Ultimate Intelligence

v3 Chapter 144: This bodyguard is a bit cold

After Du Cheng and Gu Guiyi finished speaking, Ahu and the Iron Army left with Gu Siyi.

Before leaving, the Iron Army also secretly confessed to Du Cheng’s ear and said something that made Du Cheng somewhat speechless.

"Your cousin seems to be a national treasure soon..."

Although the composition of jokes is mostly, it can be seen that the head of state attaches great importance to Gu Sixin.

However, Du Cheng’s feeling is not as shocking as he had just heard. After careful thinking, Du Cheng actually found that this is not impossible.

With Gu Sixin's talents now, plus the unique charm, if used well, it can represent a culture of the country, and even can be used as a finale in the Olympic Games.

However, Du Cheng can completely be willing to go down, this is only a part of it. As for the real purpose of the head of state, Du Cheng is without speculation.

After separating from Gu Sixin, Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi returned to the city together with the plane, because Gu Sixin did not know how long it would take to stay in Beijing. Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi naturally could not wait in Beijing.

In the next few days, Du Cheng basically did not only study and exercise, but the rest of the time was to work with Gu Jiayi, and to deal with some new companies, but Gu Jiayi relaxed a lot.

Gu Sixin did not let Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi too long, etc., on the twelfth day when the two returned to the city, Gu Sixin finally came back.

And this fire is coming, Gu Sixin can be said to be red every day, and red to purple and black.

As Du Cheng's pre-planted, the first, the love of the sky, pushed Gu Sixin to a higher level, and even has many domestic and foreign piano masters bluntly, Gu Sixin's level has reached the level of world demand. Not inferior to any of the top piano masters of the moment.

This kind of comment is undoubtedly played a role in this kind of craze, so for a time, Gu Sixin's name has become the mainstream of all flashovers and media. Basically, many TVs can be seen every day. Gu Sixin has a topic of relationship.

It can be said that Gu Sixin can now be said to have been popular in China, and even in foreign countries, he has also made a certain reputation. He has compared the domestic superstars and so on, and there are still media, 21 The pride of China in the century, to describe Gu Sixin.

These Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi are concerned every day. The two of them have a phone call with Gu Sixin every day. Therefore, after they learn that Gu Sixin will come back, the two will naturally pick up the plane at the first time.

Gu Sixin is riding a private jet, and still has big sunglasses and a sun hat. Unless he is familiar with it, the rest of the people will simply see the identity of Gu Sixin.

However, when looking at a woman standing next to Gu Sixin, Du Cheng was stunned.

That woman is almost the same powder as Gu Sixin, the white Gucci sun hat, but her glasses are black frame...


This ambiguous dress, Du Cheng will have the identity of the other party.

Du Cheng couldn't think of it. It turned out that Zhang Huan was sent back by Gu Si, and he also helped Gu Sixin carry his luggage.

"Du Cheng, sister..."

When I met Du Cheng and Gu Jiayi, Gu Sixin was naturally very happy. The first time I rushed to the arms of Gu Jiayi.

And Du Cheng, just looking at Zhang Weihua, and asked, "Hey, how are you here?"

When I heard Du Cheng say this, Gu Jiayi and Gu Sixin are also looking at Du Cheng with a puzzled look. Obviously, I don’t understand why Du Cheng knows the birds and flowers.

"From today, my identity will be Gu Sixin, the sister's private bodyguard." Peng Yuhua is still indifferent tone, but the tone is a little more faint excitement.

"Yes, Peng is the bodyguard that Grandpa Hu arranged for me. I said that I have any problems in the future. My sister can help me solve it. If I can't solve it, I will call him." Gu Sixin also explained the way, then Asked Du Cheng, "Du Cheng, how do you know Wu sister?"

I met when I went to Beijing, but I didn't think she would be your bodyguard. ”

Du Cheng has this speechless. This head of state has also paid too much attention to Gu Sixin. He even sent this devil as Gu Sixin’s bodyguard. However, Peng Yuhua is likely to ask for it himself, because Du Cheng knows that this Zhang Huan is I want to learn the ancient taste spring from my own.

"It turns out that." Although Du Cheng did not elaborate, but see Du Cheng said so simply, Gu Sixin and Gu Jiayi did not think of anything else.

"Then let's go back and talk about it.

There are many people here. ”

Although I can't see Gu Sixin's appearance, but the three tall and attractive women stand together, it is still very impactful, and Gu Jiayi is still so beautiful, just for a while, there are dozens of eyes focused. On their body, this made Gu Jiayi have some discomfort.

