Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1639

LAN Xuanyu did not expect that this would be the case. The one in front of him was a real dragon, and he was also a descendant of the fire dragon king, inheriting the pure blood of the fire dragon king.

In other words, she does not belong to the Dragon Star, but belongs to the pure dragon family. Therefore, she only obeys the Dragon God blood, not the Dragon Star and the dragon horse Federation.

"Please get up." LAN Xuanyu helped Jialin up.

LAN Xuanyu said: "this time you also hear my call, follow the bone dragons?"

Jialin nodded and said, "I thought it was the call from the one who buried the dragon for a thousand days. But I didn't think it was you. What's more, your blood has been purified to such a degree that I never thought of. It's my greatest wish to see a new generation of Dragon God coming. For the rest of my life, I am only willing to follow you to rebuild the glory of the dragon clan. "

Although she has not seen the magnificent glory of the dragon, but there are many memories of the dragon are accompanied by blood. In a sense, she is one of the few ancient dragon blood. In this respect, I'm afraid only LAN Xuanyu's mother, Yinlong Princess Gu Yuena, is the same as her.

LAN Xuanyu said: "that's great. However, the relationship between you and the first lady.... "

Jialin said faintly: "he is him, I am me. I didn't have any feelings with him. I was forced at the beginning. Although I have a contract with him, it is an equal contract. No one can restrain anyone. In the future, I will only follow your orders. "

LAN Xuanyu has no doubt about Jialin. This is a subtle feeling in her blood. The more powerful the dragon clan is, the closer the blood is to the Dragon God. Of course, there is a big gap in this approach. And the more LAN Xuanyu can feel each other's breath and emotion through his own blood.

Jialin is sincere, and her blood is more pure, which is obviously different from that of the dragon people from the period of dragon change. In addition, LAN Xuanyu's own dragon god blood, the blood of the dragon race is supreme, and he can be trusted.

Jialin is a real super God. As the first seat of Tianlong, she is not inferior to Jiang Weiqiang, the first seat of Tianlong. In the battle just now, she was the most powerful existence on the side of the bone dragon Legion. With her, LAN Xuanyu can naturally relax.

"First seat, they should be back soon. Please have a rest. There should be no problem for the time being. I'm here waiting for them to come back. "

"I'll wait with you, too." Jialin said without hesitation, seeing that LAN Xuanyu didn't persuade her any more. Together with Bai XiuXiu, the three sat down on the Tianlong square with their knees crossed.

Jialin deliberately sat back to show her different status.

Soon she felt something strange in her heart, because she felt the blood fluctuation in LAN Xuanyu's body. Along with LAN Xuanyu's meditation, the breath of Dragon God's blood naturally flows out, infecting Jialin's blood, making her feel that her blood is more active than before.



The faint silver light and shadow gradually form silver light spots, quietly forming in the void. A large dark red is transformed from silver and condensed in the air.

The mother of crimson sits at the top of the palace. Below, there are many strong people in the crimson realm.

Dark red mother light way: "start the second plan, at the same time start the plan."

"Yes Many of the following strong people in crimson reach it at the same time. But they all responded because of the first command. As for the second command, no one understood what it meant.

Not far from the crimson realm, a beautiful planet is enveloped by a strong breath of life, recovering from the previous trauma. Yes, this planet is the star of heaven and earth. Repairing the damaged sky and star. Crimson land, back again!


When a shadow appeared in the sky of Tianma, Tianma's worry finally ended.

The first batch of reinforcements headed by Tianlong shouzuo and Tianma shouzuo were all at the super God level. They left behind the big troops and rushed back to Tianma as soon as possible.

When Jiang Weiqiang came to outer space, he had already felt the breath of the crimson realm, but the crimson realm did not exist.

Because he was out of the fleet, he couldn't get in touch with Tianma and Tianlong through remote communication. It's based on the judgment that Tianma is the first to support. If Tianma is OK and Tianlong is attacked, it can return to Tianlong immediately through the portal.

However, at this time, although there is the breath of crimson in outer space, the crimson realm is so vast that it does not exist in space at all.

What's going on? Does it mean that Tianma has

At this time, Centaurus is the most anxious one. Instead of saying hello to Centaurus, it has quickly fallen to the surface of the planet.

When he entered the atmosphere, he was slightly relieved. He can clearly feel that the life level of Tianma is still there, which means that the core of life has not been deprived. This is the best case.He flew to Tianma square in a hurry. In a moment, he arrived at Tianma square and fell out of thin air.

When a group of dragon and Tianma strongmen landed on the surface of Tianma square, it was completely certain that Tianma star had not been attacked. Everything on Tianma is as usual, not even the place that was invaded and infected by Tianhe before.

Tianma first is greatly relieved, but Tianlong first immediately nervous, did not attack Tianma star, do not say that the attack is Tianlong star?

"Open the door of space. Why Tianlong first seat has just put forward a request to Tianma first seat, but it feels something. It looks towards the center of Tianma square.

His vision first fell on Jialin, which was the traction of cultivation and breath. He and Jialin are so familiar with each other that they are bound by an equal contract. Naturally, they feel her existence at the first time. Then I saw LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu. I couldn't help looking surprised. Why did they come back first? What's more, how can I be with Jialin?

With a flash of body shape, the head of Tianlong had already come to LAN Xuanyu.

When they entered the atmosphere, LAN Xuanyu had already felt it. Jialin immediately informed him that they had come back.

"First seat." LAN Xuanyu salutes the head of Tianlong respectfully. Now he has not been exposed, he is still the lurk before.

Tianlong first took a look at her, then looked at Jialin strangely, "how can you be here?"

Jialin light way: "I am not here, before Tianma star has been destroyed. Let blue tell you why. " Then she shut up and stopped talking.

The head of Tianlong looks at lanxuanyu with doubts.

LAN Xuanyu said: "first, the situation is like this. After the transmission of the crimson realm left, we came to Tianma directly. The situation on Tianma is very critical. One of them released the life shield and blocked the crimson realm for a day, but she couldn't continue to insist. At the critical moment, Ganma, together with several predecessors of Tianma, led many strong people of all nationalities, led by the dragon and Tianma, all above the God level, met the strong enemies and fought in the crimson realm. Barely withstood their attack. Before, my godmother once gave me a special item, which can pull me to her at a critical moment. I didn't know what happened at that time, so she sent me and XiuXiu. After coming here, my godmother guided me to use my blood to attract the bone dragon of our dragon Kingdom, and senior Jialin also followed me. Work together to resist the dark red... "

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