Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 3:

"I want to take a good look, who has the final say in this King\'s Landing Group!"

Starting from the villa area of ​​the world, and then to the central commercial city of Dijiang City.

For thirty-seven minutes, Xiao Junlin closed his eyes and fell asleep, recalling the plot of the original novel.

in the original.

Junlin Group is one of the six leading enterprises in Dijiang City.

There are countless industries involved, and the market value is as high as 50 to 60 billion.

That\'s it, in less than three years, the Shen family was able to devour it completely...

The Shen family not only infiltrated the Junlin Group seriously, but even used it as a springboard to threaten the other two business giants who were friends with Junlin.

All of this is because of my dog-licking son!

The more Xiao Junlin thought about it, the more angry he became. He couldn\'t understand why a hand that was sure to win would be smashed by him?

If you can\'t find a rich woman, you have to surround her with Shen Xiaoyu?

Simply shameful!

Xiao Junlin sighed helplessly.

Without a system reminder, he would also cut off the relationship with the sand sculpture son at the first time.

Only now, but not yet!

"Dong Xiao, the company is here."

Thinking about it, there was a sudden sound of the door opening in his ear.

Xiao Junlin turned his head, his eyes swept across Lao Yan\'s old face with a hint of joy, and fell behind him.

In front of the cornerstone engraved with the four characters "Jun\'s Landing Group", there are two rows of "thugs in suits" standing.

In a farther place, many passersby were looking in this direction with surprise, and there were faint voices of discussion:

"God, that\'s the director of security! He actually lined up in person, who is he greeting?"

"I don\'t know, but the man who just got off the Rolls-Royce looks familiar to me..."

"Where did this big man come from?"

"Hey? Familiar eyes!"

"Look at him, does he look like our chairman?!"


No one in the crowd said a word, and the discussion stopped abruptly.

Everyone was stunned to see this somewhat familiar figure, this is...

Chairman? !

Xiao Junlin got out of the car and walked towards the group building while quietly sorting his sleeves.

With every move, a powerful aura enveloped the audience, and the expressionless indifference on his face was suffocating...

003. Group meeting

"Xiao Dong, Xiao Dong, why didn\'t you notify me when you came?"

The supervisor of the gatehouse trotted over with a panic-stricken expression on his face, and his face was apprehensive at the same time.

"Is he really the chairman?"

Everyone woke up like a dream, and they all showed incredible colors.

"Isn\'t it that our chairman is not in good health and has been bedridden for many years?"

"Yes! And he should be nearly sixty years old, but he still looks like he is in his forties, ah... so handsome!"

"Wow—the charm of this **** mature man, I feel like I\'m dying!"

"Shhhhh! Don\'t be a nympho!"

"Hello, Chairman."


Xiao Junlin\'s expression softened a little, and he smiled back at everyone who said hello to him.

Don\'t be angry!

"Chairman, this time..."

The supervisor of the gatehouse stood beside him, bowed his head and said cowardly, "Is there any order?"

"Well, yes!" Xiao Junlin glanced at the audience and said lightly:

"Notify all shareholders of the group, department managers and above, that there will be a meeting in the top-floor conference room in fifteen minutes!"

He just finished speaking, and without waiting for other people to react, he directly took the security department and his party to the elevator.

Everyone in the lobby looked at each other.

Call shareholders, managers...meetings?

What is this for!

The arrival of Xiao Junlin is like casting a stone on the otherwise calm lake... No, a meteorite!

While arousing the thousand-layer giant waves, it also made many people secretly vigilant.

No one knows what he\'s up to, but it\'s always good to be prepared...

Looking at the people with different faces, the head of the gatehouse turned cold and shouted, "Didn\'t you hear what the chairman said? Why are you standing here stupidly, why don\'t you go quickly?!"

ten minutes later.

In the conference room on the top floor of the Junlin Group, which can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time.

Dozens of senior executives of the group and members of the board of directors, large and small, are basically present, even those who are on business trips, and they have also made video connections at the first time.