Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 83:

Brother Xiao must be hungry after working so hard for so long. It just happened that it was almost time for dinner. I brought out my best wine. We must not be drunk or go home tonight! "

That night.

The solution family is elated and everyone is in a good mood.

Xiao Junlin showed a little feng shui technique and convinced them all!

Especially Xie Junfeng, after drinking a few glasses of wine, he was so proud that he wanted to pull Xiao Junlin to worship on the spot!

In the end, Xiao Junlin refused in every possible way, coupled with the repeated persuasion of the Xie family, and finally brought Xie Junfeng back to his room to sleep.

I have to say that the chairman of Xinghong Group is really poor in drinking...

But no matter what, Xiao Junlin knew it.

Xie Jia, from now on will be his most loyal ally, and has nothing to do with Yu Fengsheng!

at the same time.

Tianhai City is 330 km away from Dijiang River.

In a suburban villa area near the mountain.

Lin Yiqing stood in the study with a terrified face. Opposite her, out of the light of the light, sat a dignified old man in a Tang suit with a face in his eighties.

This person is naturally the contemporary person in charge of the Lin family who called Lin Yiqing in the afternoon and scolded Lin Yiqing—the old man Lin Mingyuan!

This is a legend!

Lin Mingyuan inherited the family business at the age of thirteen. After all kinds of hardships and desolation, he brought the weakening Lin family step by step to where it is today.

The current Lin family is one of the three old-fashioned families in Tiannan Province.

The forces spread across the military, political, and business worlds!

It is a hundred times more terrifying than it was in its heyday hundreds of years ago!

On weekdays, Mr. Lin has long been silent about world affairs, and he has been self-cultivating in the family for so many years.

Even though Lin Yiqing is one of the principals, he can only be seen on major festivals!

But something like today\'s summoning alone has never happened before...

All of this was thanks to Xiao Junlin\'s phone call today.

The fear in Lin Yiqing\'s heart!

How did she know that Xiao Junlin was so mysterious and unpredictable that she called the old man.

If she had known earlier, she wouldn\'t dare to provoke this guy if she was killed...

"Say it?"

Mr. Lin drank tea with a gloomy face, and said coldly:

"Who is that Xiao Junlin? How did you provoke him? How did he know about our family?"

076. From now on, don\'t provoke him

"Master, Xiao Junlin is... my ex-husband."

"The Junlin Group he founded in Dijiang City has developed very well in recent years. You have retired for many years, so you may not be very familiar with him..."

"This time I went to Dijiang to find him, mainly because of my son Xiao Yi."

Lin Yiqing spoke with an uneasy face, revealing everything that happened over the years.

It took more than ten minutes to explain the cause and effect of all this.

Mr. Lin has been listening silently, and his eyes have become deeper and deeper.

"Master, you have to believe me!"

"I really didn\'t do anything..."

"And, and I don\'t know why he knows your phone number, let alone what secrets he has."

"He probably thinks I\'m annoying and doesn\'t want me to appear in front of him again, so he came to you."

"Don\'t be angry, old man, Yiqing really knows it\'s wrong..."

Mr. Lin\'s face was stern, and he hummed: "Okay, I have already figured out this matter.

But please remember that from now on, you are not allowed to go to this Xiao Junlin\'s trouble again, no... it\'s better not to even see him in the future. If you encounter him, hide away from me! "

"I don\'t care what kind of grudge you have with him, or what you want to do, I don\'t even care if your son is really going to jail..."

"Anyway, remember it for me!"

"Starting today, don\'t interfere in these things again!"

"If you can\'t do it, I will immediately expel all of you from the genealogy. Do you understand?"

Mr. Lin\'s threat made Lin Yiqing\'s face turn pale in fright.

Expulsion from the family tree? !

Does it have to be this serious?

Mr. Lin did not let her provoke Xiao Junlin again, and did not let her leave her son alone.

Doesn\'t Xiao Yi really have to squat in prison? !

This is not what she wants to see!

"Master, you, listen to me explain to you..."

Lin Yiqing spoke anxiously, but she just wanted to argue again, but completely angered Lin Mingyuan.

He slammed the table and shouted, "Shut up!"

"Don\'t ask me to say it a second time, or I will expel you from the genealogy right now, do you understand?"

"Yes yes yes! Got it, got it..."

"I promise not to provoke him again from now on..."