Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 354:

After all, before his younger brother, Dong Tiangong, really didn\'t have the ability to expand to Tiannan, and now he is honestly unable to protect himself.

But this guy!

How dare he come to Beijing with such a swagger!

This is simply courting death! !

He thought that when others jokingly called him the richest man in Tiannan, he could go wild everywhere?

328. The turmoil is brewing, driving the tiger to swallow the wolf

Go to Beijing!

An important central city and a comprehensive transportation hub in the southeastern region of Longguo!

Especially within the third ring...

Say without hesitation.

A single brick here can smash to death a few super bosses with sky-high backgrounds!

As far as Xiao Junlin\'s background in Tiannan Province is concerned, is he worthy of coming to Beijing to toss?

"Damn it! This guy is courting death?"

Dong Tiangong patted the table angrily and shouted, "He doesn\'t really think I dare not clean him up, right?"

"Master, you..."

Hearing what Dong Tiangong said, the old man in Tang suit said embarrassedly, "You really don\'t want to touch him."

"Xiao Junlin came back with the family head Xu and the others this time, and there may be Miss Zhu\'s family. I don\'t know how he did it, so he helped the family head Xu to find his biological daughter, and now it has become a direct result. The guests of the Xu family don\'t dare to provoke them at all!"


Dong Tiangong\'s anger rushed upward, and his mind was blank.


He has been coping with the suppression of his younger brother Dong Yuge, although he has always been calm on the surface, he has always looked like he has no temper...

In fact, his heart is still holding a sigh of relief!

Originally, when he heard the news that Xiao Junlin was coming to Beijing, he was ready to take a good look at Xiao Junlin, and let the breath out, and it was just enough to disgust Dong Yuge.

But he didn\'t expect it!

Xiao Junlin actually went straight to the Xu family\'s guest!

Is his backing so big?

"Yes! Young master..."

The old man in Tang suit reminded: "I have read all the information about this guy, he is really evil! Let\'s not provoke him, let\'s just wait and see what happens?"

"Wait for it to change? Haha!!"

Dong Tiangong sneered a little resentfully.

Do not provoke?

Wait and see what happens?


Just because he Xiao Junlin is the guest of Xu family?

It\'s just a local aboriginal!

There is a little money that makes him arrogant, scoff...

Dong Tiangong sneered disdainfully and said, "If you move him, he will definitely move, you don\'t need to persuade him!

I\'m not that stupid to end up wrestling with him in person. Didn\'t that stupid big guy from the Lu family always like Zhu Han? "

"I heard that Xiao Junlin soaked Zhu Han? Hahahaha... Now think about it, he is really not afraid of death!!"

"I heard that boy Lu Gaohan seems to be returning from the army? If he knew the news, what do you think he should be angry?

And with Lu Gaohan\'s fiery temper, he couldn\'t just pick up the skin of that Xiao Xiao? "

"You go and arrange and find an opportunity to leak the news to him directly. I don\'t believe he can hold back?"

Dong Tiangong talked triumphantly.

The old man in Tang suit listened and nodded again and again, and the old man\'s face was full of admiration and admiration.

"Is this the so-called exorcism?"

"Young master is brilliant..."

"This guy Lu Gaohan is not afraid of the sky and the earth. It was because of his fearless and ignorant character that the Lu family master gave him a frontier with a bite of his teeth!

But I think that the Lu family owner must not have expected that his stupid son not only did not restrain himself in the team, but his lawless personality became more and more serious, right? Hahaha……

If he knew about this, wouldn\'t he have to fry the pot on the spot? Besides, the Second Young Master would definitely not dare to intervene! "

After the old man finished speaking, Dong Tiangong shrugged his shoulders and sneered:

"I don\'t really care if the second child wants to intervene..."

He finished.

The two masters and servants burst out laughing!

In this small courtyard, a conspiracy is brewing!

This is what they don\'t know.

It\'s not just that they are eyeing Xiao Junlin, there are many people who are eyeing him secretly!

Although Xiao Junlin, the richest man in Tiannan, is not well-known, his background is not enough.

But before the others arrived, a turbulent undercurrent was already set off in Shangjing!

329. The difference between the rich and the local boss

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye.