Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 355:

After Xiao Junlin arranged all the things at hand, everyone went straight to Shangjing according to the original plan.

Along with Xiao Junlin this time, in addition to Xu Junjie and Xu Jingci, there are Meng Caixuan\'s family, as well as Zhu Han, Ye Yu, Xing Chou and others.

Coupled with the accompanying bodyguards arranged by the big bosses, the size of the entire team directly exceeds 200 people!

Xiao Junlin was planning to directly charter a plane, but Xu Junjie silently showed his wrist.

He directly waved a medium-sized private jet, and easily loaded everyone into it!

Tianhai Airport!

After Xiao Junlin boarded the plane, he couldn\'t help but secretly speak.

This is the true heritage of the big family!

It is simply not comparable to ordinary upstarts.

"Our Xu family invested in an airline back then. For the convenience of travel, we raised some large and small private jets."

"Brother Xiao, if you like it, I\'ll transfer two planes to your name, and I\'ll give you a professional crew."

Xu Junjie and Xiao Junlin walked side by side. Seeing the surprise in Xiao Junlin\'s eyes, he waved his hand very proudly.

The opening is two private jets.

This handwriting is really big enough!

Private jets are not bad, you can buy them with money!

The next order is actually only tens of millions of yuan, but the later maintenance and daily maintenance are the real big deal, and it is quite troublesome! !

Not only do you have to be affiliated with the airline, but you have to buy it from the airline for daily maintenance and upkeep, and even if you want to use it, you have to ask them to rent manpower...

But with the crew it\'s completely different!

This is also the difference between a wealthy family and an ordinary local boss.

People don\'t even need to show off their cars and houses, or even show off their wealth.

More of their trips are directly by plane!


Xiao Junlin glanced at Xu Junjie in surprise, and smiled wryly: "Brother Xu, will you forgive me? The plane is played by your big family. I am alone and can\'t fly twice a year. What are you doing? It\'s too much trouble..."

"No trouble, no trouble!"

"Brother Xiao, my Xu family will pack all of these miscellaneous things for you!" Xu Junjie laughed and said, "When do you need to use the plane, a phone call is enough. Usually, you don\'t need to worry about anything!"

"Huh? Let\'s talk about it then..."

Xu Junjie said this, and Xiao Junlin couldn\'t say anything about refusal.

He could only change the subject casually and ask, "When will the plane take off?"

Ye Yu glanced at the time and replied, "According to the original plan, there are still five minutes, and the airport channel should be dredging now, right? It should be very soon, uncle.

In short, we should be able to arrive at Shangjing Airport by noon. "

"it is good."

Xiao Junlin nodded and began to close his eyes to rest.

Several flight attendants pushed the carts through the cabin aisles, providing everyone with drinks and food.

And Zhu Han, Xu Jingci, Ye Yu, Meng Caixuan and other girls also got together and started talking about the little girl\'s daily routine.

But wait left and right.

Half an hour has passed, but still did not wait for the plane to take off, and even the roar of the plane\'s engine could not cover up the noise that came from nowhere.

Xiao Junlin frowned and glanced out through the small window of the cabin.

From his point of view.

I can just see below an ordinary passenger plane not far away, a large number of passengers are gathering and making a noise, it seems that something major has happened!


Xiao Junlin stared at it for a while, and suddenly made a noise!

330. One of the Iron Triangle, Guo Jingming appeared

Xiao Junlin\'s eyes wandered among the crowd.

Finally, it landed on a young man with a computer bag on the periphery.

He was about 20 years old, wearing a plaid shirt for programmers, and a hooded vest on the outside, and the glasses on the bridge of his nose were so thick that even Xiao Junlin could see it clearly!

He stood at the outer edge of the crowd, shrugged his shoulders, did not dare to look directly at the other passengers around him, his cowardly character was evident!

At first glance, he will give people a very strange feeling, plus his height is much shorter than the people around him, from a distance he looks like a child!

Gnome shape...

Thick lenses...

cowardly character...

This is not a normal person!

And after Xiao Junlin was attracted by him, he couldn\'t take his eyes away!

Because he suddenly remembered someone!

In the original book, Ye Tiance is a peerless **** of war, and he is also the king of super mercenaries who dominate the entire overseas battlefield.

But after he returned to the city, he broke away from the life of licking blood with the tip of a knife, and he also exposed his biggest flaw...

He will not make money.


A generation of God of War will not make money!

Dragon Country is the safest country in the world, no one.

If he can\'t get in with the overseas set, it means that he has to start from scratch, isn\'t it just useless? So, with a big wave of Ye Tiance\'s hand, after completely nibbling off the Meng family\'s power, he decisively found three big confidants in Shangjing!