Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 154: 10 days

Since the day he was driven out of Du's family, Du Cheng found that his side can appear from time to time... a slightly squinting figure is watching himself.

The familiar figure, Du Cheng naturally will not recognize it, but Du Cheng never thought about seeing him in the past, and the other party is only limited to seeing it, and never said a few words to himself.

Du Enming heard Du Cheng say that the old face that has climbed a few wrinkles reveals a faint smile. It seems to be self-deprecating and helpless. "You leave the city, Du Cheng."

Duen Mington paused, and then went on to say: "Your mother will help you take care of you, you leave."

"Thank you, but I don't want to leave for the time being." Listening to Du Enming said, Du Cheng is only slightly... laughing, but the heart is already understanding, it seems that Du Jia really intends to start moving himself.

After all, these days, my own movements are not small. If Du’s attention is on his own body, it should not be difficult to see some signs.

"You have changed a lot in the past two months, but Du Cheng, the strength of a person is stronger, and there is no confrontation with a force. You still have to go." Du Enming sighed, in fact, Du Cheng The character is very similar to him.

"If you just want to say this, then we have nothing to talk about."

Du Cheng said softly, he did not want to go on this matter again, because he could not leave the city at all, his foundation has been fixed here, so Du Cheng will stand up after the completion.

Du Enming moved his lips, but he did not say anything.

"happy Birthday."

Du Cheng did not stop anything, left a sentence and then left.

Just out of the door, Du Cheng saw Du Qingwu. Obviously, Du Qingwu did not leave.

"You are very confident." Du Qingwu looked at Du Cheng coldly. Obviously Du Cheng and Du Enming just said, Du Qingwu knows, and after the meal, Du Qingwu said to Du Cheng: "However, you It’s too high to see yourself. Usually, people like you will fall very badly.”

"Yes." For Du Qingwu's satire, Du Cheng is only a faint response. Like this god's low-level radical, it is impossible to shake Du Cheng's powerful mind.

At this time, ... the sound of the slight high-heeled high-altitude sounds from one side, the sound is very regular, each step is like a meticulously calculated..., not slow or succinct, looking at the direction of the sound, Du He saw the real owner of the Du family, He Yaoying.

He Yaoying's age is similar to that of Duen Ming. However, He Yaoying's maintenance is better. It looks like he is about forty years old, and unlike Duan Ming's peace, He Yaoying has a strong strong feeling, plus The slight wrinkles between the upper eyebrows give the **** a feeling of oppression, and people dare not face it.

At least, when Du Cheng saw He Yaoying, it was the feeling of God.

Only now, Du Cheng found that when he was in the face of He Yaoying, there was no such sense of oppression at all. Even his own mentality was still easy, and that feeling was like not putting He Yaoying in his eyes. general.

He Yaoying has long known that Du Cheng is coming, and her appearance is obviously also for Du Cheng.

"Give you ten days, then roll out of the city and never come back again. Otherwise, I will directly remove your foundation."

He Yaoying's voice is very cold, but this is full of strong self-confidence, and after saying this... she went directly to Duen Ming's study, no longer talking to Du Cheng, obviously, in her opinion, she can follow Du Cheng said this sentence, it is already Ren Zhiyi's mouthful of Du Chengwei smile, see from the home of Du Cheng, or ... can go to the small ants arbitrarily arbitrarily.

...... One... One by one, Du Cheng did not stay in Dujia. When He Yaoying entered the Duen Ming study, Du Cheng left directly.

As for the banquet, Du Cheng did not have that interest.

However, Du Cheng is the purpose of completing this trip, Du family is indeed to take their own shots.

In terms of the strength of Du Jia, it is either a white way or a gangster. However, with the character of He Yaoying, it may not be possible to shoot in black and white.

He Yaoying said that it is the kind of means to sullen, or not to shoot, a woman who never gives the enemy a chance to survive.

