Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 2:

Because this Xiaobai Shuangwen is being pursued recently, he is very impressed.

It\'s just that the more familiar he is with the plot, the more depressed he is...

Just then, the door of the room opened.

Xiao Junlin turned his head blankly, and saw an old man in Tang suit standing at the door with a dinner plate in a daze.

There is no doubt that the person who can come here at this time is Shengquan, the general manager of the Xiao family.


Standing outside the door, Shengquan was both surprised and delighted, and couldn\'t help but shout with a trembling voice.

Seeing Shengquan like this, Xiao Junlin also sighed in his heart.

If only his body could be better...

That\'s not to say, I\'ll definitely catch this unfortunate child and beat him first.

It\'s better to just break the leg!

Let him not get out of the house and cause trouble.

Based on his position in Dijiang City, even if he can\'t make a comeback, if he wants to keep his shouldn\'t be a big problem.

it\'s the body...

He couldn\'t help but feel even more angry when he thought that he would hand over to others before he could enjoy the rich life.

"Ding! Detected that the host\'s resentment was uneasy, and the \'Destiny Villain System\' was activated."

"The host please choose the current main quest by yourself."

"One: Take the initiative to show favor to the protagonist and present the King\'s Landing Group, and you will receive a lifespan 5 reward."

002. Destiny villain system

"Two: Continue to let your son\'s mindless behavior go, and you will get a reward of physical recovery and 10 life expectancy."

"Three: scolding the licking dog son and severing the father-son relationship with him, you will get your body back to a 40-year-old state, a life expectancy of 30, and a god-level business investment skill reward."

The crisp prompt sound started and ended, and Xiao Junlin was stunned on the spot.

a long time.


Xiao Junlin took a deep breath.

If it weren\'t for the three text option boxes floating in front of him, he would have thought it was an illusion just now!


"Three options, is this still a choice??"

Thunder broke out in Xiao Junlin\'s mind.

What\'s the difference between letting your son\'s mindless behavior and surrendering himself to the King\'s Landing Group?

Of course, it\'s three choices, so there\'s no need to hesitate?

The system is also worthy of being a system.

Restoring his health is only a matter of a moment. The moment he made his choice, Xiao Junlin immediately felt that his body was full of vitality.

Too bad he\'s only forty years old...


With the sound of the food tray falling to the ground, Shengquan\'s slightly vicissitudes of voice call brought Xiao Junlin back to reality.

"Master, Master, you... how are you..."

Shengquan rubbed his old eyes in disbelief and said in shock.

Xiao Junlin saw the concern and shock in his eyes, took a deep breath and said, "Help me up!"


Hearing this angry voice, Shengquan had a lot of doubts in his heart.

Just now, he still looked like he was about to die. How could he become alive again in a blink of an eye? ?

Is it...

"I\'m fine."

Xiao Junlin waved his hand fiercely and said helplessly:

"You heard what that stinky boy said just now. If I can\'t get up again, should I lie down and wait to die? Besides, I\'m not sick at all!"

Hearing this, Shengquan sighed in relief, and said to himself, "It turns out that the master was really pretending before! Then this should be the assessment of the young master? It\'s okay..."

Thinking about it, he hesitated for a while and asked, "Then, sir... What are you going to do with the young master now?"

"Master, he\'s been getting more and more extreme recently. He\'s been around Miss Shen\'s family all day without saying a word, and even the Shen family\'s placement of people in the group...he can\'t even see it!"

"Not only that, but I also heard that he suppressed a lot of old employees of the group, which caused the whole group to be suffocated and panicked..."

"I have to pay attention to these things every day, my heart is really tight..."

In the face of this complaint from the general manager Shengquan, Xiao Junlin just kept sneering.

This familiar plot...

He already knows where it is now!

Immediately, Xiao Junlin broke away from the manager\'s hand, got up and walked out the door, saying as he walked:

"Call Lao Yan and let him pick me up downstairs in ten minutes!"

"Ah? You... where are you going?"

Shengquan stood beside the bed, the old face was full of helplessness.

"Of course it\'s the Junlin Group!"

"Humph!" Xiao Junlin snorted coldly while holding on to the door handle, without turning his head, he snorted: