Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 155: Framing

When Du Cheng returned to the No. 15 villa, it was only around 9:00 pm and Gu Jiayi had not slept yet, but he was sitting in the lobby on the second floor, seemingly thinking about something.

“What are you thinking about?” Looking at Gu Jiayi’s thoughts on things, Du Cheng asked curiously to Gu Jiayi.

"About the Xinxin Charity Foundation, although the Xinxin Charity Foundation was established, there are fewer directors..." Gu Jiayi is holding some documents from the charity foundation, and her brows are slightly wrinkled.

Charitable foundations are established, but they require professional people to perform and operate.

Gu Jiayi has that ability, but Gu Jiayi does not have that time. Su Xueru should have the ability in that aspect, but there is no time for the Secretary. Therefore, Gu Jiayi could not remember who to look for as a director of this charity foundation. And one person is obviously not enough, which requires a small team to cooperate.

Du Cheng thought it was something. After listening to Gu Jiayi’s statement, he said directly after a slight thought: “This is simple. You’re on the Sina’s personal homepage, and you’re saying that in order to let the Xinxin Charity Foundation’s funds Public words, now openly call the governors and supervisors, in addition to a director to be fixed, the other directors and supervisors can work part-time, this is not enough." Du Chengjia gave Gu Sixin a good, beautiful individual The homepage, in just a few days, the number of registered people has reached more than 10 million, and it is still increasing, very terrifying.

When I heard Du Cheng say this, Gu Jiayi suddenly brightened his eyes, so that he could solve the problem of personnel and make everything more rewarding. It is a matter of double-edged sculpture.

"I will post an announcement here."

The problem was solved. After Gu Jiayi left a sentence, he walked toward his own room. She just stopped a few steps and stopped because Gu Jiayi suddenly remembered that her notebook was still in Du Cheng’s room. Inside, the pretty face suddenly flew up two red clouds, then turned back and avoided Du Cheng's gaze toward Du Cheng's room.

Du Cheng is laughing and walking behind Gu Jiayi.

Gu Jiayi took a few steps and seemed to think of something. He turned around and saw Du Cheng smiled toward himself. Gu Jiayi suddenly became more red and said: "Du Cheng, there is nothing in the construction site these days. Things, not as good as I have not been to Beijing for a few days, how about?"

"Alright." Du Cheng thought about it and then said: "Then I don't have to go tomorrow, Si Xin is just shooting, we are going to make a good time."

"Okay, then we will leave tomorrow morning, and we will surprise Sixin at that time." Gu Jiayi saw Du Cheng promised, and he was very happy.

However, Du Cheng’s face showed a bit of smirk, and then he refused to take care of Gu Jiayi’s anti-stack, directly smashed her up and walked toward the big bed.

Gu Jiayi was struggling first, and finally saw that he could not earn, and he directly confessed Du Cheng.

... one, ... one by one, the next morning, Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi took the plane to Beijing.

Until sitting in the first class of the plane, Gu Jiayi's body is a soft, last night, Du Cheng madly asked for one night, and in the morning, he scored twice, so that Gu Jiayi almost did not even have the strength to get up.

Lying softly on the comfortable seat, Gu Jiayi couldn't help but smile and look at her own Du Cheng, but her heart is very puzzled.

These days, Gu Jiayi found that he was gradually unable to meet Du Cheng, and Du Cheng seemed to be more and more enduring in that respect. Every day she surrendered early, but Du Cheng is still war-ridden, which makes Gu Jiayi Love and hate, love is the taste of it, hate is that every time I have to try my best to help Du Cheng outbreak, many of the shameful places Gu Jiayi will think of blushing.

"When Sixin is married to Du Cheng, will it be accepted?"

Gu Jiayi thought about it and suddenly thought of a topic that made her more shy, and suddenly her face was redder.

Fortunately, Du Cheng has already seen the magazine at this time, and Gu Jiayi’s pretty face has only slightly eased.

However, Gu Jiayi’s heart is extremely worried. To overcome this ability, Gu Sixin can meet Du Cheng. . .

Thinking about it, Gu Jiayi’s face was redder. Some of the two planes quickly landed at the Capital International Airport. This time, Du Cheng did not let Zhao Fei pick him up. Instead, he and Gu Jiayi sat together on the taxi to the Phoenix Ridge.

