Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 830:

"I\'m Cao! It\'s all **** killing people! Don\'t the relevant departments come out to solve it?

Hurry up and send someone to investigate, right? I don\'t know what those officials are doing every day! "

"I really don\'t know what to say. Wangjiaba is just a small remote village. It should have been a pure land on earth! Isn\'t it funny that it was forcibly demolished by an unscrupulous businessman like Xiao Junlin? In front of these capitalists, Are our people just assholes?"

"Forget it, let\'s talk less, other people\'s ancient martial arts masters have been bullied like this, we ordinary people who don\'t know how to be bullied?"

"Yes? Yes! I\'m so scared...

I beg the relevant departments to severely punish the murderer! "

"That\'s right, thousands of people write in blood asking for severe punishment of the murderer!"

Under the rhythm of some caring people, waves of online public opinion began to criticize Xiao Junlin.

824. Start the live broadcast and make him stinky

In the face of these turbulent public opinion storms!

Xiao Junlin was not nervous at all.

He just smiled lightly and turned a blind eye to them all. After all, he was too lazy to explain too much to those people, and there was absolutely no need to waste time on such trivial matters.

However, these public opinions, which were insignificant in Xiao Junlin\'s eyes, gave some people a glimmer of hope!

That night!

All the people in Wangjiaba Village are hurrying to relocate. Some of them even started to dig their ancestral graves spontaneously, planning to take them to the place of relocation and find a feng shui treasure for reburial.

All the people in Wangjiaba were burning with anger.

They are all very dissatisfied, even resentful!

And when they saw the public criticism of Xiao Junlin on the Internet, they couldn\'t help but come up with a plan!

"Hmph, isn\'t this **** Xiao Junlin crazy? Let\'s just add fire to his reputation! What if he has the power to cover the sky with one hand? Facing the public opinion and madness of all netizens He can only be a shrewd tortoise obediently, right?"

"Yes, yes, I see it, now basically everyone in the entire network is crusade against him and criticize him!

I\'d love to see how he ends up! "

"That\'s right, I haven\'t felt that way in my heart yet!

We absolutely have to avenge this revenge, and we also help to expose him together! "

"It makes sense, if we can\'t beat him, we can\'t ruin his reputation?

Anyway, grandpa can\'t just die in vain! "

While the people in Wangjiaba were talking, a young Wang Zhenghao, who was about twenty years old, stood up!

He said with resentment on his face: "All uncles, concubines, brothers and sisters, if you want to smear his reputation, leave all the things that expose him to me!"

"You also know that I usually like to play online, and I also broadcast live broadcasts every week. Now I also have nearly a million fans on the Internet. Today, I have to expose his shit, no I swear I\'m not a human being for making him a scumbag!"

"good, very good!

Zhenghao, since you were a child, you liked to fiddle with these novel things...

We believe that this time you will definitely give everyone in Wangjiaba a head start! "

"Yes, yes, let him expose the fact that we even have to relocate our ancestral graves, and see how he explains to hundreds of millions of netizens?"

"Yes, everyone must not give in to him like this!"

All the people in Wangjiaba became interested after listening to Wang Zhenghao\'s words.

Everyone thinks this is a very good method!

After all, in reality, they couldn\'t handle Xiao Junlin at all.

But if you can expose him through the Internet and smear him, this is indeed a very good way to vent!

After the people in Wangjiaba made up their minds, Wang Zhenghao started a live broadcast that night.

Among the younger generation of Wangjiaba, his martial arts foundation is quite average, and he is basically an unknown junior, but he has a bright mind since he was a child, and he likes to fiddle with new things very much.

So when the Internet developed in the past few years, he also learned from others to start live broadcasts.

Since he was a child, he has liked to survive in the wild. In addition to the geographical location of Wangjiaba and his own skills, he has gained a large number of fans in the live broadcast industry, and he also occupies a place in the live broadcast industry.

"Babies, old irons, welcome to my live broadcast room!"

"Today, I won\'t take you to the outdoor live broadcast. I will bring you a special live broadcast!"

With that said, Wang Zhenghao aimed his camera at the surroundings.

825. It’s all Xiao Junlin’s fault for live-streaming grave digging

Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned!

They only saw the lights around the camera, which should be a relatively dark forest.

Not only that, but many people are digging graves with hoes!

right! Just digging graves!

One by one grave bags and stone tablets came into everyone\'s eyes.

This live broadcast is simply too weird!

"Fuck! Anchor, what are you doing?

It\'s not midnight yet? Are you robbing the tomb? "

"Gan! It\'s really 666...

Anchor, you really never let us down? This scene is too exciting! "

"Brother Wang, wouldn\'t this be today\'s special live broadcast? Is it live broadcast of tomb robbery?"

"Brother Wang, I\'m afraid, you still live rock climbing, right? People panic when they see this kind of thing!"

"Climbing? Big sister, could you please bring some brains? Rock climbing at night is a proposition! It\'s better to let the anchor go to the top of the mountain for the night, maybe you will meet some wild animals or something!"

"No, your point is wrong, can you think about why these people are digging graves?"

"Yes, even tomb robbing is not so exaggerated, right? It\'s a big fanfare!