Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 353:

Is to start busy with their own business.

After all, the time to go to Beijing is set in ten days, and he must explain everything here in Tiannan!

At this time, Xu Wanyue was expelled from the master\'s house, and the news that Xu Junjie welcomed back his biological daughter, like having grown wings, had already spread throughout Shangjing.

This made many big families in Shangjing secretly surprised, and they all couldn\'t help but look forward to it!

The Xu family had such a big change!

And the real daughter who was living abroad returned to the family, Xu Wanyue was expelled, all these things were crowded together, is it good or bad?


Shangjing First Ring Road.

Inside the top floor of a skyscraper.

Dong Yuge was lying on the sofa with a comfortable face, and several beauties were surrounding him, using all the soft parts of his body to give Dong Yuge the unique gentleness of women!

At this time.

A well-dressed middle-aged man walked in and said, "Second Young Master, the latest news!

The daughter of the Xu family will come back in ten days, and besides the family head of the Xu family, there is also Chairman Xiao! "


Dong Yuge\'s eyes lit up.

He doesn\'t care about the daughter of the Xu family at all!

But for Xiao Junlin, he is very concerned about it!

"Brother-in-law is coming too? What about my sister? Will my sister come?"

Dong Yuge asked curiously, "What is my brother-in-law coming to Beijing for this time? Is there any definite news?"


The man\'s face was embarrassed, and he said, "I haven\'t had time to check, but as soon as I received this news, I hurried over to report to you.

As for Miss Zhu Han, she should also come to take a look, right? However, her relationship with her family is relatively bad, and there are still ten days left...

Is it too early to talk about this now? "

"Oh also! I heard that Chairman Xiao is here to congratulate Mr. Xu on his birthday!

But everyone knows that he must have come to the platform for the daughter of the Xu family! "

"I heard that the relationship between Chairman Xiao and the daughter of the Xu family is not very ordinary...

This time, it was him who helped Xu Junjie find his beloved daughter who had been lost for more than ten years. The Xu family now regards him as a great benefactor! "

The middle-aged man talked eloquently, and the words he said immediately made Dong Yuge more interested.

After a long time.

When the middle-aged man talked about Xu Wanyue and Meng Ran\'s business.

Dong Yuge couldn\'t help laughing: "As expected of my brother-in-law, this method is really powerful!

Inexplicably, he has a relationship with the Xu family and Meng Jiala! "

"Get ready, let go of all my recent arrangements, and then arrange for me to eat, drink, and play...

My brother-in-law is going to Beijing, whoever dares to do something halfway, you just crush him to death, understand?

Be sure to say hello, but don\'t let my brother-in-law look down on me! "


The middle-aged man nodded in agreement and quickly went down to make arrangements.


South Third Ring Road.

A small independent courtyard with a huge area and a Chinese-style luxury pastoral decoration.

A 30-year-old man with gold-rimmed glasses and a calm and quiet temperament is sitting on a rocking chair drinking tea.

It\'s just that his face is gloomy, and his brows are always frowning together. Obviously, this period of time is not easy.

He is Dong Yuge\'s eldest brother, Dong Tiangong!

During the recent period of time, Dong Yuge has suppressed him very severely, causing him heavy losses in all aspects, and his power has been shrinking again and again.

Especially after the Mo family was completely destroyed, he directly lost the ability to expand externally.

But this Dong Tiangong is also a character!

Even after being suppressed like this, he was still able to keep his composure, and even calmly shrank all his strength in anticipation of the follow-up.

For a while, Dong Yuge really couldn\'t find a chance to overturn Dong Tiangong!

"Big boy."

The old man in Tang suit frowned and came to Huihui to report: "Xiao Junlin is coming to Beijing!"


Hear Xiao Junlin\'s name.

Dong Tiangong\'s previous calmness was suddenly broken...

A trace of fear flashed on his face, and there was a faint anger that was about to overflow!

Obviously, the name Xiao Junlin made him really fear and hate.

Although they have never met!

But he is so miserable now, isn\'t it because of Xiao Junlin\'s gift?

How can Dong Tiangong not be angry?

How does this make Dong Tiangong not popular?

It would be fine if Xiao Junlin had been huddled in Tiannan!