Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 66:

061. Xiao Dongzhen is a god

The office phone didn\'t ring, but Gu Yutang\'s personal phone rang.

At this time, Gu Yutang was counting down the seconds with a solemn expression on his face.

There is an error of more than ten seconds, but it was indeed 10:37 when the phone rang...

Gu Yutang\'s eyes lit up with excitement, and his whole body trembled.

He knew that his chance had really come!

Xiao Junlin did not lie to him!

Something must have happened now, otherwise his nominal cousin would not have chosen to call him at this time.

After all, it took less than an hour for the two of them to talk on the phone...

After forcing himself to calm down, Gu Yutang answered the phone.

But before he could speak first, there was a burst of excited roar from the phone: "Yutang, your nephew is missing, where are you now? Hurry up and send someone to help you find it!"

"Brother, what\'s the matter, you are so anxious?" Gu Yutang held back the joy in his heart, stretched his tone and asked in shock:

"What did you say? Shao Yuan disappeared? When did it happen?"

"Just now, the place of disappearance is Wiseland!" On the phone, Gu Wenkang, the head of the Gu family, said anxiously: "It\'s too late to say more, hurry up and send someone to help you find it!"

"Okay!" Gu Yutang roared righteously: "Brother, don\'t worry, I will send someone to look for it right away. If Shao Yuan can\'t be found, Gu Yutang will come to see you!"

"thanks, thanks!"

"Yutang, don\'t worry, with your words, whether I can find Shao Yuan or not, I will remember your favor!"

Gu Wenkang made a promise in a moving tone.

The disappearance of his son is a huge blow to the main vein of the Gu family!

The ancient family has a single lineage, this is going to be the last!

With the assurance of the owner, Gu Yutang already burst into laughter...

For the first time, he felt that he was so close to the inner hall of the ancient family, as if within reach!

"Dong Xiao, you are really a genius!"

Hanging up the phone, Gu Yutang sighed happily in his heart, and then said to the walkie-talkie: "Everyone has it, leave two people to stay where they are, and all the others go out!"

"The first criminal investigation team can rush to Wiseland!"

"The second group will immediately mobilize the entire Sky Eye system for me, and investigate in detail!"

"Team 3 and 4 of the criminal investigation, immediately convene all the staff of the General Bureau and the local sub-bureaus to go to major shopping malls, long-distance stations and other places with high traffic density. I want you to set up a net within half an hour!"

"Criminal Investigation Team 5, contact the colleagues of the traffic department, strictly control every intersection, and do not let any criminal suspect go!"

"The goal of this time is to find a five-year-old boy named Gu Shaoyuan, and I will send the photo to each of you\'re mobile phones later, hurry up and find him for me!"

"Also! Criminal Investigation Team Six is ​​on standby."

"Zhu Han, come to my office immediately!"

In the walkie-talkie, following a series of orders from Guyutang, all the police forces in the entire Dijiang were dispatched at the same time, and a massive investigation was launched.

This sudden and huge movement also made countless people who didn\'t know it quite stunned.

I don\'t know, I thought something big happened in Dijiang...

"Director, are you crazy? You\'re making so much noise just to find a child?!"

As soon as Zhu Han arrived at the director\'s office, he persuaded with a look of surprise: "You will be attacked by political enemies like this. Isn\'t this a waste of police force!"

"According to the normal procedures, it\'s not 48 hours before the disappearance time? There is no reason to dispatch so many people..."

Zhu Han\'s advice is very reasonable.

If the children of ordinary families are lost, will the Home Secretary dispatch so many people?

This is clearly not possible!

But now...

Gu Yutang not only dispatched all the police force in Quandijiang City, but even went to the traffic bureau to borrow someone?

If outsiders knew about this, he would definitely be criticized!

Once the matter becomes serious, his position as Chief Secretary for Administration will almost come to an end.

Too bad Gu Yutang doesn\'t care.

Because he knew that the more trouble he made, the more the Gu family would appreciate him!

It doesn\'t matter if he is fired in the future, the Gu family will help him make a comeback!

"Stop talking nonsense, execute the order!"

"I\'m taking the responsibility!"

"Wait a minute you take your six teams with me.

This child is missing, 80% is abducted, we will focus on searching small hotels in various places, be quick! "

Gu Yutang didn\'t care about other people\'s thoughts at all, and ordered directly.

The mighty search and rescue operation began.

The city\'s police forces are involved in the search for Gu Shaoyuan.

And Gu Yutang personally led people, constantly raiding one remote small hotel after another.

He knew that Gu Shaoyuan would eventually be taken to the Dingjiang Hotel behind the train station, but he couldn\'t go there, he had to play a good show!

Hours flew by.

After the people of the Gu family had endured all kinds of hardships, Gu Yutang knew that his real chance had come!

He decisively led people to raid all the small hotels in the area around the train station, and finally found Gu Shaoyuan in one of the small rooms!

At this time, Gu Shaoyuan had already been changed into a set of old clothes, his hair was all shaved, and it seemed that he had been fed sleeping pills, and was still in a deep sleep when he was found...