Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 82:

What he has to do now is to directly remove them all, and then arrange a brand new Feng Shui formation!

The Xiejia Manor covers an area of ​​dozens of acres, and it would be a pity not to make good use of such a large area...

He can just use this to lay the foundation for his own arrangement in the future!

At the same time, in order for Xie Junfeng to completely cut off the connection with Yu Fengsheng, he must show a more powerful and profound Feng Shui attainments than Yu Fengsheng!

I saw Xiao Junlin choking with his left hand and holding his right hand high in the sky.

Look up at the constellations in the nine heavens, listen to the mountains and rivers below!

Step on the five elements and gossip, and hear the geomantic leylines!

The two great feng shui formations suddenly appeared in front of his eyes...

At first glance, it can be said to be full of flaws.

"Here, dig two meters down and bury a Shoushan Stone."

"Here, this piece of lawn is all removed and replaced with the two rockeries in the fish pond!"

"Cut down this tree, remember to pull out all the roots!"

"Here, if you dig three meters down, there will be a source of water to lead the water to the fish pond."


One after another orders were issued.

Whatever Xiao Junlin said, the Xie family obeyed obediently.

This guy, Xie Junfeng, is very mature, and his eyes are naturally very vicious.

Yu Fengsheng had to rely on a compass to see Feng Shui, but his brother Xiao could start work directly with just a few tricks. How could this ability be a hundred times stronger? !

No wonder he said at the time that Yu Fengsheng was not good at learning, so he was really capable...

"Hurry up, move fast!"

"Be quick, where is our motivation to solve our family? Bring them all to me!!"

"What Director Xiao said, everyone must do it, do you understand?"

Xie Junfeng stood beside Xiao Junlin and kept urging.

After a busy day, Xiao Junlin tossed and understood the family for three hours.

This finally stopped in front of the Xiejia lobby.

"The array eye is set within this fountain rockery, immediately remove the rockery, and place a Kunlun stone more than two meters above the original rockery!"

Xiao Junlin ordered again, and the Xie family was busy again.

After half an hour, the fountain has completely changed!

When the water of the small fountain rose again, Xiao Junlin seized the opportunity, kept making various knots with both hands, and drank loudly:

"Qiankun is in one breath, and the primordial land is clear!"

"The Nine Dragons Gathering Spirit Formation, open—"

075. This array can protect the wealth of the family for a hundred years

"Qiankun is in one breath, and the primordial land is clear!"

"The Nine Dragons Gathering Spirit Formation, open—"

The words that are obviously very second-class, but they come out of Xiao Junlin\'s mouth, but they make people feel extraordinary!

At this time, the neighborhood was completely occupied by the Xie family.

Most of them are old and weak women and children who understand their families.

I heard that a Feng Shui master came to the house, so I came to eat melons and watch the show, pointing at each other, and the scene was very lively!

And as Xiao Junlin\'s sacred words fell, the entire Jie family seemed to have undergone a huge and clearly visible change at this moment!

A gentle breeze came from out of nowhere, and everyone who was blown by the breeze felt comfortable all over!

The dark clouds in the sky have already dispersed quietly, streaks of dazzling sunlight fell, and the faint mist condensed on the small population lake and spread out towards the surroundings, setting off the entire Jiejia Manor like a fairyland!

Inside and outside Xie’s house, many of the already withered flowers, plants and trees have regained a strong vitality in an instant. All kinds of withered and wilted leaves are also quickly shaking up, and most of them have turned green directly...

The chickens, dogs and other pets kept in the manor all made happy and brisk barks.

The fish in the fish pond all surfaced at the same time, and some even jumped more than ten centimeters above the water surface!

The young children who were originally sick and sick quickly became fierce and fierce!

The changes in this scene made everyone present at the scene dumbfounded!

"Well, what\'s going on? It\'s too exaggerated..."

"Quick, look at the sky! The dark clouds have dissipated, and there is still so much fog on the ground..."

"Fish, the fish jumped out, ah! It\'s so beautiful, like a fairyland!!"

"My whole body has become more comfortable, it\'s so comfortable... I\'ve been feeling groggy these days, but now I\'m relieved!"

"Look at those leaves, ah... my orchid, the leaves are turning green, what is this... fantasy?"

Everyone was talking in amazement. When everyone looked at Xiao Junlin, there was such a faint sense of awe and shock in their eyes!

Chairman Xiao\'s feng shui technique, is it really so scary?

At this time, there is no need to explain anything to them, everyone has already seen the change...

The feng shui of Jiejia Manor must have become very good, all these are visible to the naked eye! !

"Brother Xiao, thank you! I\'ll help everyone in our family, thank you!"

Xie Junfeng trembled with excitement, and said gratefully: "Thank you, this... This is really great!!"

"Brother Xie is very polite." Xiao Junlin smiled lightly and said, "This Feng Shui Bureau is called the Nine Dragons Gathering Spirit Formation. If there is no accident, it can protect your Xie family\'s wealth for a hundred years, and everyone who lives here can prolong their life. Peace of mind, good luck, everything goes smoothly..."

"Good! Good! Good! Good!!"

Hearing Xiao Junlin say this, Xie Junfeng immediately said with ecstasy: "Hurry up, have a banquet, have a banquet!