Before coming, Gu Jiayi had already asked Gu Sixin. Today, Gu Sixin and the team will go to Phoenix Ridge to capture the scene. Therefore, the goal of Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi is naturally Phoenix Ridge, but it is a little farther away.

When Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi came to the foot of Fenghuangling Mountain, the time was almost approaching 11 noon.

Originally, Gu Jiayi thought that after going to the foot of the mountain, he would definitely have to call again to ask where it is. Just wait until the foot of the mountain is fast. Gu Jiajian found that he had no need at all! ! !

Because I don’t know who leaked the news that Gu Sixin will come here to shoot the album today. The whole Fenghuangling is obviously more lively than usual. When the two people get off the bus, they hear that there are many people talking about Gu Sixin, and many people. They are all going in one direction.

Under this circumstance, Gu Jiayi and Du Cheng have no need to ask for directions, and the two directly follow the flow of people toward the destination.

About a dozen points, the two have arrived at the destination of this trip.

This is a beautiful mountain scenery. Gu Sixin and the production team are currently framing the mountain, and below, it is surrounded by nearly a thousand tourists and fans. However, these tourists and fans are very close to each other. Avoiding it, leaving Gu Sixin and the production team enough space to view the scene.

At the Lingtou of the mountain, Gu Sixin is sitting in front of a white piano. Her body is also wearing a long skirt with a little classical meaning. Under the breeze, the long skirt flutters gently. As if the fairy is in general, it forms a beautiful picture.

Also beautiful is Gu Sixin's music. Under the breeze blowing, it can be clearly transmitted to the ears of tourists and white people below, so that everyone can quietly unknowingly.

Looking at this scene, Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi, who were originally planning to surprise Gu Sixin, stopped.

Gu Jiaxin was very happy to watch, and Du Cheng’s eyes turned to the surrounding.

Peng Yuhua and Su Xueru are also in the same place, but Yuhua is far away from the station, but her eyes are very vigilant to look around. When Du Cheng found her, she actually discovered the arrival of Du Cheng, and far away. Nodded to Du Cheng, I was greeted.

Su Xuedang stood by and looked at a notebook. Obviously, he was checking the schedule of the trip or what was important. The whole shot was almost finished until the end of the 12th, but when the end was over, the surrounding area was surrounded by a thousand. Most tourists and fans, but Gu Sixin's fan nature is different from ordinary star fans. After Gu Sixin's filming ended, he had a warm applause for Gu Sixin, and then the crowd consciously separated a road. Come, let the production team and Gu Sixin have workers who carry instruments such as piano speakers down the mountain.

Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi are at the junction of Niu Lu and Gu Sixin. Zhang Huan has a car and a car. It is a four-wheel drive hunger Dirk Escalade. After the filming team said it, Du Cheng and others will directly The carred left.

Peng Yuhua drove, Su Xueru sat in the throne, and Du Cheng and Gu Jia sisters sat in the back two rows.

The space in the back row of Escalade is very high. Sitting on five, people are not a problem, let alone Du Cheng and Gu Jia sisters.

After sitting down, Du Cheng was surprised to see Peng Yuhua, but did not think that this car is the car of Peng Yuhua, although her figure is tall, but compared to this car is like a mountain The general Escalade, but it is extremely incomparable to marry a small second class back to the hotel when staying, it is already 12 noon, a group of people and after the disguise of Gu Sixin got off the car, eat in the restaurant After lunch, I went straight back to the senior suite where Gu Sixin and others now live.

In the afternoon, Gu Sixin didn't have a trip~www.novelhall.com~ There were a lot of things to talk about when the two sisters got together, and Du Cheng told Gu Jiayi about the recruitment of the charity foundation director last night. It didn't stop talking.

A few women chatted, Du Cheng, a big man, naturally couldn't insert his mouth. Seeing nothing, Du Cheng and Gu Sixin said after a cry and left.

Gu Sixin knows that Du Cheng has friends in the capital, and naturally he will not say anything more.

Before leaving, Du Cheng came to the car key from the Peng Yuhua, and then drove straight in the direction of Xiangshan.

In terms of Du Cheng's amazing memory, although the distance is far, it is impossible to stop him.

Of course, before going, Du Cheng had already made a phone call with Ye Mei in advance, and Ye Mei was at home, so Du Cheng drove directly to Yejia Villa.

The seventh bird is already code-finished, and, as far as possible, the remaining three are finished before twelve o'clock.

Look at the seriousness of Xiao Leng, dear brothers and sisters, enjoy the monthly ticket.