Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 4:

Everyone lowered their voices and discussed in a low voice with the people they were familiar with, their eyes flicking from time to time over Xiao Dong, who was sitting in the first place and scrutinized the documents.

The disease that is deeply ingrained in everyone\'s hearts has been self-defeating.

The chairman, who has not been involved in company affairs for more than two years, is much better than two years ago in terms of mental state and physical function...

"Xiao Dong, the time is up."

A girl who looked like a secretary walked over cautiously, holding a folder, and reminded in a low voice.


Xiao Junlin nodded lightly, but his eyes were still on the document in his hand, and he did not lift his eyes.

The crowd did not dare to urge.

The short, fat, bald man sitting in the second seat was helpless and could only signal the girl with his eyes desperately:

"What exactly is written on it??"

The girl understood, stood on tiptoe and glanced secretly, her phoenix eyes widened...

Seeing her reaction, the hearts of most of the people present were instantly chilled.

At this moment, Xiao Junlin closed the document, raised his eyes and glanced at her lightly, and said indifferently:

"close the door."


The secretary escaped.

It was only then that Xiao Junlin turned his attention to everyone in the conference room.

Feeling his sight, many people lowered their heads quickly, their hearts were slightly empty, and they didn\'t dare to take a breath.

In the conference room, needles could be heard for a while.

"Uh... I said Lao Xiao, what are we... playing?!"

The bald man who had just signaled the female secretary with his eyes daringly stood up and tried to break the atmosphere, with an embarrassing smile on his fat face, and said:

"I heard Xiaoyi say that your physical condition has gotten worse these days. I plan to take time out to visit you in a few days, but I didn\'t expect you to come here in person... The rumors are indeed misleading, haha!"


Xiao Junlin glanced at Fatty lightly, his face neither happy nor sad.

This fat man\'s name is Zhang Wudi.

The second largest shareholder of Junlin Group is also the old brother of the original owner and a veteran of the group, holding 15% of the company\'s equity.

But he is not a good man.

Xiao Junlin, who is familiar with the plot, knows that this guy has hidden evil intentions for a long time.

According to the development of the plot in the book, what Zhang Wudi just said to take time to see him in a few days is also true!


But it was just to comfort him in the past.

While calling himself a brother and appeasing his company as usual and developing well, he allowed his dog-licking son to mess around in the group, and even prepared more than one hand for this, to seize power at the last moment.

It\'s a pity that he still couldn\'t defeat the Shen family camp where the protagonist of the original work was in the end, and his end was tragic.

But right now, these are irrelevant.

Let\'s just let him dance again, it\'s not time to clean him up now!

Thinking of this, Xiao Junlin\'s heart couldn\'t help but feel a little more confident.

Right now, he has all Wang Zhuang in his hands, and the opponent is playing a clear card.

In this case, if you want to lose...

how is this possible? !

"Now, as the chairman of Junlin Group, I will announce several resolutions of the board of directors. Please listen carefully!"

Xiao Junlin stood up, patted the document in his hand on the table, and said coldly:

"First, from now on, all positions of Xiao Yi, the executive president of Junlin Group, will be completely removed, all contracts and projects signed by him will be terminated, all the capital chains of Xiao Yi\'s companies will be interrupted, and all company and personal accounts related to him will be frozen!"

004. Do you have any objections?


"Is the chairman crazy?"

Dismissal of duties, termination of projects, interruption, freezing of all accounts...

This? !

Are you serious?

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other and talked in shock.

This is so unbelievable!

You must know that the chairman\'s wife has been dead for more than 20 years, and she has not seen Xiao Junlin continue.

There is only one biological son under his knees, the only legal heir.

As a result, I suddenly have to be dismissed from my position and freeze my account. What kind of trouble is this going to happen!

"I will announce the second..."

"and many more!"

Xiao Junlin was about to announce the second resolution when Zhang Wudi suddenly stood up and said:

"Brother, Xiao Yi is your own son, isn\'t it a bit...

Otherwise, let\'s think about it again? "

"Don\'t think about it!"

Xiao Junlin directly raised his hand to interrupt him, and said coldly: "I believe everyone has seen what Xiao Yi has done in recent years.