Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 156: Climbing wall

Now, how come this time to come to Beijing, will not be specifically to see me? ”

Looking at Du Cheng standing at the gate, Ye Mei's slender phoenix eyes suddenly became a bit more charming, but also full of the meaning of the soul.

"If I replied that it is not, what will happen?" Du Cheng jumped in his heart and remembered the madness of Ye Mei at that moment, and suddenly had some feelings of sorrow.

Ye Mei sees Du Cheng’s look at the heart, and Ye Mei smiles, then eats and says: “Not good, don’t open the door.”

"That's okay, you can get in if you don't open the door."

Du Chengyu smiled and looked at the walls on both sides. Afterwards, he did not need Ye Mei to open the door. He jumped directly and then climbed into the wall.

Du Chengzi thinks that his own movements are very good, climbing the wall several times, and the technology is naturally very skilled.

Looking at Du Cheng's movements, Ye Hao was indeed sluggish, but her next sentence was to let Du Cheng almost fall on the spot.

"Du Cheng, are you doing this often?"

It is said that Du Cheng’s mouth is already with some slow pumping, and then the dry one should say:

"Occasionally, not often."

Du Cheng did not panic. Since the first success, Du Jun’s basic soil has not been successful.

When he heard Du Cheng’s honest answer, Ye Mei suddenly smiled, then took Du Cheng’s arm and walked toward the house.

What about the uncle? After entering the villa, it was quiet waiting for Du Cheng.

"My mom went out with my dad, Grandpa went to the hospital. Ahu rarely came back at noon. I just came back. I was going to take a nap and go out. I didn't think you called." Du Cheng’s hand walked toward the third floor, while whispering that Du Ducheng usually had a phone call with Ye Mei. As early as the day before, Ye Mei had already entered the military academy to start work, but Ye Mei is now They are all based on learning, and there is nothing to do.

After that, Ye Mei whispered in the ear of Du Cheng: Du Cheng, how long are you in the afternoon? ”

Feeling the teasing of Ye Mei Na with puns, Du Cheng can clearly feel that the fire in his body has exploded. I didn’t even think about it. Du Cheng directly took Ye Mei up and then directly blew the heat. Ye Mei’s ear said: "I have time in one afternoon... Xiao, I heard Du Cheng say this, Ye Mei's whole body is already a soft, and then buried in the arms of Du Cheng, very shy.

Ye Mei's delicate nature is even more exciting for Du Cheng. After kicking the room door of Ye Mei's room directly, Du Cheng directly throws Ye Mei in his arms to the big soft bed. surface.

Then the whole person was so pressed on Ye Mei's body. While kissing the leaves of Ye Meixiang, his hands began to swim quickly on Ye Mei's body.

...... One... One by one, I won’t win the wedding, and after I fell in love with Ye Meien, Du Cheng accompanied Ye Mei to Xiangshan for a trip, then drove back to the hotel at around five o’clock.

When Du Cheng came back, Gu Jiayi and Gu Sixin talked about the charity foundation. However, after a long afternoon of talks, the two added many new factors on the basis of Du Cheng.

For example, Gu Sixin proposed to set up volunteer teams in various cities, and can apply for funds to help poor households or areas. . .

Gu Sixin's idea is undoubtedly very creative, and it has a high degree of implementation. Du Cheng naturally agrees very much. As long as Gu Sixin's idea is spread out, the number of volunteers will definitely be amazing.

However, these must be based on a premise, that is, Xinxin Charity Foundation must have sufficient ability to absorb gold.

In this regard, Du Cheng does not have any skeptical attitude, and, at that time, Du Cheng can also help Xinxin Charity Foundation through mutual benefit and mutual benefit.

After the idea was approved by Du Cheng, Gu Sixin and Gu Jiayi were naturally more interested. After dinner at the restaurant downstairs, they began to conduct research.

In the end, Du Chenghe, Su Xuejie and Bird Yuhua also joined the ranks of research.

The three smugglers topped Zhuge Liang, and around 9 pm, everyone has studied a near-perfect plan.

This program is still based on volunteers, but it is more detailed and more humane.

However, this plan was not immediately released on Gu Sixin's official website, but the date was extended until Gu Sixin's solo album began to sell, because the Xinxin Charity Foundation fund is still too small, only 1.2 million. It is not enough for the research developed by Du Cheng and others.

