Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 67:

In that room, there was a middle-aged couple staying with Gu Shaoyuan!

When the two saw that so many police officers came to kill at the same time, they were immediately scared to death.

Even without interrogation, everything was explained on the spot!

This is really a simple abduction case.

The two suspects saw a pair of brothers and sisters dressed in luxurious and expensive clothes at the playground. Seeing the money, they followed them all the way to look for opportunities. Finally, they took advantage of the chaos in the haunted house to stun the little boy and were about to take them to the train station near the train station. temporary shelter.

Unexpectedly, martial law was everywhere on the way back. The two took Gu Shaoyuan to and fro, and just after returning to the Dingjiang Hotel, the police came to the door.

The loot was stolen on the spot!

This is what they deserve to be unlucky...

062. A small Chief Secretary, too subservient

"Take the person away, go back and interrogate to see if there are any accomplices!"

"Close the team and close the team, notify everyone to close the team!!"

"Xiaohan, send the child to Boyang Hospital and give me a good check to make sure there will be no problems!"

"No, no, I\'ll go there myself!!"

After some orders, the human trafficking case was quickly closed.

The two suspects were taken back to the General Administration of Home Affairs.

What greets them will be the sanction of the law!

Gu Yutang, accompanied by Zhu Han, took Gu Shaoyuan to Boyang Hospital to check his body.

Apart from being a little frightened and having his head shaved, the little guy was fine.

After confirming again and again that there is no omission.

Only then did Gu Yutang call the head of the Gu family, his cousin Gu Wenkang, to announce the good news and say:

"Hey, brother, my nephew has been found. I am now accompanying him for a physical examination at Boyang Hospital."

"Found it? Really? Great..."

"Great, great, Yuan\'er found it!"

"Dad, Shao Yuan found it..."

The background voice of the phone was very noisy, but Gu Yutang couldn\'t help but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, Gu Shaoyuan is missing, and the core characters of the Gu family are all here!

He Gu Yutang finally showed his face in front of everyone in the Gu family! !

"Cousin, don\'t you know that your sister-in-law was so anxious that she almost fainted...

I really don\'t know how to thank you! ! "

Less than fifteen minutes after hanging up the phone, a group of Gu family members rushed to Boyang Hospital.

Gu Wenkang took his cousin\'s hand, and his old eyes were filled with gratitude.

"Brother, what are you talking about? Everyone is a family. I\'m worried if Yuan\'er is lost!"

Gu Yutang suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and said sternly with a little emotion: "I mobilized the city\'s police force, and contacted the traffic department, which blocked the 15 kilometers around Wise Paradise..."

"I also personally led people to search many small hotels, because as soon as I heard the news, I concluded that my nephew must have been abducted, and these traffickers usually prefer to hide in such cheap small hotels. Fortunately, It took me a full five hours to finally find Shao Yuan in the small hotel behind the train station."

"He doesn\'t have any other injuries except for being a little frightened now. I have sent someone to send him to Boyang Hospital, don\'t worry!"

Gu Yutang\'s remarks seem to be in the process of reporting the incident, but in fact they are all taking credit to Gu Wenkang!

Xiao Junlin has created such a good opportunity for him. If he doesn\'t know how to seize this opportunity and strive to climb up, then he might as well find a tree with a crooked neck and hang it as soon as possible!

And listening to his brother\'s report, Gu Wenkang was also grateful.

In order to find his son, his younger brother, who has little contact with him on weekdays, was able to dispatch such a large police force, and even temporarily dispatched personnel from other departments...

How much pressure does this have to bear? !

He\'s just a little Chief Secretary, he\'s too talented...

Gu Wenkang took a deep breath and said seriously after a while:

"Yutang, thank you!

The old man asked you to go home for a light meal tonight, so you can go back with us in a while? "

"Fine, fine..."

"Ah, no... I, I have other work to do...

I, I must be there before dinner! "

Gu Yutang said with a trembling voice.

He almost couldn\'t help agreeing, but his reason told him that he must refuse first...

It\'s not that he\'s putting on airs, but that the character that he finally erected in the hearts of the Gu family must be held firmly!

He is a man of integrity and meticulous approach to his work.

This is not only to deepen the impression among the Gu family, but also to gain the initiative in handling Xiao Yi\'s case in the future!

"Then brother and sister-in-law, since you have already come, I won\'t disturb you here."

Gu Yutang said with a smile: "I still have a lot of things to deal with in my office, and I will definitely come before dinner time!"

Gu Wenkang thanked him again, nodded and said: "My cousin has this heart, I am very pleased to be a brother!

Work is urgent, you hurry back to work! "

"Today\'s dinner, we will wait for you to come before we have dinner!"

"OK then……"

Gu Yutang pondered for a moment as it was difficult, and then reluctantly agreed.

After chatting with the Gu family for a while, Gu Yutang turned and left with Zhu Han.