Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 65:

"Don\'t worry!"

Gu Yutang thought for a while and said: "The news may be wrong, let them not act rashly.

Um... Let\'s arrange for everyone to eat first! "

Gu Yutang now has some regrets.

But the net has been cast out, and if he gave up like this at the last moment, how could he be reconciled?

Just as Xiao Junlin said, this is really his last hope to jump into the inner hall of the ancient family!

"Xiao Dong, Xiao Dong, you must not play with me..."

"As long as you help me step up to the sky, I will definitely repay you in the future!!"

Gu Yutang was anxiously sitting at his desk and waiting for the phone, while whispering in secret.



Dijiang Huaisi Paradise.

Two Mercedes-Benz SUVs parked at the entrance of the park.

The door opened, and a very sweet-looking little girl, about sixteen or seventeen years old, came down first.

The little girl got out of the car, followed by a four- or five-year-old boy who jumped out.

The two children held hands and rushed into the playground without waiting for the bodyguards behind them to arrive.

These two are naturally the descendants of the younger generation of the main line of the Gu family.

The girl\'s name is Gu Lingchu, and she is currently a high school student at the No. 3 Middle School in Dijiang City.

The boy\'s name is Gu Shaoyuan, and he is still in preschool.

Gu Lingchu had a rare holiday today, and her younger brother kept chanting about coming to the amusement park. She couldn\'t resist it, so she had to come with her.

Of course, before they set off, the Gu family had installed various protections around the paradise.

Not only are there several babysitters on the surface, but there are also dozens of bodyguards buried in the dark...

Security measures are very tight.

In terms of travel style alone, Xiao Junlin, the chairman of the board with a net worth of tens of billions, is incomparable!

They didn\'t worry about their safety at all, they ran and screamed along the way, and they had a lot of fun...

"Sister, let\'s go to the roller coaster, shall we?"

"Ah? That\'s too high, I dare not play..."

"Then let\'s play pirate ship?"

"Don\'t go, don\'t go!!"

"Hey, there\'s a haunted house there, let\'s go to a haunted house?"

"You dare?"

"What\'s not to dare?"

The siblings giggled and fought each other all the way.

Without waiting for the nanny entourage behind him to follow, he ran straight to the haunted house, screaming and cheering again along the way.

After a few minutes.

Gu Ling walked out of the haunted house with no end in sight.

It\'s just that when she looked at the child she was holding in her hand, she was instantly stunned...

Because what she is holding now is actually a little girl!

And her brother Gu Shaoyuan has long since disappeared!

In the haunted house, the lights were dark and it was a mess, and she pulled the wrong person in a hurry...

"Where\'s my brother? Where\'s my brother?!"

"Where\'s Shao Yuan? Where\'s Shao Yuan? Little sister, why am I pulling you?!"

"No! Shao Yuan is gone..."

"Look, find someone quickly!!"

Gu Lingchu was so anxious that he burst into tears on the spot.

The nannies and bodyguards present were also frightened and pale!

Everyone dispersed in a hurry and began to look for Gu Shaoyuan\'s trace, but he seemed to have evaporated from the world, no matter how much he looked, he couldn\'t find it...

"Hurry up and find someone!"

"Quick, block the entire playground, check the surveillance for me, go! Go!!"

"Call home, call the police, and call the police by the way!!"

Gu Lingchu was almost crazy, and kept roaring in the center of the park.

Gu Shaoyuan\'s disappearance is a great event!

No one knows her younger brother\'s status in the family better than her...

If no one is found today, then everyone present will be unlucky! !

This is no joke...

If something happened to the only seedling of the Gu family, then everyone should not even think about living!

"Find it, find it for me!"

"Go find it, what are you doing?"

"Ah, hurry up and call my uncle, he is from the Dijiang Administrative Secretary!"

In the playground, as soon as dozens of black-clothed men appeared, the scene quickly became chaotic...