If you want to implement this plan, Xinxin Charity Fund must be at least 100 million yuan to avoid strong enough.

After the deliberation, Gu Jiayi looked at Du Cheng with excitement and asked: "Du Cheng, why don't we find a place to celebrate?"

Obviously, after discussing this set of plans, whether it is Gu Jiayi, Gu Sixin or Su Xueru are obviously very excited, even Peng Yuhua's face has a bit of excitement. When Du Chengwei thought about it, he responded and said: "Let's go have a few drinks together. Ba."

After that, Du Cheng turned his eyes to the flowering place.

Peng Yuhua is a local, and the first time, when Du Cheng saw her, he was in the paradise bar. Du Cheng naturally thought that Zhang Huan should know a few places to go. "Go to heaven, smell it, other places." I am not familiar." Or the flowers did not think about it, very simple, or that she only knows a paradise bar, she does not know anything else.


Du Cheng nodded, and then walked with the girls to the outside of the curtain to go to the second Peng Yuhua or the old dress, although it was night, but she still wears a black sun hat and black-rimmed glasses, Gu Sixin also disguised himself, once again Wearing a sun hat and sunglasses, it is more like a pair of sister flowers than Gu Jiayi.

Escalade quickly stopped outside the door of the paradise. Du Cheng was afraid that Gu Sixin was too noticeable in the hall. He ordered a senior box on the second floor and then led the girls directly into the box. .

After entering the box, Du Cheng directly ordered a few bottles of ordinary red wine and some small dishes according to the minimum consumption of the box. They just celebrated drinking, but not for the sake of drinking.

Because they are all self-sufficient, there is no life to say, the gas is naturally very warm, even Gu Sixin, who usually does not drink, has a few drinks to go down, but it is a pretty red face, but it is the flower of the flower The amount of wine makes Du Cheng feel a little surprised. Drinking red wine is like drinking water. There is no such thing as any difference. The roots of Sixin form two distinct contrasts.

At this moment, the door of the box suddenly slammed into the door, and the huge cymbal sounded and Gu Sixin slammed.

Then, wearing a precious men's clothing on his face, and the youth who was full of alcohol rushed in, and pointed to Gu Jiayi's women, and followed the enthusiasm of the bar that followed: "I have a guest today. When I arrived, I asked you to bring a few more chicks. You dare to tell me no, what are these few..."

"Lin Gongzi, I am really embarrassed, they are the guests here, not the little you said, sister...

That, the bar manager quickly lost his smile and handed a look of incompetence to Du Cheng and others.

"Not Miss..."

That, the youth known as Lin Gongzi will be suspicious of sweeping Gu Jiayi's eyes, then his eyes directly on Gu Jiayi's face, a look of obsessive look: "Hey, it's okay not a lady, chick, drink with Laozi How about a glass of wine, serving a few friends of Laozi, money is not a problem..."


The most hated by Gu Jiayi is this kind of person. With a sigh of relief, he directly picked up a glass of red wine on the table and fell to the face of Lin Gongzi.

Although the red wine was not cold, it made the Lin Gongzi’s alcohol a little awake. When she saw a woman splashing her face, she suddenly became angry and shouted: “Broken...”

The young man only smashed two words. The whole person suddenly shot out like a cannonball, and there was no chance to take the first word.

Du Cheng, how can he tolerate others who marry his woman in front of him, ~www.novelhall.com~ can not be considered as the Emperor, so this foot, Du Cheng simply did not show mercy, strong One foot, directly flew out the Lin Gongzi, and then slammed into the outside of the barrier, and then slipped directly onto the floor, something floating in the mouth, it seems to be dizzy .

That, how can the bar manager think that things will become like this, and even more unexpectedly, Du Cheng’s start is so embarrassing, just a foot, it is directly directly stunned the other side, if not with the protection of the barrier In the words, I am afraid that the whole person will stand on the stage of the first floor as a cannonball.

However, the bar manager apparently also saw that Lin Gongzi was not pleasing to the eye. Seeing that he did not respond, he quickly said to Du Cheng: "You are going to go, or you will not be able to wait until Lin Gongzi wakes up, and his friends are next to him. Inside the box."

I want to go, I have not come. ”

However, the sound of the bar manager has not yet fallen, and there is a cold sound at the door.

The eighth bird, there are two more, the fight can be completed before twelve o'clock. . . . .

Seeking a monthly ticket, urgently need a monthly ticket to supplement the power.