Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 356:

The first confidant, Guo Jingming.

This person is extremely good at technology research and development, software technology and other technologies in the world\'s top!

The second confidant, Fang Wenlun.

Same as Geng Ruizhi.

Fang Wenlun is also a business prodigy, with sharp methods and a general demeanor!

The most important thing is Fang Wenlun...

Heartless! !

As for the last member of the Iron Triangle, a woman named Ping Mengxia was a lawyer and one of Ye Tiance\'s many lovers.

The three members of the Iron Triangle are all first-class peerless talents, and I don’t know if it’s because they are all tool people prepared by the author of the critique for the protagonist. In short, they all have a very attractive feature.

After they were subdued, they were all loyal and devoted to Ye Tiance, who built a great business empire for Ye Tiance, which was the best help!

And they should all be in Beijing originally!

The main purpose of Xiao Junlin\'s visit to Beijing this time was to prepare to subdue them and expand his business territory by the way.

But he never thought of it!

Even before he started, Guo Jingming, who was in charge of software research and development, ran up to him by himself! ?

Guo Jingming suffered from poliomyelitis when he was a child, and his appearance was different from ordinary people, which led to his cowardly and inferiority.

Until Ye Tiance excavated him, no one knew...

Guo Jingming is actually a super hacker with very tyrannical computer skills, and he is also an industry leader in software development!

And this top talent...

It was what Xiao Junlin lacked the most at this time! !

In the future, he plans to develop all the hundreds of billions of software such as prestige, vibrato, red and blue takeaways, and buckles, as well as core chips, etc., to build his own super business empire!

And although Xiao Junlin himself is also a world-class super hacker, he is the chairman of the board, and it is a waste of time not to mention the price of research and development.

This time!

Talents like Guo Jingming are particularly important...


"God help me too!"

"Stop, stop, suspend takeoff, open the door, I have something to go down."

Xiao Junlin didn\'t even think about it, he got up and called a flight attendant. He ordered and walked towards the cabin door.

His move immediately made everyone stunned!

331. Whether to throw it away or not, make it clear

Xiao Junlin, what are you going to do?

Everyone had no idea what he was going to do.

It looks like the plane is about to take off!

Why is he going down all of a sudden?

But those who are familiar with him know that this guy will never aim at nothing, let alone cause trouble to others for no reason!

If he does this, it shows that there is indeed something that can make him care about now...

"Quick!" Xu Junjie commanded directly: "Do as Xiao Dong said, open the door!"

"Ah good!" The stewardess immediately complied.

They were originally raised by Xu Junjie. There are not so many rules for private jets. They can board whenever they want. Except that they have to report to the airport tower when they are ready to leave, there are basically no other requirements.

"Let\'s go down and have a look, too?"

"Well, let\'s see what Uncle is doing!"

Seeing that Xiao Junlin went down without looking back, Zhu Han and the other women looked at each other and chose to keep up.


After getting off the plane.

Xiao Junlin ran directly to Guo Jingming.

At this time, more passengers had gathered under the ordinary Boeing airliner.

The airliner seemed to be unable to fly for some reason, and the passengers were gathering to complain about the noise.

"What the **** is going on with a plane? I\'m rushing to Beijing to hold an international conference!

You said that if you don\'t fly, you won\'t fly. Can your airline pay for the loss? "

"That\'s right, grass! Who the **** can give us an explanation? All the planes went up and all got kicked down. What are you doing?"

"Where\'s the captain? Call your captain and tell us clearly!!"

"Fuck, it\'s so bad for your mother!"

The passengers roared in exasperation, and everyone was very excited.

"Don\'t get excited, don\'t get excited..."

"The plane is being temporarily overhauled, and there will be results soon. Would you please cooperate?"

While appeasing everyone, the crew members walked in the direction of Guo Jingming.

At this time, standing beside Guo Jingming was a middle-aged woman, a girl of the same age as Guo Jingming, and a little boy who looked to be in his early ten years.

They are Guo Jingming\'s mother, sister and his little nephew!

"This eldest sister!" After the lead flight attendant walked over, he frowned and asked, "Did you throw a handful of coins at the engine of the plane just before you got on the plane?"

"Engine? Coins? What?"

"I don\'t know what coins, and what kind of engine, don\'t try to frame me!!"