And the previous few shots, I am afraid it is only Du Qingwu's own temptation. It’s amazing, it’s impossible to recognize it.

Du Cheng's car speed did not slow down, just looked at the policewoman and then drove the car directly.

The policewoman apparently drank a lot of wine, even if she was vomiting, her body was also vacillating. However, this did not seem to have anything to do with Du Cheng, so Du Cheng did not pay attention to it.

Just waiting for the car to pass, Du Cheng suddenly saw the two mixed-mixed dresses from the back of the car to the policewoman, seems to be talking about something, the policewoman pushed the two mixes, Instead, he pushed himself down.

The two young people sneered a few times, turned out to be the left and right, the policewoman was lifted from the ground, and then walked toward a small hotel directly opposite the bar.

The two gangsters were obviously very familiar with the hotel, but just followed the aunt who looked at the hotel and greeted him. He even took a key directly from the counter and walked straight upstairs to the hotel.

"Yellow hair, this girl is the best, so watery, this time we can have some cool, his grandmother, what does this skin do, it is so tender, this time Laozi as long as it can be a good cool, reduce life Years are willing."

Two punks set up the policewoman to go upstairs, one of them, is to reach out and touch the little face of the policewoman, a look of enjoyment.

The policewoman apparently was completely drunk, but she did not have any awareness.

I also touched it. "The other one, called the yellow hair, suddenly touched the index finger and touched it on the pretty face of the policewoman. Then he said with a look: "It’s really a **** water spirit, this time I really came across The best. ”

After that, the two gangsters suddenly laughed, and then quickly put the policewoman on the second floor, and directly opened the wooden door of a small room.

Such a small hotel with a price of two or thirty yuan a night, the facilities are naturally very simple, there is a table in the room, a TV, and a bathroom with a strong fragrance. It makes people feel vomiting.

Putting the policewoman directly on the bed, the two gangsters suddenly looked at each other.

"Yellow hair, the last time the woman was you first, this time should I be first?"

"You are a dog's day. You didn't play it until the last time you played it. You thought I didn't know it. Anyway, I can't do it. This time I must first go first."

You dream, this girl knows that it is rarely played, maybe it is original goods, Laozi’s first shot is fixed. ”

After that, one of the gangsters turned to the policewoman on the bed.

It’s just that the gang hasn’t come yet and turned around... The wooden door in the small room was directly smashed from the outside, and it was smashed on him, and the whole door was directly knocked down on the ground. .

And this sudden change, let the color of the two mixed colors suddenly digested without a trace.

The natural coming is Du Cheng, looking at the policewoman who was thrown to the bed, Du Cheng directly cold and dedicated to the two gangsters: "Roll, I have already called the police, if you don't leave, call me You are welcome. Although Du Cheng sees the policewoman very uncomfortable, he still has his own morality limit. If he doesn't see it, then forget it~www.novelhall.com~ but see it, but he can't save it. That may leave a flaw in his own heart forever, and this is just a matter of hand for him.

The gang that was knocked down by the door panel was obviously not hit by the collision, and the other gangster was threatened by Du Cheng. It was dubbed by Du Cheng, and the two actually escaped and left. Du Cheng did not lie to them, he did report to the police.

With Du Cheng’s feelings about this female policeman, it’s the limit to be able to save. Du Cheng’s impossible to send her home with kindness, so the alarm is undoubtedly the most direct and effective way. This policewoman is the policeman himself, and Du Cheng naturally will not think much about anything.

Therefore, after the two gangsters were retired, Du Cheng left the small hotel directly and was very accurate. He had just left, a police car had already flown, and then several police officers quickly I rushed into the small hotel.

(: Write a woman does not have to be overthrown, some are used to promote some plots, huh, huh, in addition, Su Xueru is certainly not one of the female lords, first declare it in advance.)

Sixth, there are four chapters to update, one chapter counts two hours, sweat, to be more than twelve noon. . . . Second, I am dizzy. . adhere to. ,One