Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1637

Although the vast majority of the people do not know where the crimson land comes from, they can feel the great pressure. Before long Tianyang fully supported the shield all day, let them have learned the crisis degree of some situations.

At this moment, the strong enemy was finally repulsed, which also made them feel relieved.

LAN Xuanyu led the dragons to fall from the sky. The scene that the huge bone dragon slowly landed on Tianma square was too shocking.

On the big screen of Tianma square, the pictures of fighting in space are constantly being put on. The arrival of LAN Xuanyu and the powerful Douluo federal fleet make people dazzled and even unbelievable.

"Princess golden dragon!" Full of excited shouts, and then, the whole Tianma square around, has been completely the cry of the title of LAN Xuanyu. After this war, she is no longer just a rising star of the dragon race, but also a hero of the whole Longma Federation.

At this time, long Tianyang had already stood up and looked at LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu who jumped down from the top of the bone tap. Her eyes were full of gratitude.

Only she knows best how those external forces come from. No matter the Silver Dragon Princess Gu Yuena or the later Douluo Federation cosmos fleet, they all came from the dispatch of LAN Xuanyu!

Human beings and the Federation of dragon and horse were mortal enemies, but at this time, he was able to get rid of the past and let the army of Douluo Federation appear on the battlefield here, so as to resolve the crisis of the Federation of dragon and horse. After this battle, long Tianyang has a new understanding of LAN Xuanyu. Besides his original cooperative attitude, he has more admiration.

LAN Xuanyu strides to long Tianyang, and his eyes are opposite. Long Tianyang nods to him, and his eyes are moist. In fact, she had been ready to explode the dragon and horse stars before.

"I'm lucky to live up to my life!" Blue Xuan Yu Long tone, sink a voice to say.

Long Tianyang nodded his head again, a little harder than before.

"Ang --" a fierce roar sounded from the head of the bone dragon. All the bony dragons on the scene bowed their heads to LAN Xuanyu for three times, then flapped their bony wings and flew to the door of space.

They have to return to the Dragon kingdom. Only the energy in the Dragon kingdom can nourish them. Otherwise, it won't take long for the body to collapse.

After this battle, LAN Xuanyu's divine consciousness has been connected with them. They can contact these bone dragon legions who only have fighting instinct but are extremely loyal to him at any time.

With LAN Xuanyu's strength improvement, the bone dragon Legion will only become stronger under his growth.

With the departure of the bone dragon legion, all the remaining God level strong men on the scene all bent down towards the flying bone dragons, with the highest respect. Without the arrival of these bone dragon legions, they may have become the nutrients of corpses and crimson land.

Long live A strong member of the Tianma clan suddenly raised his epee and yelled in the direction of LAN Xuanyu.

"Long live, Princess golden dragon!"

For a moment, all the powerful gods followed him without hesitation.

For them, what dragon knight, Tianma knight, Tianlong head, Tianma head are no longer important at this moment. Because, at the most critical moment, it was not the strong who saved them, but the woman in front of them, the Golden Dragon Princess. It's her coming that makes it possible for them to survive!

At this moment, their eyes looking at LAN Xuanyu are full of fanatical light. LAN Xuanyu has conquered their hearts, especially the dragon people present.

The Tianma people are shouting, but all the Dragon strongmen have knelt down on one knee in the direction of LAN Xuanyu. It's not just gratitude to her, it's worship to blood. They have deeply felt that LAN Xuanyu's dragon blood is unprecedented supreme, is the real supreme dragon.

What's more, they all heard what Zhang chujia said before he died. There is no doubt that this is the next head of Tianlong, and it is likely to become the head of Tianlong soon.

LAN Xuanyu didn't say a word, just felt everything in front of him.

Undoubtedly, from this moment on, he has really stood in the forefront of the Longma Federation.

When he went to Tianhe star for support, he was a temporary commander. His performance was remarkable, and he was recognized by eight armed demons and Mantis. This early return is to turn the tide back and save Tianma. It can be said that he is a great benefactor of Tianma. The Tianma people's support for him will be unprecedented. Plus his dragon blood.

Now even if the first dragon wants to move him, it is not an easy thing. He has really stood on the stage of Longma Federation and become one of the operators.

After a long time, the voice gradually stopped. LAN Xuanyu said in a deep voice: "the administrator is responsible for the normal operation of the planet. The two leaders will soon lead the reinforcements back. The crisis has been lifted. Record the names of all the war dead in this campaign. They are all federal heroes. After the return of the two firsts, we will decide how to pay for them. "He is not the ruler of Tianma, but at this time, no doubt everyone will obey his orders. In the case of no leader, he is now the ruler of Tianma and even Tianlong.

"The dragon family belongs to, return to tianlongxing to guard, in case the crimson realm goes back."

"Yes All the Dragon gods bowed to LAN Xuanyu at the same time. Among them, one of them was bloody with complicated eyes. It was Huang Daoqi.

The Lord of Fenglong city was also a god level strongman, so he naturally wanted to take part in the war. He was lucky, and he was very careful on the battlefield, so he really survived.

At this time, when we look at LAN Xuanyu, his mentality has completely changed, and he can't imagine that LAN Xuanyu can grow up in such a short time, not only him, but also Bai XiuXiu! The strength they show together is what dodge needs to look up to. He is also very glad that LAN Xuanyu and Bai XiuXiu have a millennium contract with their royal family. The rise of Fenglong city is just around the corner.

Many dragon return, but LAN Xuanyu does not go, he and Bai XiuXiu choose to stay. He declined Tianma's invitation and sat down on Tianma square to meditate.

In the dragon clan, with this war, his reputation must be like the sun in the sky, and the dragon clan is above the blood. His Dragon God blood has made him not need to do anything more to the dragon clan, and he will surely be loved by the dragon clan. In Tianma, this time, he became a hero of the Tianma clan and saved the planet. It is no doubt that Tianma people will pay more respect to him if they stay and continue to brush their favor.

Of course, this is just some external things. For the time being, LAN Xuanyu didn't think too much about it. The first thing he is thinking about now is where the crimson land has gone.

Under the bombardment of the main guns of the seventh fleet, the crimson territory may have suffered some trauma, but judging from its final departure, the trauma should not be too serious. And it was delivered.

Then, there are several possibilities for the departure of the crimson realm. The first is that it has completely left the battlefield for a while. The second possibility is to continue to attack, but after the previous offensive, even if they reappear on the side of Dragon Star, with the gate of space, the dragon and Tianma can mobilize their strength to defend. Dragon Tianyang on the other side of Dragon Star can also support the shield. Therefore, Dragon Star is relatively safe.

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