Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 84:

Lin Yiqing was troubled in her heart, and she chose to shut up directly, and agreed with a bitter face.

my poor son...

Go to jail, go to jail, at least one life is left, right?

If you don\'t provoke Xiao Junlin, don\'t provoke it, anyway, people don\'t look down on her now...

Lin Yiqing knew that if she didn\'t admit her mistake at this moment, the old man would definitely do what he said and expel all their clan members from the Lin family.

By that time, they will be really unlucky!

The consequences were so terrible that Lin Yiqing didn\'t even dare to think about it.

For decades as a husband and wife, she has not even figured out the details of the person beside her.

Thinking back to the way she was showing off her power in the Xiao family, Lin Yiqing felt that it was very ridiculous...

While bitterly lamenting the horror of Xiao Junlin in her heart, she retreated disheartenedly.

As soon as Lin Yiqing left the study, a middle-aged man immediately opened the door of the study and handed over a document respectfully.

"Master, this is all the information you want about Xiao Junlin."

"He has been ill for the past few years, and what he announced to the public is that he is in bed to recuperate. He even handed over the Junlin Group to Yiqing\'s son Xiao Yi three years ago."

"But just a few days ago, he suddenly regained his health, and he completely cut off the father-son relationship with Xiao Yi, and took back all the rights of Junlin Group, as well as the group equity of almost all shareholders within the group. Little action!"

"But these are not the main points. I have read Xiao Junlin\'s information at least ten times, but I can\'t see where he got our secrets. This is really very strange..."

"You know, even Yiqing doesn\'t know about Chongbei!"

After the middle-aged man handed over the documents, he had been standing beside Lin Mingyuan, expressing his views with a puzzled face.

Lin Mingyuan is also seriously looking at all these so-called information...

Xiao Junlin\'s phone call today scared him enough!

Because he told a secret that the Lin family had been hiding.

And this secret, only the two of them who are in the study at the moment know it!

Over the years, the main control direction of the Lin family has always been oriented overseas under the careful arrangement of Mr. Lin.

Every region in the country is basically controlled by major wealthy chaebols, and it can be said that the overall situation has been set.

To take the family to the next level, Lin Mingyuan can only look overseas!

But just after he allocated a large amount of funds to invest in a certain overseas project, he was brutally attacked by local forces...

The Lin family also suffered a big loss because of this, and lost a huge amount of money.

The loss this time made the Lin family almost utterly devastated!

It can be said that if this news is exposed, the enemies of the Lin family will attack when they are weak!

This is a major event of the extinction of the dead! !

So for the past five years, the Lin family has been keeping it secret, and even tried to cover up this matter.

to this end!

Mr. Lin even did not hesitate to create many "accidental" incidents to clear all the insiders!

He believed that with a few more years of concealment, the Lin family would be able to return to their former peak.

And therefore...

It was only after he received the call from Xiao Junlin that he acted so terrified!

"This Xiao Junlin is not easy!!"

After reading Xiao Junlin\'s information, Mr. Lin expressed his judgment with a sullen face.

"Then, old man, look, do you want to continue to investigate further? Why does he know our secret? This must be clarified..."

Lin Zhengxin reminded anxiously.

After all, they don\'t know if other people besides Xiao Junlin also know this secret!

A Xiao Junlin came out today to threaten them with this, although the purpose seemed to be very simple, it was just to urge the clansmen not to disturb him.


Who knows if there will be a second or third tomorrow? !

If so...

Then their Lin family, how will they deal with themselves in the future?

"Can\'t check, can\'t check..." Mr. Lin sighed and smiled bitterly: "If you check again, you will completely anger him, and then it will be us who are unlucky..."

"At this time, we must not act rashly. Not only can we not check more details about him, but we can only pretend that there is no such thing at all!"

"When you go down later, remember to warn that Lin Yiqing again, and tell this stupid woman not to provoke Xiao Junlin again!"

"I just hope this guy can keep his word and don\'t expose our secrets..."


Lin Zhengxin agreed and turned to leave.

In the study, there was silence again.

077. The land auction is finally about to begin...

A few days later.

The land auction of Emperor Jiangbei City that Xiao Junlin and Yu Fengsheng have been waiting for has finally begun!

This is an auction officially organized by Dijiang, and the venue is set in the banquet hall on the third floor of the Dihao International Hotel.

The auction involves a total of more than a dozen plots, which are basically good sites in urban development zones, so it has also attracted the attention of a large number of real estate developers.

Eight in the morning.

The Emgrand International Hotel is already crowded with people and luxury cars.

A large number of military police were dispatched to maintain order at the scene.