Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 832:

"I just said why there are basically no martial arts practitioners now. It turns out that someone deliberately suppressed them? I don\'t know what Xiao Junlin\'s intention is to suppress Wangjiaba Village like this!"

"Also the richest man in the world! I really don\'t know if there are a few stinky money that even forgot how to be a person?

The villagers of Renjia Wangjiaba Village have lived here for generations!

Thousands of years of history, how could he drive away if he wanted to?

Even if he has to move, that\'s not what he does..."

827. Hehe, I knew it was them

The content and screenshots in the live broadcast room quickly spread.

Wave after wave of public opinion craze strikes again!

The entire network immediately launched a crusade against Xiao Junlin!

All the netizens are also full of resentment!

The memories of netizens have always only followed the craze, which is quite short!

Now that this wave of craze has risen, naturally no one will remember how much Xiao Junlin has done for the entire Dragon Kingdom, and no one can remember how much charity he has done, and how many people have received his favor. .

When he was pushed to the forefront by the public opinion this time, everyone would just blindly criticize him, so that he could fully integrate into these topics and forget his past actions for a long time, even if other people occasionally think of it, they will I feel that what he did before was just a bluff to deceive people\'s favor!

In fact, his true face is a scum who only oppresses the common people and suppresses ancient legends such as the ancient martial arts of the Dragon Kingdom!

For a time, the entire network seemed to be caught in a scramble for criticism, and many people lost their goodwill towards him!

Even if a few fans occasionally come out to do justice for him and remind everyone to remember his past contributions and charity, they will be quickly drowned in the sea of ​​people.

And under the promotion of some caring people, this public opinion turmoil has become more and more intense!

But for these broken things, and even the little actions of those who have a heart...

Xiao Junlin didn\'t care at all!

Although Zhu Han came early to remind him to pay attention to these things, but now he is more concerned about Jing Qi\'s movements.

"Jarvis, help me see where Jingqi is now and what to do?"

Xiao Junlin raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Good master!" Jarvis replied after a few seconds: "Go back to master, after Jingqi left Wangjiaba Village, he and the Lu family returned to a garden in the northern suburbs of Shangjing. any action."

"Well, good to know!"

Xiao Junlin pursed his lips, and suddenly laughed happily!

That\'s right, Jing Qi didn\'t leave Shangjing.

Otherwise, such a fun game would not have to be played...

It\'s good that he is still in Beijing, which proves that he is still not convinced!

There will definitely be some action at that time, and he is bound to usher in a bigger blow from Xiao Junlin!

"Jarvis, let\'s look at it again, what kind of people do the public opinions on the Internet come from?"

"Back to the master, those public opinion attacks on the Internet have been verified." Jarvis continued to answer: "Those are all created by the people of Wangjiaba Village!"

"Hehe, I knew it was them!"

Xiao Junlin was not surprised and sneered indifferently.

From the beginning of public opinion, he had guessed that Jing Qi would not have done these things.

First, he has been asleep for so many years, and his thinking is still stuck in the previous era. He still doesn\'t understand things like the Internet very much, and it is even more impossible to issue such an order.

Second is...

Jing Qi\'s methods will not be so inferior, this so-called public opinion storm is nothing to Xiao Junlin!

Not to mention whether it can completely smear his reputation!

Even if it really stinks, how much will it affect him?

This kind of behavior is completely like a child playing a house, it is simply a weak chicken!


Today\'s Xiao Junlin is already a giant of the entire Internet. As long as he wants, he can instantly cover the entire Internet with all kinds of news. The person who controls this network position is really the most powerful. As for those people, in him In front of him is just like a clown jumping on a beam, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

828. Xia is forbidden by martial arts

"Uncle, what should we do now?"

Zhu Han frowned anxiously.

"Why don\'t we have a press conference? Go and clarify!"

"Clarification? Clarify what? Hold a press conference? Do you think I\'m idle? And even their group deserves me to hold a press conference for them? You\'re not kidding me!"

Xiao Junlin looked at Zhu Han in surprise.

"Uh, well, it seems that too!"

Zhu Han suddenly looked a little embarrassed.

Of course, she knew that for the group of Wangjiaba Village, it was really unnecessary to hold various press conferences to clarify that she was really unnecessary, but if the public opinion storm continued, it would not be good for Xiao Junlin\'s entire reputation after all. OK!

"Oh, don\'t worry, it\'s not very easy to clean up those people?" Xiao Junlin said with a sneer: "You can take a group of brothers to Wangjiaba Village and arrest them!"

"Arrest, arrest people? Uncle, are you right? Did you go out to take medicine today? If I go to arrest people now, aren\'t you afraid of causing public anger? Do you still think it\'s not a big deal?"

Zhu Han was frightened by Xiao Junlin\'s words!

This uncle really wants to come out!

Although she can lead the team to arrest people at any time now, you must at least provide evidence when arresting people, right?

You just arrest people without any basis or evidence, arresting whoever you want, how is this possible?

And now it\'s a society ruled by law, and people all over the Internet are supervising it...

If you go to arrest people now, isn\'t that just to leave a tongue for others?

\"Is it true that you are stupid, did I ask you to arrest the whole village?\"