Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1638

As for the third possibility, it is to attack other planets in the Loma galaxy and recover itself by swallowing life energy.

Among the three possibilities, the first and the third are the most likely, and the second is the least.

The mother of crimson is absolutely resourceful. Through the competition with her before, LAN Xuanyu knew that it was not easy to find out the trend of crimson territory.

This time, the mother of crimson will be more difficult to deal with. The most important thing is that the previous battle seemed very fierce, but for the crimson realm, it didn't hurt at all.

Although I and my mother devoured a lot of energy in the crimson realm, don't forget that in the crimson realm, 200 God level strongmen were killed. They were all the top strongmen in the Longma Federation, and each god level strongman contained a huge amount of life energy. Not everyone can release the red gold Xuanyan like Zhang chujia. Instead of being swallowed, it can burn the crimson realm.

Therefore, the overall consumption of crimson territory is probably not as large as expected.

Therefore, its threat still exists, and it may come again at any time. With the transmission method of the Yukong clan, the crimson realm, which can carry out long-distance transmission in space, is too difficult to deal with. It's just a step by step. For him, what he should do is not to find the deep red realm, but to improve himself as soon as possible and make himself stronger. LAN Xuanyu is confident that as long as he can achieve the level of God King, he can barely fight against the mother of crimson, who has the support of plane. At that time, there's no need to be afraid. He has spatial attributes. Wherever the crimson realm appears, he can transmit it in a short time. With the phagocytic power of the Golden Dragon spear, the crimson realm is constantly weakened. As long as it fails to achieve the divine realm, it will be them that will be the ultimate headache.

Therefore, the most urgent thing is to improve your accomplishments as soon as possible. Before it consumed many of the energy of the deep red realm, most of them were used for the dragon clan growth, but Lan Xuanyu still left some essential parts in his body.

Just as his mind was gradually straightened out, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be one more person around him. Subconsciously, I opened my eyes.

Not only did he open his eyes, but also Bai XiuXiu around him. They looked at him at the same time.

The woman in a long red dress knelt down in front of them. In the eyes with a bit of hope, but also with a bit of desire. I'm watching them.

This is the woman who claimed to be the head of the dragon in the Dragon world that LAN Xuanyu had met at the beginning!

"Hello." The woman bowed slightly to LAN Xuanyu.

"You're welcome." LAN Xuanyu hastened to return the gift. If you guessed correctly, this one should have a close relationship with Jiang Weiqiang, the head of Tianlong, and it is very likely that he is Jiang Weiqiang's wife and a dragon.

The red skirt woman sighed and said, "it's really impolite in the Dragon kingdom last time. Unexpectedly, you are the descendant chosen by your majesty. As the inheritor of the red dragon, I have seen the Lord. " While saying, her original kneeling figure has bowed down to the blue Xuan Yu.

LAN Xuanyu quickly held her, "you're welcome."

Red skirt woman is determined to hem, with her super God level cultivation, LAN Xuanyu can't stop it.

"You can call me Jialin." After the red skirt woman worshipped, she sat up straight again, and her attitude was still extremely respectful.

LAN Xuanyu nodded and said, "you have been practicing in the Dragon kingdom before, but this time you didn't go with the first one to support the heaven and the stars?"

Jialin nodded silently and said, "because I'm different from them. For me, I never thought of myself as a member of the Longma Federation. However, the existence of tianlongxing can make the Dragon world exist. Therefore, I have to depend on tianlongxing. Guard the Dragon kingdom. "

LAN Xuanyu moved in his heart and said in surprise: "are you not on the Dragon Star originally..."

Jialin said: "I didn't appear in the period of dragon change. As a matter of fact, I witnessed the whole period of dragon change. In other words, I'm the only real dragon, the one handed down from ancient times. "

LAN Xuanyu was surprised. "Do you mean that you are not the dragon clan evolved from the blood during the period of dragon transformation?"

