Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 145: Heng Heng

Key to Du Cheng will close the window. The policewoman suddenly had a stock to want to be in the car... The impulse of the foot Although she really checked the value of the car after the last time she went back, but at this time she couldn’t take care of that much.

From small to large, she has never been subjected to such anger in her hands. She was not so angry that she was downgraded to such a small place a few months ago because of a criminal incident.

The two male policemen who were on the side knew that the policewoman’s personality was not good enough to take her back and some of them had the policeman named Wang Jie.

He was awe-inspiring about Du Cheng’s identity, but he didn’t want the policewoman to take the two small characters to the back.

And this time Peng Yuhua is getting off the bus.

The silk flower did not speak, but just walked quietly to the policewoman and then said a word: "Roll. Small.

The policewoman is cold but now it seems that the flower is colder and more direct than her.

Looking at Peng Yuhua's ice-cold look and a look of indifference coupled with the other side of the wording policewoman only felt a **** heart almost stunned on the spot.

The other male policeman next to her is obviously unbearable, but she is afraid that Du Cheng’s license plate can only be said: “The people in your military are too arrogant.

Peng Yuhua just looked at the male policeman with a cold eye and then looked forward and looked at the inch punch. It was directly blasted on the belly of the male policeman. The male policeman did not have any anti-technical power and fell directly to the ground.

Looking at this scene, the policewoman was on the spot and she had seen the policeman who had never seen the police.

"You are too blind to see you." The policewoman's pretty face and white hands are habitually touching the waist. Unfortunately, she is no longer qualified to have a gun.

"In your eyes, the meaning of Wang Fa is different.

Peng Yuhua’s indifferent eyes looked coldly at the policewoman’s identity. In a certain sense, it was indeed not within the limits of Wang Fa.

The policewoman still wants to say something, but when she sees Peng Yuhua’s cold eyes and the unique momentum of the strong, she is unconsciously retreating to the side, especially Peng Yuhua’s horrible skill. There was a fear in her heart.

And that Wang Jie is naturally impossible to block, but also retreated to the side.

Seeing the other party's action, Peng Yuhua turned and returned to the car.

Watching the Audi car drive away. The policewoman suddenly recovered from the powerful momentum of Peng Yuhua, and suddenly turned into a very angry and angry, and then directly called back to the police station and said: "The horse team pulled me ten people and someone attacked the police."

Du Cheng did not think that the policewoman turned out to be so difficult to return to the fifteenth villa. There is no twenty minutes before the villa has been surrounded by five or six police cars. More than a dozen policemen are outside.

However, it is natural that Peng Yuhua does not need to do anything in this kind of thing.

Outside the gate, Peng Yuhua just stood quietly at the gate, but before he came to the big man, Peng Yuhua made a phone call.

And the policewoman outside is arguing with a middle-aged policeman.

The middle-aged policeman glanced at Peng Yuhua and glanced at the Audi car parked outside the door and did not dare to order to catch people.

The middle-aged policeman’s phone rang between the two disputes. After the pick-up, the middle-aged policeman was already pale and stunned. After the girl’s stunned, she suddenly led the brigade and left the brigade. Only the policewoman and her police car were left.

At the same time, the policewoman’s mobile phone also rang.

Seeing this scene, Peng Yuhua turned directly back to the villa because she knew that things had been solved.

In the villa, Gu Jiayi and Gu Sixin are back in the room. Obviously, the two sisters have not seen each other for a long time. Naturally, there are many things to talk about.

Du Cheng did not go upstairs to join in the fun, but took a story book from Zhong Lianlan to tell her own mother Xia Haifang and Su Hui in preparation for lunch because Gu Sixin came back, Du Cheng let Xia Haifang prepare a meal Su Hui naturally volunteered Going to help, although her cooking is not as good as Xia Haifang, there is no problem in helping to wash vegetables and cut vegetables.

Zhong Lianlan is standing by and watching Du Cheng's study these days. Du Cheng will spend a period of time reading to his mother to listen to basically every day for more than an hour.

And the returning flowers in the villa are quietly standing outside the door and watching the eyes flashing a bit inexplicable.

