Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 831:

Still digging graves one by one? What is this for? Everyone, be quiet and listen to the anchor! "

Obviously, Wang Zhenghao\'s live broadcast aroused the interest of all netizens.

"Okay, okay, you don\'t have to guess, let me answer your questions!"

Wang Zhenghao shook his head gently, his face full of pain.

"Today, I also had a showdown with you veterans in the live broadcast room!

I\'m not pretending anymore. I\'m actually one of the parties to the Wangjiaba incident that is making a lot of noise on the Internet. I\'m a descendant of the 18th generation of Wangjiaba, and the picture played in the live broadcast room is our Wangjiaba Village! "

As soon as these words came out, the entire live broadcast room suddenly burst into a commotion!

"Damn it! Anchor, your technique of rubbing off the heat is fine, but you can\'t mess around with some heat, be careful of bad luck!"

"Yes, yes, Brother Wang, we all like your live broadcasts, you don\'t need to take advantage of the popularity!"

"Yes, do you think your surname is Wang, and you are from Wangjiaba Village? Wangjiaba Village is an ancient martial family! Although you are indeed strong, but..."

"666, the anchor, you are really good, I will accept you if I don\'t agree with anyone! You are not only taking the heat, but also staged a grave-digging drama for the heat?"

"Hahaha, this drama is really hard!"

Netizens ridiculed a bit, but some were sincerely reminding Wang Zhenghao.

After all, in their eyes, this anchor is also their favorite!

Otherwise, everyone won\'t become his big fans. They don\'t want the anchor to end up with a lot of money and money just for the sake of popularity.

Wang Zhenghao did not explain much.

He kicked his left leg directly, and a huge stone next to him was torn apart immediately. The scene was quite amazing!

"Have you seen it? Old irons, I really didn\'t lie, do you really think I\'m just agile? Even the most agile people don\'t dare to go rock climbing without a tightrope!

In fact, I have been practicing martial arts since I was four years old. Although my skills are not very good, and I can\'t rank in our Wangjiaba, I am indeed the 18th generation descendant of Wangjiaba Village! "

"Our entire Wangjiaba Village, as rumored by the outside world, is based on ancient martial arts and martial arts. The whole village, men and women, old and young, can learn ancient martial arts. The purpose of our village is to continue the good things passed down by these ancestors. !"

"So we have been incognito all the time, never going out of the village to provoke right and wrong!

But who would have thought that such a small and hidden village like ours would be inexplicably demolished! "

"Let\'s demolish and relocate. Let\'s discuss it carefully. If it is really required by the state, we will actively cooperate, but they actually asked to dig our ancestral graves. This kind of thing is simply unbearable or unbearable!"

"Our villagers are resolutely opposed. Their boss, Xiao Junlin of Longhua Infrastructure Group, Mr. Xiao, personally brought people to force us to demolish us. If we didn\'t leave, they would use force!"

"The person who was killed in this incident was the grandfather of our village, and because our grandfather was brutally murdered by them, we are now without a leader, and they now force us to dig up the graves of our ancestors overnight. This is absolutely hateful!"

The more Wang Zhenghao said it, the more angry he became!

In the end, he directly punched the tree trunk next to him, and blood flowed from the back of his entire right hand!

826. How many stinky money, even forget how to behave?

Wang Zhenghao\'s voice fell.

Netizens were in an uproar!

"God, anchor, don\'t hurt your body like this, it\'s not worth it!"

"Yes, yes! Don\'t worry, anchor, we will support you! It turns out that there really is ancient martial arts in this world, I always thought it was a rumor!"

"Hahahaha, I can\'t believe that the masters are all in the folk!

No wonder I said why the anchor\'s skill is so strong, it turns out to be hidden? "

"Ah, ah, ah, the anchor brother, your hand is bleeding all the time, please deal with it quickly! This Mr. Xiao is really hateful, why did you force Wangjiaba to be demolished?

People have provoked him to provoke him for the sake of inheriting ancient martial arts from generation to generation? "

\"That is, is it so difficult to leave some good things handed down from the older generation for Long Guo?

What is it to bully a group of simple villagers? \"

"I didn\'t expect that this Mr. Xiao usually looked like a dog, but he turned out to be so arrogant and unreasonable! He even killed his grandfather, he was abominable!"

"Could it be that he really covered the sky with one hand like this in the whole Shangjing? The ancient martial arts family has been bullied into this way, so how can ordinary people like us have any way to survive in the future?"

"It\'s terrifying! Why so tyrannical!"

"We must jointly punish this Mr. Xiao!"


All the netizens in the live broadcast room were instantly filled with righteous indignation!

Before the live broadcast room started, many people believed the rumors on the Internet. Now that the real ancient martial arts descendant in the live broadcast room has come out and exposed all this, it is even more convincing!

At the same time, the number of people in the live broadcast room is also skyrocketing wildly.

More and more people are starting to pay attention to this live broadcast room!

"Everyone, you have seen it! The entire village of Wangjiaba has a history of nearly a thousand years. Now we have to dig out all the ancestors of the past thousand years and dynasties. This is simply a shame!"

"Every one of the ancestors buried here has made contributions to the Dragon Kingdom. They are all heroes. Now we have to dig them out and make them restless. This is not our voluntary choice. !"

"We are also forced to help. There are a large number of officers stationed outside our village. If we are a little bit disobedient, their guns will be aimed at us at any time!"

"Our grandfather has been resisting, but in the end, this is the end, and we villagers really can\'t twist our arms through our thighs!"

"But I really can\'t take this breath, so today I am in my live broadcast room, begging all the old irons to do justice for the people of our village. I believe that justice is in the hearts of the people, and they must act like this. Not getting good rewards!"

Wang Zhenghao said with tears in his eyes, and the more netizens listened, the more angry they became!

The anger in the live broadcast room was also ignited, and many people even scolded the screen directly in the live broadcast room.

"Hahaha, what about Xiao Junlin\'s washing dogs? Hurry up and wash the floor for your master, I\'m afraid your master\'s black material will not be able to contain it!"

"Fuck Cao! When Xiao Junlin made a mechanical armor, I even regarded him as my idol, and I admired him very much...

The results of it? I didn\'t expect him to be such a scumbag, bah! "

"Hehe, before you came, did you say that Xiao Junlin is the proud person of our Dragon Kingdom? Stand up and walk a few times? Let\'s see if our spittle stars can drown you!"

"Fuck, is it great to have money? Can you bully people like this? Can you kill people without being held legally responsible?"

"That\'s right, Wangjiaba Village lives in seclusion. Did they provoke him? They only live here for the sake of our Dragon Kingdom\'s martial arts inheritance. Can\'t he even tolerate this?"