Jialin nodded and said, "only a few senior members of the dragon clan know this. I belong to the fire dragon king. I am a descendant of the fire dragon king. According to the memory that I gradually woke up later, I just knew. After the dragon people met with great calamity that year, thousand dragons fell. In the end, his majesty transformed the Dragon kingdom with his last strength to protect the dragons. However, the fall of your majesty is a great blow to the dragon people, and most of them have already fallen. The remaining ancestors, in order to keep the chance of the dragon rising again, have stabilized the Dragon Kingdom at the cost of their own lives. Let the Dragon Kingdom become a small world that can drift in the universe, looking for opportunities to revive. "

"The journey of the Dragon kingdom should have been known by the original divine world. However, it seems that the divine world has not destroyed the Dragon Kingdom, but it does not allow the birth of the Dragon kingdom to revive the dragon race. Therefore, the Dragon Kingdom drifted in the universe for many years. Until it overlapped with the doula Federation later, at that time, the breath and suppression of the divine world had disappeared. The Dragon Kingdom originally planned to take root in the Douluo Federation, looking for opportunities to inherit the dragon blood. However, he was suppressed by his Royal Highness The Silver Dragon King. His royal highness took away the core power of the Lord. So that the Dragon kingdom will be silent again. The one who inherited the blood of the Golden Dragon King came to the Dragon kingdom by chance and absorbed most of the energy that the Dragon kingdom had saved. But he also buried the bones of all his ancestors, which made the Dragon Kingdom more stable. ""The Dragon Kingdom has no wisdom, but it has its own instinct. When the ancestors of the dragon people were all buried. It seems that the Dragon Kingdom felt that there would be no chance of development in Douluo continent, so it separated from Douluo star and drifted in the universe again. It was not until the discovery of tianlongxing, which has a very high level of life energy, that it was combined with tianlongxing. Thus came the later period of dragon change, which gave birth to the birth of a new generation of dragon people. "

Listening to Jialin's story, LAN Xuanyu couldn't help feeling shocked. Why does the Dragon Kingdom exist for this reason?

The Silver Dragon King is undoubtedly his mother, and the one who buried the Dragon tribe is naturally his father, the Dragon King Douluo Tang Wulin.

"And you? Why didn't you tell the king of silver dragon and the king of golden dragon? " LAN Xuanyu asked.

Jialin said with a bitter smile: "it's not that I don't want to tell them, but that I can't do it at all. I was able to survive because I was still a dragon egg when the dragons fell, and I survived in my mother's stomach. It was my mother's remains that powered me. But because she has passed away, energy is not enough, so, in the dragon's egg, I have been sleeping. It's always half asleep and half awake. But all about the Dragon world, but I don't know what reason into memory, deeply imprinted in my mind. Follow up is to let me wait for the arrival of a new generation of Dragon God

"It wasn't until the Dragon changing period came, when the Dragon kingdom absorbed enough life energy from the Dragon Star through the Dragon Rising pillar, that I gradually recovered and finally hatched from the dragon eggs. But at that time, I was still very weak and couldn't do anything at all. We can only wait for the opportunity of growth silently. Later, she was discovered by Zhang chujia, the fire dragon knight. After she found me, she immediately recognized that I was a real dragon. She began to try to extract my blood to strengthen herself and her offspring. But later she found that although she can use my Dragon King blood to strengthen her own blood, she still can't have the ability to live forever. She forced me to marry her son, Jiang Weiqiang, the head of Tianlong. In order to protect the dragon clan, I have no other choice, otherwise I will be killed or even disintegrated by them. I chose to live to this day. But at the beginning, my request was that I would not fight for the dragon family of tianlongxing unless tianlongxing was at the critical moment of life and death. "

As expected, Jialin is the wife of Jiang Weiqiang, the first emperor of Tianlong. The inheritance of Fire Dragon King.

"Zhang chujia and Jiang Weiqiang's mother and son are all inherited from me. But I never gave birth to offspring for Jiang Weiqiang. I hate them very much. But Jiang Weiqiang is still kind to me. Now Zhang chujia has died in order to protect the dragon family. This hatred seems to have faded a lot. In the future, I only want to protect the Lord and do my best for the rejuvenation of the dragon race. " While saying this, Jialin bowed to lanxuanyu again.

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