's piano music?"


Du Cheng nodded Gu Sixin's piano music sounds very comfortable and has a good effect on relaxation.

This is one of the reasons why Gu Sixin can quickly become popular. Today, the life of the day is also tense. Gu Sixin's piano music is undoubtedly a kind of adjustment to the intense life, which makes people feel relaxed and relaxed.

"I also like to listen to her piano music very happy after listening to the very clear pine." Cheng Hao whispered that the beautiful to the thrilling face is full of intoxicating look.

Du Cheng didn't say anything when he smiled, then went to another bottle of medicated oil and began to massage Cheng Hao.

Du Cheng's massage technique is very useful only after a dozen minutes. Cheng Hao that originally had some red and swollen ankles has been restored to the usual appearance of redness and swelling, but it is completely retired even if it is carefully looked at. I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

Retracted the hand Du Cheng toward the heart of Gu Sixin, "The love of the sky, Cheng Hao said softly: "Well, you can get off the bus and see if it hurts." ”

Cheng Hao nodded but was about to get up. She now has her own stockings hanging on the other side of her feet. She suddenly said to Du Cheng: "Do you can wait for me first?"


Du Cheng naturally knows that Cheng Hao’s meaning has gone straight to the car, but Du Cheng’s mind can’t help but imagine the tempting scene before Cheng Hao took off the stockings.

Cheng Hao did not let Du Chengji wait for about two minutes, then she gently pushed the door and walked down.

Cheng Hao first was careful to step on the ground, and now there is no pain. On the face, he suddenly felt a little more excited. He listened to Gu Sixin’s “Love in the Sky and gracefully stepped on the brisk dance steps.

"Du Cheng, you are so amazing, how can it not hurt." After a few steps, Cheng Hao stopped and then said incredibly toward Du Cheng.

As a girl, especially a girl who likes to wear high-heeled shoes, from a young age to a big one, there is no less twisting. Every time I twist my foot, I can only recover it after one or two days, but this time is so serious. Sprained, Cheng Hao thought that he would need at least a week to recover, but now it took less than half an hour to make Cheng Hao naturally unbelievable.

Du Cheng smiled slightly. Did not explain what, but after a look at the time, Du Cheng said to Cheng Hao: "I will send you home so late, I still have something to go to a place."

The time for Ah Jiu and Du Cheng was eight o'clock, but it is already half past eight.

"Can you take me there?"

The excitement of Cheng Hao’s face suddenly disappeared without a trace, and then some expectations looked forward to Du Cheng.

Du Cheng thought and nodded and said: "Take you there, but I am afraid that you will get used to it."

"It doesn't matter if you are in any place, I am not afraid." Cheng Hao saw Du Cheng promised that the beautiful face was a little more excited and smiled and said that the elegant smile was a little more playful. It is very moving.

"Take the car."

Ten thousand

Looking at Cheng Hao’s happy appearance and the sweet smile on the beautiful face, Du Cheng’s face also involuntarily added a faint smile and then went on the car with Cheng Hao to the Royal Capital City. The direction goes. She was sitting in the sub-seat of Du Cheng. Perhaps the perfect waist that walked out of the dry flight attendant and sat down straight and completely exposed in front of Du Cheng's eyes, but the most fascinating thing is that Cheng Hao's tight and tight legs together are tight and sleek and tight.

After sitting in the back seat, Cheng Hao seemed to think of something. After Du Cheng’s very elegant smile, he took the flight attendant’s hat directly on his head and put the long hair down. Immediately afterwards, Cheng Hao took the silk scarf at the neckline and released the neckline of the small shirt in the uniform.

It's just a simple change, but the whole temperament of Cheng Hao is completely changed.

The original temperament and elegant stewardess image has completely changed into a more and more sexy. I am a bit more charming and a bit poisonous. Especially the flight attendant uniform has removed the hat and silk in Cheng Hao. If you don't look at it carefully after the towel, you can't see it. This is a set of flight attendant uniforms, but more of a new professional dress.

Of course, this is not unrelated to Cheng Haofei's international flights. Because of the image, the uniforms of international flights are being replaced every year and the style is very trendy.

Looking at the temperament completely renewed Cheng Cheng Du Cheng had to admire the woman's magic and the natural ability to dress.

However, neither of these temperament is very touching, especially the elegant temperament that is released from Cheng Hao's stock, but it cannot be concealed.

“Do you like me beautiful?” Looking at Du Cheng’s eyes, it’s obviously a brighter face, and it’s a little bit sweeter and I’m looking forward to Du Cheng’s.


Du Cheng nodded and thought about it and then said: "You are among the women I have met. The most beautiful."

Du Cheng did not say that although Cheng Jiayi, Gu Sixin, Ye Mei all women are among the ranks of beautiful women, but Cheng Hao's beauty is too reversal to make people feel a thrilling feeling.

Cheng Hao was thinking that Du Cheng deliberately praised her face for a little more shame, but the heart was sweeter.

It’s just that Cheng Hao’s heart has a flaw.

Because there is a saying that she would like to ask Du Cheng but she dare not ask it because her intuition tells her that the relationship between her and Du Cheng will not be like this.

That sentence is the one that Du Cheng asked her before.

That is the reality that Cheng Hao didn't dare to face because she really didn't understand Du Cheng, so she didn't dare to ask Cheng Hao that she would lose Du Cheng immediately after she asked her, so she would rather deceive herself.

Du Cheng did not know the idea of ​​Cheng Hao but drove to the parking lot outside the gate of the Huangdu nightclub. Then I got off the bus with Cheng Hao.

Du Cheng and Cheng Hao came off the car and one person walked over to the two.

It was a young man who was a few years older than Du Cheng, and he was a 25-year-old. His eyes were slightly stunned and gave him a very shrewd feeling.

"Is it you Duo?"

The young man first looked at Du Cheng’s car and license plate. Then very politely asked Du Cheng.

The young man's gaze also fell on Cheng Hao's face. His eyes were obviously sluggish and then he was amazed by the look. However, this young man was obviously very interested and only took a look and recovered his gaze.

Du Cheng knew that this young man must have been a member of the Afghan faction and waited for his own nod.

"Du Ge, my name is Xiaogui. Jiujie is waiting for you for a long time, let me lead you."

I love ugly heart

In fact, the real name of this young man is called Zeng Dagui. It is just here that he is a younger brother who dares to let others call him a big man in front of Du Cheng, but he does not call himself a big one.

"Well, let's go."

Du Cheng should have a voice ~www.novelhall.com~ and then pointed to the door of the Huangdu nightclub to signal Zeng Dagui to lead the way.


Zeng Dagui should have led and did not have any stop to lead Du Cheng and Cheng Hao together to go to the Huangdu nightclub.

Cheng Hao is very curious to walk around Du Cheng's side and is extremely curious about Du Cheng's identity.

No process, more or more excited.


Because she met Du Cheng for the first time. It was during this time that several of her female companions looked at Du Cheng’s swaying curiosity and turned their attention to Du Cheng’s body and launched the fairy in her circle to go out and will endure the result but it was dud I was seen on the spot.

And then the two are like destined to meet again and again and show up like this.

Fourth, upload the fifth before 12 o'clock and then work overtime after twelve o'clock.