Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 146: New company inspection

Because Gu Sixin’s return, Gu Jiajing naturally did not dare to live with Du Cheng again unless she wanted her relationship with Du Cheng to be Gu Sixin, but Gu Jiayi did not stay in her own room but ran straight to find Gu Sixin slept together. Obviously there are still many words to say about the two sisters.

Peng Yuhua returned to her own room and began to pack up. Although she did not bring any gifts in the early days, in the second half, there was a jeep with a Beijing license plate. Two big boxes of gifts were sent. We prepared for long stay here.

Going back to the single Du Cheng had to stay alone in the room.

However, fortunately, Du Cheng is not bored. The study in the four fields can make his time pass quickly and even have a feeling of not being enough. It is only when he sleeps at night, Gu Jiayi is the one who can’t help but let go. .

On the second day, Du Cheng woke up early, but Du Chengcai came to the lawn and saw that he had put on a set of silk exercise clothes. He was practicing Wing Chun.

Although he still wears black-rimmed glasses, he does not wear a sun hat in order to facilitate the training of Punjabi.

Just a sun hat is missing, but Peng Yuhua has given Du Cheng a stunning feeling. If you remove the black-rimmed glasses, Du Cheng can be sure that the appearance of this Peng Yuhua will never be inferior to Gu Jiayi.

Du Cheng, who was looking at it, quickly turned his eyes to the body of Peng Yuhua.

Perhaps it is because the material of the exercise clothes is very soft. When Peng Yuhua practiced boxing, Du Cheng’s gaze can clearly see the bumpy figure of Peng Yuhua’s body and the abundance of the chest. Because of the practice of martial arts, the beautiful buttocks and the curvature are very attractive.

Feeling that my own eyes seem to have some mentality that Du Cheng has not been busy, and Peng Xiaohua's indifferent personality has also made Du Cheng Ma Tu lost interest.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Peng Yuhua stopped for a moment and watched the excitement of Du Cheng’s eyes from behind.

Du Cheng did not say hello because it was completely unnecessary, so Du Cheng said directly after the approach. "The ancient Chunchun and the modern Wing Chun are not much different, just in...

These angles are even more slick and more feminine. You are optimistic. ”

After Du Jun directly put up the frame type, but Du Cheng is the control of the body to Xiner by Xiner to carry out the near-line control to make out of the ancient spring. After all, he has only learned Taijiquan now. Fuhu Luohanquan has nothing to do with this kind of thing is not refined, but Du Ducheng does not intend to learn anything else before he is fully proficient.

However, Du Cheng said that there is nothing wrong with the difference between the ancient Chunchun and the modern Hunchun. Although there is not much difference between the two, there are some very obvious differences between the two. Each move is different. The ancient Shuchun is even more varied and modern, but the modern Hunchun has become more direct.

Peng Yuhua’s very serious pair of eyes, though indifferent, but beautiful eyes, staring closely at each of Du Cheng’s actions, fears that any small movements are missed and the face is followed by Du Cheng’s movements. And more and more excited, perhaps others can not understand the pursuit and expectation of Peng Yuhua for Gu Yuchun.

A set of ancient Chunchun slowly stopped between the dances of Du Cheng and Du Cheng also took back the control of his own body. Ge Weihua was directly closed to the eyes and seemed to want to take every action of Du Cheng. Deeply remembered between my mind.

Looking at Peng Yuhua's look, Du Cheng knows that Gu Chunchun will definitely be a big player in the other's hands because it is a kind of woven heat and the pursuit that others can't understand, so Du Cheng does not regret to teach Gu Yuchun to Peng Yuhua.

Instead of letting the ancients continue to be history in their own hands, it is better to pass on to the flowers and earn a huge human feeling.

Peng Yuhua spent a full five minutes to digest each of Du Cheng’s strokes. Then she slowly opened her eyes and the excitement was more intense and she was looking forward to Du Cheng. Asked, "Can you practice it again and show me that I have some places that I have not remembered."

Du Cheng nodded but practiced again.

This time, Peng Yuhua took three minutes to open her eyes and she actually practiced directly.