Du Cheng nodded, although the accident was but also happy for Gu Sixin, after all, this Peng Yuhua's skill is really powerful, she guards Gu Sixin, naturally it is extremely safe.

In fact, Du Cheng’s guess is correct. Huanhua is indeed self-sufficient. Originally, the head of state just wanted to arrange two female special police to protect Gu Sixin from the special police unit of the Guard Bureau, but the flowers did not know where to get the news. After knowing the identity of Gu Sixin and Du Cheng, she actually arranged her own relationship to Gu Sixin directly through her grandfather's relationship.

As for the purpose, it is naturally very obvious. For Peng Yuhua, Wing Chun is her biggest hobby, and Gu Chunchun is the biggest regret of her master in this life, so in any case, Peng Fuhua wants to go from Du Cheng. I learned the ancient Yuchun in my work. Therefore, compared with Gu Chunchun, the identity of the commander of the Armed Police Force is noble, but it is not so important.

Therefore, Peng Yuhua naturally became the bodyguard of Gu Sixin and became a member of Du Cheng’s Villa No. 15 in the future.

One...one... After walking out of the airport hall, Du Cheng carried three women in the direction of the No. 15 villa. Two Gu Jiayi and Gu Si taught more sisters. Naturally, they sat behind, and Peng Yuhua was Sitting in the brake seat next to Du Cheng.

Looking at the Penghua flower from the side, it is indeed a very beautiful woman. Compared with Gu Sixin and Gu Jiayi, it is not inferior to half. It is undoubtedly a bit more unique and temperament, and the indifference. The temperament is indeed very suitable as a bodyguard.

In the car, because Gu Jiayi and Gu Sixin were very happy to talk, Du Cheng listened to the two chatting, while driving, the mood was pleasant.

And when it was transferred to the morning of the 15th villa, at the crossroads, the front was just lit with red light, but this location is a luxury area, there are no pedestrians and there are not many cars, and the red and green burning here. There are twenty days in a month, I am afraid that they are all extinguished. Therefore, many of the traffic lights coming and going from here to the basic workers are directly ignoring the basic work of the two Ducheng. They are also ignored. Seeing no one around, there is no car. Du Cheng naturally does not. It will waste time waiting for the green light, so Du Cheng did not stop the car and drove straight.

It was only this time that it seemed to be a little different. Du Chengzhou crossed the crossroads in less than a few seconds, and there was a siren behind it. Then, a police car that Du Cheng was very familiar with was directly at a speed of more than 100 miles. More than Du Cheng, and a side of the horizontal directly blocked in front of Du Cheng's Audi concave.

In the police car, a policewoman with a cold face and two young male policemen quickly got off the bus, and then went straight to the window of Du Cheng, and shouted in a cold voice. "Foul red light, get off, drive driver's license, ID card There are also driving licenses."

Looking at the look of the policewoman's face, and the entanglement of the three times and five times, Du Cheng is indeed a very headache. After gently pressing the window, Du Cheng simply did not take out the driver's license, but it was cold. The policewoman said, "You are working with me, are you?"

I don't know what you are talking about. I just saw you with a red light and hoped that you would cooperate. "The policewoman's face is cold, but Du Cheng is really right, she is really completed with Du Cheng."

Although it happened to be met, but she was run by Du Du from the manual several times, naturally it would not let Du Cheng run away for the third time.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Gu Sixin saw Du Cheng's tone was not good. She used Du Cheng as the standard. She naturally didn't think that the female policeman deliberately looked for troubles. She whispered to Gu Jiayi and asked about Gu Jiayi. The ten female policemen came out~www.novelhall.com~ Her attitude and tone to the policewoman was not used to the same time, and the traffic lights of this road are equivalent to waste, and many times are extinguished. After the failure of one direction, no one has ever repaired it. Basically, it is impossible for the traffic police to come here for duty, so it is obvious that this policewoman must have deliberately played the trouble.

"She has some festivals with Du Cheng because of some things, this time should be deliberately looking for troubles." Gu Jiayi whispered, but just the policewoman can see.

"What do you say, you say it again?"

Gu Jiayi, who heard the inside of the car, commented on himself. The policewoman’s face was even colder and colder.

However, Du Cheng simply gave her the opportunity to say something, directly shut the window, and then turned his eyes to the Ge Weihua.

Peng Yuhua did not say anything. After looking at the policewoman, she directly opened the door and got off. "The following free "..., the third, there are four more in the evening, in addition, a few votes can open the gap between the fifth and the fifty, and everyone will reward a few more votes, and now is the monthly ticket list The name of the first move, see if there is a chance to rush into the front blade this month, if it is possible, it is too exciting birds.