Du Cheng did not read for too long because it was close to noon and Su Hui and Xia Haifang had already cooked lunch. Du Cheng stopped after seeing two small stories and saw Peng Yuhua standing outside the door. I want to go to my own factory. I pointed to the door and then went out.

There was a hint of excitement in Peng Yuhua’s eyes and I didn’t think about it. I went straight behind Du Cheng.

"Do you really want to learn ancient spring?"

When I got to the outside of the pond, Du Cheng stopped and looked at it. Then Peng Yuhua, who came to the next, went straight to the door and asked directly.

"Yes, Peng Yuhua nodded and then said: "I am not the headquarters of the armed police now, but also the bodyguard of your cousin. You should be relieved? ”

"So, how long do you plan to give Sixin a long time?" Du Cheng thought again and asked again.

When I heard Du Cheng said that Zhang Huanhua didn’t even think about it, he said: "It’s too long for me to guarantee, but there is absolutely no problem within five years."

"Well, I will teach you tomorrow morning that you can abide by our agreement." Du’s heart is that after Peng Yuhua learned, he immediately got a guarantee from Peng Yuhua. Du Cheng put down his heart and the brothers in the bureau. However, Zhang Cheng, who is the bodyguard of Gu Sixin, naturally does not need to worry about their dissatisfaction.


Peng Yuhua should have heard that the eyes behind the lens are full of excitement and excitement, but the face is still incomparably indifferent.

As a result of Peng Yuhua, Gu Jiayi gave her study to Peng Yuhua.

Fortunately, the study room Gu Jiayi has rarely used the usual company's things. She is dealing in her own room. So Gu Jiayi has nothing to clean up. The small bookshelf is the one that Zhang Yuhua wants to stay, so Gu Jiayi went out with Peng Yuhua in the afternoon. After some furniture and daily necessities, the problem of Peng Yuhua’s residence was easily solved.

Du Cheng came to the piano room together with Gu Jiayi after leaving Gu Jiayi and Zhang Huanhua.

"Sixin, have you ever thought about creating your own music?" Du Cheng, who was sitting in front of the piano and looking more and more sacred in front of the piano, asked Du Si directly and whispered to Gu Sixin.

"Can I create this myself?" Gu Sixin originally heard the Du Cheng in the flicking of the piano. She asked her first, then she was very eager to ask Du Cheng.

"You can't try it, but you don't know how you can't. If you don't let Gu Sixin go on this road, then Du Cheng will know how Gu Sixin's talent in this area will be so good."

Although Gu Sixin yearned for it but his confidence was obviously lacking: "But I have never created my experience without this."

Du Cheng smiled and then whispered: "The inspiration for creation is not that you can create it right away. You need to find a direction that suits you and then inspire the usual creation and then follow the inspiration."


Gu Sixin meditates that her talent in this area has always been strong. Once I have a point of mention, there is naturally a feeling of openness and openness.

Du Cheng did not interrupt Gu Sixin's meditation but waited quietly.

About ten minutes later, Gu Sixin returned from meditation and then said to Du Cheng: "Du Cheng I feel like I have caught something but I feel a little floating."

"This is a kind of inspiration, but you only need to think more about it now. You should be able to do it~www.novelhall.com~ Du Cheng said that while opening a box next to the piano, he took out a piece of music. Later, he said to Gu Sixin: "These scores are all suitable for you. You can take a look or refer to it and you may be inspired. ”

Gu Sixin nodded and then took over the piano scores from Du Cheng. There were more than twenty copies. Just Gu Sixin turned over and now there is no such thing in the piano that she is familiar with or seen. The face curiously asked Du Cheng: "Do you believe that these are all you created?"

"Forbearance Du Cheng naturally does not say that he copied the piano music of the future. He had to respond but Du Cheng said: "Si Xin may not be perfect or have some defects. You should practice and then press you. I can modify my own feelings to see if I can improve it. ”

These melody Du Cheng have deliberately changed some of them. This is also the purpose of Du Cheng. Gu Sixin first tried to improve it so that she can find the inspiration for creation faster.