Du Cheng is accustomed to the directness of Peng Yuhua. If you are interested, you can watch the first style of each stroke. It is undeniable that the talent of this flower is really amazing.

Although the first time she only made it similar to Du Cheng's less than six points, the second time, the coloring flower has reached eight points, and the third time, Peng Yuhua has become the basic full mastery. There are Hao Hao.

However, this kind of martial arts is not only a matter of learning the moves, but also the practice of martial arts and the need to continue practicing.

While watching Si Ducheng’s line of sight and unconsciously falling on Peng Yuhua’s extremely perfect body, Peng Yuhua’s eyes are like not being dull, but he is very serious in practicing Guchunchun. Each type of Du Ducheng quickly recovered his gaze and began to practice Tai Chi and Fu Long Luo Han Quan. However, because there is Peng Yuhua in Du Cheng, there is no practice. Du Chengke does not want to let the body training be taken by others. learn.

So after finishing Taijiquan and Fuhu Luohanquan, Du Cheng returned to his own room and then practiced the physical training directly in the bathroom. Although the space was not large, it was completely sufficient for Du Cheng.

...... One... One... First, because Gu Sixin’s return, Gu Jiayi did not go to the construction site in the morning and the new company’s current progress is also very fast. It’s very stable and good for one. It’s no problem to go to the construction site for two days.

However, Du Cheng received a call from the text and then drove directly to Xiamen City after eating breakfast.

The relocation of the company that has been reported by the company has been completed and the first phase of "Perfect Life" has been successfully completed. The basic work is to solve the problem of many large and small g in the game and improve the fluency. I want to ask Du Cheng to go to the company to inspect.

After the relocation of the company, Du Cheng did not go to the new company to see that there is time now. Naturally, it is not a refusal to drive directly to Xiamen.

This is the second time that Du Cheng came to the towel electronic building. However, the current CITIC Electronics Building has changed the signboard. The CITIC Electronics has been replaced by Yinglian Electronics and Tao Wen also makes the surface of the new company. Simple re-decoration The decorative tiles outside the new company are decorated with light blue as the theme of white and a little black to give a very refreshing feeling. The overall style of the color is greatly different from the past.

And Tao Tao, who is wearing a suit, is standing at the gate that should now be renamed Yinglian Electronic Building, waiting for Du Cheng Er Ducheng’s car to directly enter the parking lot of Yinglian Electronic Building just because the company just started. Wen et al. combined to get a car and a caravan of 100,000, so the entire parking lot showed a mosquito calm. In addition to Du Cheng and the company's car, only three companies have some capabilities. The private car of the staff opened.

It is naturally very gratifying to see Du Cheng’s arrival in the fortune. For him, Du Cheng’s personal welcoming every time he came to him has become a habit or a gesture.

The text is not stupid. He knows what Du Cheng wants and what he needs to do. If he has been on the scene for a day, he is afraid that the position of the general manager will fall on others.

Therefore, whether it is for the respect of Du Cheng or for the sake of his own future, he will not be more modest because of the high exhibition of Yinglian Electronics.

The company's style design is very good and very good. ”

This is the first sentence after Du Cheng and Wen Wen’s hand is an encouragement and a certainty.

After a pause, Du Cheng took a look at the one that was owed to the other people and then went on to say, "The Baolai is not worthy of your identity now. In the afternoon, you go directly to order the oil to run for you." The use of 牟 and then to Kangan, they each book a magotan when their car to the car to Li An ~ www.novelhall.com ~ In fact, from a boss's car can also see a company's The image is based on the current scale of Yinglian Electronics in Xiamen. It can also be ranked in the top five. If the CEO wants to use a 100,000 car with others, it is naturally detrimental to the company. So in this respect, Du Cheng naturally does not blame anything.

As for Li An as a figure of Yinglian Electronic veteran and also a core figure Du Cheng, he does not mind taking a million to buy his loyalty.

Good Du total. ”

I was happy in the heart of the text but it was very respectful. He knew that this was the reward that Du Cheng gave them. If he didn’t open the mouth, he wouldn’t dare to take more than one million to change the car.


Du Cheng gently responded and then strode directly into the building.